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Strange Unusual weapon pricing poll. (in $$ not keys)

Sexiest Korean. Kappa!

What would the price of STRANGE unusual weapons be?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Factory new with matching effect.

  2. 2. Factory new without matching effect.

  3. 3. Min wear. With matching effects.

  4. 4. Min. Wear without matching effects.

  5. 5. Field Tested wtih matching effect.

  6. 6. Field tested without matching effect.

  7. 7. Battled Scarred with matching effect.

  8. 8. Battled Scarred without matching effect.

  9. 9. Tiers! How much would they add?

    • $400+ per tier
    • $200-400 Per tier
    • $100-200 Per tier
    • $>100 per tier
  10. 10. So.... If less than 200, then what?

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Now, a Lot of unusual and strange unusual weapons ends up in the scm. Just collecting some thoughts on how much y'all think they are worth in USD.

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Do you want to know what I think they're worth now, or in two months when they've plummeted?

Both is fine! feel free to comment it, but mostly looking for the Plummeted price!

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This poll is really awkward.  I don't see how it's going to answer anything, other than "how many people want them to be cheaper than they are."  Also, what is a "matching effect"?  How are you determining if the effect matches the weapon?


There's not enough strange unusuals out there yet to start guessing at prices.  The asking prices are all over the place right now... everything from 80 keys ($160 USD) to 1000 keys ($2000 USD).  And I doubt it will settle until after the event is over and no more can be unboxed.


With hats, you have a baseline to compare to.  Similar tiers, similar effects.  You can get an idea of what price they might be worth.


With weapons, this is all new territory.  There's nothing to compare to.  About all we know:


  • Primary weapons will be more expensive than secondary ones (eg, the weapon you use the most in game and thus have out to be seen the most)
  • Factory New will trend towards being the most expensive, but really... with as few strange unusuals that get unboxed, it's very possible to see NO Factory New for a particular combination to be unboxed at all.
  • Non-strange unusual weapons will bottom out worse than their strange counterparts, as they are way more common than strange unusuals and not in demand as much (due to not being strange obviously).
  • The strange unusuals will almost certainly be worth more than their strange festive and australium counterparts


The rest of it, we just don't know.  Way too many variables.  Wear.  Grade.  Skin.  Which unusual effect is "best."


They're probably going to remain as a case-by-case basis for quite some time.

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This poll is really awkward.  I don't see how it's going to answer anything, other than "how many people want them to be cheaper than they are."  Also, what is a "matching effect"?  How are you determining if the effect matches the weapon?


There's not enough strange unusuals out there yet to start guessing at prices.  The asking prices are all over the place right now... everything from 80 keys ($160 USD) to 1000 keys ($2000 USD).  And I doubt it will settle until after the event is over and no more can be unboxed.


With hats, you have a baseline to compare to.  Similar tiers, similar effects.  You can get an idea of what price they might be worth.


With weapons, this is all new territory.  There's nothing to compare to.  About all we know:


  • Primary weapons will be more expensive than secondary ones (eg, the weapon you use the most in game and thus have out to be seen the most)
  • Factory New will trend towards being the most expensive, but really... with as few strange unusuals that get unboxed, it's very possible to see NO Factory New for a particular combination to be unboxed at all.
  • Non-strange unusual weapons will bottom out worse than their strange counterparts, as they are way more common than strange unusuals and not in demand as much (due to not being strange obviously).
  • The strange unusuals will almost certainly be worth more than their strange festive and australium counterparts


The rest of it, we just don't know.  Way too many variables.  Wear.  Grade.  Skin.  Which unusual effect is "best."


They're probably going to remain as a case-by-case basis for quite some time.


It is purely for myself only. As I have some SCM funds and wanted to buy some strange unusual weapons, but since they are still rather new, I wanted to gather some opinions from other people.


As for Matching, it would be something like, Woodland warriors with Isotophe (Both green) etc. There was a Factory New Strange Woodland warriors with Isotophe that was unboxed which a Lot of high reputation traders are guessing for it to be sold somewhere along the line of 1000 keys.


So it sparked my interest as to which factors matter the most in strange unusual weapons, thus the pole.



It seems like, Matching effect > Wear > Tier > Skin. But if you could make a less awkward pole, please do so as this was, as you can see, rather rushed out.

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You'd have to break the poll up based on all the factors going into unusual weapons.  I think we can assume that almost anyone would be willing to buy something if it's super cheap and they think they can turn a profit on it.  It's unnecessary to ask that.


But asking if people are ONLY interested in stranges.  For example:


  1. "Would you buy a NON-STRANGE unusual weapon for your own enjoyment?"
  • Yes, I love them
  • Only if the price is right
  • Maybe, depends
  • Only if it's stupidly cheap
  • Never, they're pointless

And then for each quality, such as wear, effect, grade, etc for example:


  1. Which is the BEST wear for an unusual weapon?
  • Factory New
  • Minimal Wear
  • Field Tested
  • Well Worn
  • Battle Scarred
  • Doesn't matter or I don't care


  1. Which is the BEST unusual weapon effect?
  • Hot
  • Cool
  • Isotope
  • Energy Orb


  1. Do you care about the grade of an unusual weapon?
  • Yes, higher/rarer grade is more important than the skin
  • I'm only interested in the skin, not the grade


See, then once you get that info and have an idea what people want the most, you can ask pricing questions and cross reference that.


  1. How much would you be willing to pay for a NON-strange unusual weapon you really wanted for your own enjoyment (NOT for trading)?
  • $100 or less
  • $101-$200
  • $201-$300
  • $301-$400
  • $401-$600
  • $601-$999
  • $1000+

Then you'd be able to get a better grasp on what people are looking for, and what the popular combinations (based on poll results) could potentially be worth.


Of course, polls are very limited.  You're not going to get a statistically meaningful number, but it might give you some insight.  A really popular poll might have, what, 100-200 votes?  That's hardly anyone.  And if you post it here, it's mostly traders who are going to answer, and traders don't think like collectors or casual players.


But that's what I'd suggest.  Feel free to use the questions I tossed out if you want.

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You'd have to break the poll up based on all the factors going into unusual weapons.  I think we can assume that almost anyone would be willing to buy something if it's super cheap and they think they can turn a profit on it.  It's unnecessary to ask that.


But asking if people are ONLY interested in stranges.  For example:


  1. "Would you buy a NON-STRANGE unusual weapon for your own enjoyment?"
  • Yes, I love them
  • Only if the price is right
  • Maybe, depends
  • Only if it's stupidly cheap
  • Never, they're pointless

And then for each quality, such as wear, effect, grade, etc for example:


  1. Which is the BEST wear for an unusual weapon?
  • Factory New
  • Minimal Wear
  • Field Tested
  • Well Worn
  • Battle Scarred
  • Doesn't matter or I don't care


  1. Which is the BEST unusual weapon effect?
  • Hot
  • Cool
  • Isotope
  • Energy Orb


  1. Do you care about the grade of an unusual weapon?
  • Yes, higher/rarer grade is more important than the skin
  • I'm only interested in the skin, not the grade


See, then once you get that info and have an idea what people want the most, you can ask pricing questions and cross reference that.


  1. How much would you be willing to pay for a NON-strange unusual weapon you really wanted for your own enjoyment (NOT for trading)?
  • $100 or less
  • $101-$200
  • $201-$300
  • $301-$400
  • $401-$600
  • $601-$999
  • $1000+

Then you'd be able to get a better grasp on what people are looking for, and what the popular combinations (based on poll results) could potentially be worth.


Of course, polls are very limited.  You're not going to get a statistically meaningful number, but it might give you some insight.  A really popular poll might have, what, 100-200 votes?  That's hardly anyone.  And if you post it here, it's mostly traders who are going to answer, and traders don't think like collectors or casual players.


But that's what I'd suggest.  Feel free to use the questions I tossed out if you want.



I might make another poll asking those questions!

Thanks a lot man, I havent even thought of those questions before o-o

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