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I have to do Powerpoint Presentation about TF2 economy - anyone can help?

Midget In Bikini

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I also mentioned the issue of incoming market crash because of raising key price (it rises because there is more metal than keys, making them more valuable, right?).

I have no idea why people get this idea. Keys have always been the EXACT SAME PRICE SINCE THE GAME HAS BEEN RELEASED. There are some individual sellers who sell via paypal for less (normally about $2 or so but thats besides the point). If you don't want to look dumb, don't talk about key prices. If you want to attempt to look smart, say metal is always being created and is theoretically unlimited and only require playing the game. Keys are also theoretically unlimited, HOWEVER they can only be created by paying $2.49 at Mann Co. This means that there is a buyin barrier that makes keys keep a solid value being between $2 - $2.49. You can exchange keys for metal at changing rates since metal value fluctuates as people play the game.


When a crash DOES happen, which it will inevitably will with all markets, keys will not be the cause, but the last true unit of value since everything in TF2 has a price based on keys or metal (which is also based on keys).

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About making money, you can also talk of people that record videos for their youtube channel and get paid for the traffic they generate.

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​Keys actually don't have a predefined value. While they cost $2.49 from the mannco store, they are not actually DIRECTLY linked to the dollar. The stability of the key depends on supply and demand. One of the concerns seems to be that the player base in TF2 is dying out, so it is only logical that people would assume that all items in the game are depreciating in value. The simple fact that paypal prices for keys are around 60 cents less than mannco prices is a testimate to the fact that they are not directly linked to the dollar and can lose value in the future. While they are relatively stable relative to the tf2 economy, there is no saying that they will not lose value if specialty crates become the new norm.

Lmao. The reason keys are less in paypal then in mann co store is because steam money =/= real money. You can't take out steam wallet funds, only add them. And guess what? There is still tons of demand for keys. I started paypal trading a few weeks ago, selling keys at $1.80. I've raised to $1.95 to still be one of the cheapest sellers. 


Even without paypal they are linked to the dollar. People sell them and buy hundreds on the scm everyday. 

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I mean if he's not in high school he'd presumably be in college which would make this even more bizarre. Unless he's in middle school?

I can understand this to the extent that it's a decent simulation of a real world economy, with rising and falling prices, currency, people trying to steal your hard earned money, etc. But yeah, this is weird. I would only expect this from an Economics class or debate class teaching you to make presentations on any subject.


But yeah, if you're not very good with TF2 trading, then no, this isn't the project for you. 

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