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Item purchased, please ignore.


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I couldn't really figure out which subforum to post this in, so I decided to post it here. I cleared it with a mod, so this shouldn't be a problem. Without further ado,



I want to buy this keyboard for CS:GO keys. I'm thinking 65, but the price is negotiable. 65 would be valuing my keys at approximately 1.90 USD, which they're all easily worth over 2 dollars, so there is a good margin of profit for you.



All you have to do is buy the item and have it shipped to my home address. After I've seen the invoice and I'm reasonably sure I'm not being scammed, I will give you the CS:GO keys. If I were to back out, you would still be able to cancel the order at that point, so there is no loss. 




Add me on steam to talk terms :D



Note: For people on the forums, unless I've known you personally for a while, or you've been around for a while and have at least 500 posts, I'm going to have to wait until the item arrives before paying you. Just a precaution. Unless you have boatloads of paypal rep, then I would be willing to trust you. I just don't want to get scammed.








Bought the item, thanks for reading.

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Wouldn't it be easier to find a person selling amazon gift cards for keys?

Never occurred to me, holy crap


I'll stick with this unless I find a person with a gift card for the exact amount I want though.

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Are you in the usa?If you are maybe we can negotiate a deal ;3(canada works too ;3)

I am in the USA, but you've got relatively little rep and you're new to the forums, so I would want to wait until the piano got here to send the keys :l

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I'm pretty sure you can buy stuff from amazon with PayPal, you can in England anyways

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