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Opinion on quick buyers

Puddkingkip's Selfie

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Whadya think about quick buyers? 

Some people think that they're scumbags that wanna get good stuff for a scam price

others, not so much


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I'm okay with the people who are like "these are my prices send me a trade offer okay bye"

But people who are like "DONT ADD ME QUICKBUYING EVERYTHING FOR 99% OFF DONT ADD ME DONT ADD ME DONT ADD ME I PAY 4 KEYS MAX FOR ALL UNUSUALS" and then respond to everyone on the trade with "lolno" or "your fucking dumb kid" are just being total fucking assholes.

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I'm okay with the people who are like "these are my prices send me a trade offer okay bye"

But people who are like "DONT ADD ME QUICKBUYING EVERYTHING FOR 99% OFF DONT ADD ME DONT ADD ME DONT ADD ME I PAY 4 KEYS MAX FOR ALL UNUSUALS" and then respond to everyone on the trade with "lolno" or "your fucking dumb kid" are just being total fucking assholes.

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I'm fine with quickbuyers if they're buying for a generally good price.

People who expect to buy a 26 key unusual for 11 keys annoy me.

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I'm fine with quickbuyers if they're buying for a generally good price.

People who expect to buy a 26 key unusual for 11 keys annoy me.

tmw most 26 key unusuals aren't actually worth 26 keys. 


mfw I've bought a few hundred unusuals/backpacks for 50% off what it's actually worth, and over 70% off bp.tf price.  B)


Anyway, quickbuyers are good so long as they don't spam their quickbuy crap on every trade they can find. 

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Whadya think about quick buyers? 

Some people think that they're scumbags that wanna get good stuff for a scam price

others, not so much

not a scam if you agree to it, and you get what you want out of it

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I don't mind quickbuyers if they aren't obnoxiously cheap about it and if both parties leave satisfied with the trade. After all, some traders aren't willing to wait days to get the prices they really want for their items, but want pure quickly for something they actually do want, and some quickbuy trades help them do just that; The buyer get something for discount, and the seller gets some quick pure they can use for buying another item.


Plus, like krawtch already pointed out, if a seller doesn't agree with a quickbuyers price, then they are free to look for buyers elsewhere; in time someone may offer them the price they want.

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wanna get good stuff for a scam price

There is no such thing as a "scam price."

Its either a scam or an incredibly good deal for one person.

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Quickbuyers offer a service.  Ideally, they allow you to turn your items into pure in the fastest way possible, of course at a discount.  This doesn't bother me at all and I've bought quite a few quicksells.  What is a bit annoying when they don't stay inside of their quickbuying thread and start spamming shit offers on every trade they can find.  


One thing to remember as well is that quickbuyers also have to put up with an incredible amount of bullshit.  In my experience, 95% of people offering on a quickbuy thread do not understand what quicksell actually means and/or think that 5% off the bp price is enough of a discount.  On the worse end of the spectrum, there are the people blatantly misrepresenting the value of their hat, hoping you'll fall for it.  

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Quickbuyers offer a service.  Ideally, they allow you to turn your items into pure in the fastest way possible, of course at a discount.  This doesn't bother me at all and I've bought quite a few quicksells.  What is a bit annoying when they don't stay inside of their quickbuying thread and start spamming shit offers on every trade they can find.  


One thing to remember as well is that quickbuyers also have to put up with an incredible amount of bullshit.  In my experience, 95% of people offering on a quickbuy thread do not understand what quicksell actually means and/or think that 5% off the bp price is enough of a discount.  On the worse end of the spectrum, there are the people blatantly misrepresenting the value of their hat, hoping you'll fall for it.  


Case and point: Renim's using bptf's beyond inflated values quoting is bp as $1500~, when in reality, it's like $900 at best. 


Or the guy right above him asking for 20 keys on a bp worth about 12 (full price). 

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Case and point: Renim's using bptf's beyond inflated values quoting is bp as $1500~, when in reality, it's like $900 at best. 


Or the guy right above him asking for 20 keys on a bp worth about 12 (full price). 


And that's exactly why I don't even have a buying thread open anymore.  I knew that at some point in the future, there would come a time when my capacity for reason and logic would be outmatched by the stupidity of the average trader; this point arrived when 90% of people actually believed that their hat is now worth twice or even three times as much as the day before, because "backpack updated the price", even though it still has a big red outdated price tag.   

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