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Under Armour shirt design sparks controversy: Your thoughts?


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Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/2095574/band-of-ballers/


Recently, the clothing company "Under Armour" had released a shirt that had caused some controversy. It depicted a group of basketball players in the same position as the Marines at the battle of Iwo Jima were, except putting up a basketball hoop instead of the american flag.




Not long after it was put up, Under Armour removed the shirt and all "related shirts". They put out a public apology and pledged to be more careful in the future.


So, thoughts? Is the shirt offensive or simply referencing one of the biggest battles in American history?

Was Under Armour wronged in being forced to apologize, or did they not have to?

What are your thoughts in general on the shirt/situation?


Personally, I feel that the shirt is not offensive, and simply paying homage to an event (not to mention the image has been changed, "parodied" countless other times) however, as someone who has never served or will serve in a military service, my view may be skewed. Even so, after viewing an extensive comment thread on FB, I've seen quite a few vets that aren't offended, especially Marines.


I will ask my father (4 year Marine vet) about the shirt in the future (11:00 at night at the time of posting), and see his opinion.


UPDATE: My father had no issues with the shirt. Believe it or not, he actually liked it.


Also, please keep posts civil. I truly want to see other people's opinions on this matter.

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The most offensive thing it did was depict them wearing snapbacks. Nothing anti patriotic in there.

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That picture has been homaged and referenced countless times. Here's a list, even. Obviously the context of it means that political and militaristic overtones are implied by its use, but it is just as often used for visual effect with no symbolism attached.


In my experience, veterans are way more supportive of free speech than most other groups; we were discussing flag burning in a political science course and both the veterans present didn't have a problem with it (none of the class did, though, so possible selection bias there).


It may not be tasteful to have basketballers or Halo marines copy the pose, but so what? Free speech is not dependent on taste or intent.

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Sounds like people just want to be mad at something to vent out their own personal life, which may not be good.

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Oh look. People on Twitter/Social Media in general get offended. In other news, fire is in fact hot.

The shirt is cool. I think those soldiers would have laughed at all the craziness that their pose inspired.


Except for that funny little thing about how the picture itself is fake (They had them re-enact it after the fact. If I recall, one of them wasn't even a soldier- that could be incorrect).

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The real problem comes from the fact it just looks downright ugly.


I don't think it needed to be pulled, and getting so sensitive over it is just silly, but if you're going to complain at least just complain about it being ugly.

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Being forced to apologise? For what? I just can't get it. It's like that dumb story when my lovely headphone mark Cocaine dropped like 3x time in price and has been forced to rename in Caine, but even dumber.

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I think the drawing is pretty nice and is not aimed to hurt someone,

but refers to some patriotic feeling which is used it to generate a similar one to basketball.

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Oh hey a bunch of people that most likely had absolutely nothing to do with the actual photo got really upset because they have nothing better to do with their lives. If all these people could just shut up that would be great. If they do not like this shirt they should just not purchase it and move on with their meaningless lives.


Some things in life are worth getting upset about and most things are not. If tumblr and twitter could understand that the places would be infinitely better. The way they are currently they are a tremendous waste if time and space

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I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said

It's a good symbol. The flag being raised symbolizes victory and is positive in nature

Shame it has to be degraded by others because they wanted to slap a skin on it, like numerous others have before

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People find a shirt reinacting a heroic historic event offensive yet they find no problem with this.


Upon a little inspection it appears that company existed before 9/11. Nothing wrong with it, looks like they started in NYC and likely just got their names from the towers.


Saw this being sold at a WW1/2 re-enactment the other day:


Okay that's kinda funny actually. As a history nerd these kinds of jokes are pretty amusing.

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Saw this being sold at a WW1/2 re-enactment the other day:


If this can be sold, then the first one can be.

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If this can be sold, then the first one can be.


Meh, people will always find a thing to bitch about


muh symbols

muh veterans


And it's a shame the company said sorry, I would've laughed my ass off if they simply said: No, fuck off.

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None of you seem to understand freedom of speech. Under Armor has every legal right to make this shirt and sell it, and people have every legal right to find the shirt insensitive and boycott the company. Simple as that.

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