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Is deforestation or burning of fossil fuels a more major cause in global warming


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My geography essay is due tomorrow and google is being uncooperative :(


Thanks in advance

Edit : Fossil fuels used for transport and manufacturing

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I'll just make this brief.

I'd say deforestation is a more major cause.

As of 2010, there were more than 1 billion motor vehicles in use of the world. The amount of fossil fuels, e.g petrol, diesel, paraffin, used every single day is just a tremendous amount, that it exceeds past the point of equilibrium with the rate of photosynthesis / the production of oxygen. The thing is that if we didn't worry much about deforestation, then, carbon dioxide levels would greatly increase, because there would be a very low rate of photosynthesis happening. Plants are the main reasons why we are still alive, because they photosynthesise whilst we do the reverse and respirate. Trying to reduce the use of fossil fuels is a very hard job, which can cause many problems. However, overall, there still would be a constantly high amount of carbon dioxide being produced. The best way to counteract that would be to increase the rate of photosynthesis by reducing the amount of trees cut down and planting more, instead of requiring a major movement to immensely reduce the amount of vehicles, machines and technology that require the burning of fossil fuels that would be affecting us all.


Edit: Just make sure to throw in some facts, anecdotes, statistics.

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Both but deforestation is much more major because plants and trees are one of our supplies of oxygen. Without fossil fuels or any carbon dioxide, trees can't really live. So fossil fuels have less of an impact on global warming.

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Believe it or not, science has show that cow and mossil farts also contribute to global warming.


Also, for those don't know a lot about this subject: no, we humans are no polluting 100% of everything ever and are killing the earth yada yada, we are actually contributing a small bit, but big enough to bring the system out of balance. Gigatons upon gigatons of carbondioxide go into the air yearly by earth itself, but it also absorbs the same amount back. But because we also add 1 or 2 gigatons ourselves and don't absorb any, the sky gets more polluted.


And another thing you might say is "we're just releasing carbondioxide that has been stored in those seacreatures, in turn giving a less poluted sky, so we're now putting it all back in circulation". This is true, but it was all stored over the course of millenia, and we're exerting it in about 200 years, so yeah, stuff doesn't balance.

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I always think how people kind of miss the point: it shouldn't be "who caused it" - but "who can fix it".


Unless we have a way to actually stop vulcano's from errupting, it's kind of mood to complain that vucano's put more carbon dioxide in the air (<--- I don't know if that's true, but lets presume).

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deforestation is more important than fuels used for transport and manufacturing unless you take an immensely wide definition of manufacturing. Cattle is really bad, much more so than the other causes. And that is assuming man made global warming is a thing, and without taking volcanic ashes into calculation which depending on the study (scientists disagree) can be a much stronger source of pollution

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Using data.worldbank.org, the world currently has 262,950,000 sq. km of forests.

A recent study by NASA showed that about 2.5 billion tons of CO2 were being absorbed by vegetation per year.

262,950,000 sq km / 2,500,000,000 tons  === .10518 sq km/ 1 ton co2 absorbed


An estimated rate of deforestation is 52 thousand square miles per year == 134,679.38 sq km


Using the CO2 conversion factor, this means 1,280,465 tons of CO2 that could have been absorbed by forest have been not due to deforestation.


Im too lazy to have proper sigfigs, but whatever.

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Global warming is a myth designed to keep America from dealing with real issues like a nation $17 trillion dollars in debt to other countries.

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What a lot of people don't realize is that it's not the trees of the world that make most of our oxygen or convert the CO² . it's things like algea and kisses, single cell organisms that live because of the shade the trees provide. These single cells aren't getting roasted by the sun. Both are huge problems honestly. More people means more farms, more farms means more areas are burned or clear cut to make farms. Current farms honestly do very little other than provide nourishment. They grow a few crops.


Fossils fuela and live stock are major contributors to GW as well. Want to do your part other than biking around town,carpooling/public transits, using less electricity? Cut back on meat. Easier said than done but more people who do it less that is produced. One person won't make difference but its a start.



If this essay is your choice of a topic, you dun goofed. So many contributing factors to GW have fun.


On and ya dummy, don't star essays late like that. I barely passed highschool because I got lucky. I didn't do an essay that dropped my grade from 92% to 30%. I only passed because on gfot 99% on the midterm and100% on the final. teacher said if anyone gets at least a 90% on both they will pass no matter what.



Final edit: get your essay back yet?

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