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The impact of matchmaking on the economy, and tf2.

Mike Hawk

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IMO One of two things will happen.

One - Matchmaking will breathe new life into tf2, and the economy as well as player base will grow tremendously. 


Two - Matchmaking, whatever. 


I personally think matchmaking will actually harm the economy. More players will play tf2, however that's both the positive and negative.

More people will play tf2. Less people will pay attention to the economy when the game has (arguably) gotten significantly better.


"whats the difference between this and cs:go though?" 


Basically tf2's economy is WAAAYYYYY more moderated then CS:GO's. You can cash back a purchase on a knife, or give some one $3 in skins for their $120 knife and no one will really care. In tf2, the tools necessary to trade will immediately punish you if you screw up, and will make people feel less inclined to trade with you if you're "marked" 


Also there's the fact a lot of people simply like CS:GO more than tf2. (They're crazy IMO) The CODfags that want something new try out another pretty generic FPS, and like it. inb4 butt hurt cs:go fans


tl;dr Matchmaking probably won't help the game much, especially the economy. 



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matchmaking will make tf2 bigger than it needs to be. I don't want it to be to the point where it's pretty much impossible to sell anything because there are so many people just flooding into trading sites.

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I find that it will never happen. Even if it did, I'd rather not join.


Csgo matchmaking is already fucked up with hackers and people that whine when there are better players. I'd rather not have tf2 be like that.


tf2 was made to be fun. Not a competitive shithole like csgo, but I like csgo. So dont take my word for that.

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I find that it will never happen. Even if it did, I'd rather not join.


Csgo matchmaking is already fucked up with hackers and people that whine when there are better players. I'd rather not have tf2 be like that.


tf2 was made to be fun. Not a competitive shithole like csgo, but I like csgo. So dont take my word for that.

tf2 matchmaking was confirmed


Also, I Personally think it'll help tf2 and the eco.. not harm it

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tf2 matchmaking was confirmed


Also, I Personally think it'll help tf2 and the eco.. not harm it

I have doubts on what I said, but matchmaking in tf2 just gives me a bad feeling. Tf2 was never competitive to start. I like it being casual as it is.
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I have doubts on what I said, but matchmaking in tf2 just gives me a bad feeling. Tf2 was never competitive to start. I like it being casual as it is.

I doubt competitive will be like the CSGO comp environment with screaming russians and getting called a hacker, it will be like tf2 with more even matches and fewer AFKs and friendly heavies, which would be a big improvement from the current system

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I doubt competitive will be like the CSGO comp environment with screaming russians and getting called a hacker, it will be like tf2 with more even matches and fewer AFKs and friendly heavies, which would be a big improvement from the current system

I like that, just pls, no friendly heavies on my team

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Valve is going to inevitably monetize this matchmaking update, anyway - they did it with EotL, they did it with MvM, they have a history with this stuff. I don't hope that happens, but it just seems like that'll happen.

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Valve is going to inevitably monetize this matchmaking update, anyway - they did it with EotL, they did it with MvM, they have a history with this stuff. I don't hope that happens, but it just seems like that'll happen.

There will be riots lmao

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As a comp player and somebody who isnt big on trading, Im very excited to see what matchmaking will do for Tf2 and the competitive community. I just hope Valve doesnt ruin everything and make the matchmaking system garbage 

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Basically tf2's economy is WAAAYYYYY more moderated then CS:GO's. You can cash back a purchase on a knife, or give some one $3 in skins for their $120 knife and no one will really care. In tf2, the tools necessary to trade will immediately punish you if you screw up, and will make people feel less inclined to trade with you if you're "marked" 

I don't really understand what you're trying to say here.


Will the econ and matchmaking have some sort of connection? I don't get what you mean. sry

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I don't really understand what you're trying to say here.


Will the econ and matchmaking have some sort of connection? I don't get what you mean. sry

I think he was just pointing out that cs:go isnt big just cause it has matchmaking, but also because there arent people running around yelling shark whenever you buy something(don't know cause I don't play cs:go, but thats what i got out of that paragraph)

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probably will bring people who swapped over to cs:go back, but i doubt it will bring in a ton of new players

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I've always said that the current problem with trading is that there are far less people out there who trade because they enjoy playing the game and want to own cool items, and far too many people who trade for profit and haven't even booted up TF2 in weeks.   Matchmaking MAY breath new life into the game and get more people seriously interested which should theoretically also reinvigorate the economy.   That's assuming matchmaking actually works....

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I think he was just pointing out that cs:go isnt big just cause it has matchmaking, but also because there arent people running around yelling shark whenever you buy something(don't know cause I don't play cs:go, but thats what i got out of that paragraph)

After rereading that paragraph a couple time, it made sense to me. Thanks.


The only real reason people don't care about csgo sharking is because the price is literally right in front of you when you trade csgo items and when in tf2 you have to go to a 3rd party site to see how much your item is worth. It's very understandable why people straight up say it's your own fault if you get sharked. Tf2 is a whole different story ofc because a newbie wouldn't know.

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