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Why exactly do people dislike 3rd gen unusuals

Wolf the Gent

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Everyone Here Is Wrong, Its Because Volvo Can't Count to 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but hey. I think that the Kill-a-watt and Terror-watt effects look fantastic on robo-hats. They really pull together nicely (Hell, even Nuts looks nice on robo hats). Miami Nights and C9 is definitely crap though. Disco beat down is pretty decent, I find that it's busy enough to see. (Pres. and Aces I thought were 2nd gen for a while, but they're really only nice when you have a good theme going.


Honestly, I've found second gen to have some nice complimentary stuff. Not the centerpiece, but a nice smoke or storm can carry another effect nicely. Although Valve please make burning more noticeable in the smoke. 

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We don't like them. Get it. That's our opinion and that's fine.

Speak for yourself Gent, not others.


Personally I don't mind C9, but the others are pretty bad.

Few exceptions in my opinion would be the "themed" hats, e.g. Aces High Hat of Cards, DP Hallmark, etc.

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Eh, personally, I feel like everyone hates them because everyone hates them. I see it as more of a bandwagon trend than actual hate for the effects



Because lets admit who would rather have disco beat down on their hat rather than some crappy flies, logos or confetti flying around it

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Because lets admit who would rather have disco beat down on their hat rather than some crappy flies, logos or confetti flying around it


I actually agree.  If we're talking about visibility and flash as a criteria, Miami and DBD are both more visible and flashy than some of the lower tier 1st gens and all of the second gens, save for maybe the weather effects.  

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I can understand why some people prefer to stay away from some particular effects, for personal tastes or trading issues,

but it should not be like, there is a good and a bad generation. 


Example : In my opinion, circling effects, ghosts, massed flies look really bad.

In the 3rd generation, only dead presidents looks bad / boring.

But some effects from the 1st generation are really awesome, like green/purple energies, burning/scorching flames.


I think it is not really relevant to say you don't like this generation or the other one.

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theres nothing to hate on 3rd gens if anything they are the best effects made by valve til day.


smokes steams planets weather nuts those are the real cancers in the looks.dead presidents are bad too.the rest of the 3rd gens are cool though .


it all comes down to taste.if someone prefer nuts over kill a watt.thats ok they probably have a bad taste in general.

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Because "back in the day" a real parallel universe was going on..


As soon as some third gen hats got priced (overvalued) (on bp.tf), people started trading third gen for third gen, updating prices and buyouts constantly "got offered 30 in unusuals".... but with zero connection to the first gen unusual market or earbuds.


Like some people had DBD All Class hats apparently worth 30+ buds but they couldn't even quicksell for 15 or trade for a 20 bud first gen all class, ever.


I think this is still in the heads of many traders today....


For example, a Kill-a-Watt Crone's Dome was valued at 20+ earbuds when buds were 25 keys... today it isn't even pulling 100 keys while first gen Crone's Dome still go for 700-2000 keys...

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Personally I like DBD, since it's the closest I'll ever get to having an effect that reminds me of cottoncandy (A sweet I love). But in regards to the other effects, although I don't mind them as much as most other traders do, I can't see myself getting them unless they specifically match a set I have. Which leads to my main problem with them; a majority of the 3rd gen effects don't match too well with most sets. In regards to flashiness, some of them are still quite noticeable; I actually had to trade my DBD barnstormer a year back because in comp I was always the enemy team's sniper fodder since they could see my effect across most maps. And in regards to some of them being too subtle, that's not really their problem either since most comp players (mainly snipers and medics) actually prefer the low invisibility effects since they can't afford to be flashy and a few of the 3rd gen effects help provide that.


Honestly, most of the distaste for them comes from the stigma they got went they flooded the market; people were just tired of seeing them everywhere.

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