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Well... what do I do now?


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Recently, unusuals have been priced in keys. That's good and all, but it turns out I could of had about a 16+ buds backpack, which is slightly extremely depressing as I sold the unusual for about 2.7 buds (before the update happened). 


Also, a few friends of mine told me that keys were going to drop as soon as they reached 19 refined, as they were stabilizing. Looked at the classifieds, and sure enough there were a lot of 19 ref sellers, some even less! I quickly liquefied all 34 of my keys into refined, basically exploding my backpack into ref (I had to transfer some of it to alt accounts). So basically, I can barely trade anymore, and I lost keys. Also slightly depressing.


I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 

TL;DR Can't trade, could of been rolling in profit, lost keys.


What do I do now?


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Recently, unusuals have been priced in keys. That's good and all, but it turns out I could of had about a 16+ buds backpack, which is slightly extremely depressing as I sold the unusual for about 2.7 buds (before the update happened). 


Also, a few friends of mine told me that keys were going to drop as soon as they reached 19 refined, as they were stabilizing. Looked at the classifieds, and sure enough there were a lot of 19 ref sellers, some even less! I quickly liquefied all 34 of my keys into refined, basically exploding my backpack into ref (I had to transfer some of it to alt accounts). So basically, I can barely trade anymore, and I lost keys. Also slightly depressing.


I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 

TL;DR Can't trade, could of been rolling in profit, lost keys.


What do I do now?

Smelt ref back into keys, flip to regain lost profits, or keep being depressed. I suggest not being depressed.

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I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 


i'm sorry i seriously lost my shit when i read this

..you wouldn't spend half of one of the 34 keys you had to get more backpack slots? it's a good investment if you need more space, op

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Buying backpack expanders is not a waste. Even when I was poor, the first thing I did was maximize this an my alts inventory for space

And yeah, I feel you bro. Right before the update, I sold 15 buds in unusuals for 15 pure then had the unusual go to 30 the next day. It sucked.

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I'm going to be a bit harsh, but really?


Recently, unusuals have been priced in keys. That's good and all, but it turns out I could of had about a 16+ buds backpack,  


And then lose like 50% because new values will be like 200% of original value, true story.


 Also, a few friends of mine told me that keys were going to drop as soon as they reached 19 refined, as they were stabilizing.


Let me guess:


"oh hai %username% keys are gonna drop without any reason, stockpile ref NAO, i have no arguments but do eet"


If this was kinda true - learn to research the market, keys aren't gonna drop without another metal-sink feature.


 I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 


Don't get 50+ ref by any means necessary then.

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Also, a few friends of mine told me that keys were going to drop as soon as they reached 19 refined, as they were stabilizing.



This is why you try to do your own research to verify claims, did your friend have any reason to believe they would stabilize other that "it seems high enough probs stabilize now" because any half decent trader would know that the price of keys never change, all keys originated 2.5$ from the store making it the only "fixed" value in our economy and everything else is the variable. Keys have been 2.5 from the store for ever and have been 1.7-1.8usd paypal (after the carding purge) for the past like 3ish years?


Do your own research, simply looking at classifieds isnt enough.


Learn from your mistakes move on. Sometimes you need to trip a little before you can run.

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Deal w/ it, buy an expander.
Flip taunts or something until you're back at 34 keys

Resume trading as if nothing happened.



-snip- could of

-snip- could of -snip-


could have*

could have*

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So in short, you completely ignored the market trends and made some financially poor decisions, that in the end cost you 20 bucks. Just be glad it was only $20 instead of $200.



I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 


You can certainly part with 1% of your stock of metal to get an expander.

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Step 1: Setup a buying thread on outpost for items worth a key or a bit more, where you will buy them for 16-17 ref

Step 2: Sell those items for keys

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Thanks guys! Found some great ideas. Also, replying to all of those people who state I didn't do any market research, I completely agree with you.

I just kind of assumed that the people who told me this are frequent and successful price suggest-ers, I, unfortunatly, skipped the part of me having common sense.

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General rules to go by are stick with keys, as mentioned before, they are the only fixed currency. You maybe lost 2 keys converting to ref at 19 ref per key, just buy keys are the market price and move on. In terms of having sold your unusual before prices jumped, the current bp.tf prices are mostly overhyped and will slowly be brought down, you didn't miss out much.

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Recently, unusuals have been priced in keys. That's good and all, but it turns out I could of had about a 16+ buds backpack, which is slightly extremely depressing as I sold the unusual for about 2.7 buds (before the update happened). 


Also, a few friends of mine told me that keys were going to drop as soon as they reached 19 refined, as they were stabilizing. Looked at the classifieds, and sure enough there were a lot of 19 ref sellers, some even less! I quickly liquefied all 34 of my keys into refined, basically exploding my backpack into ref (I had to transfer some of it to alt accounts). So basically, I can barely trade anymore, and I lost keys. Also slightly depressing.


I don't have the heart to buy a backpack expander, as I can't throw away 8 ref like that, even if there were sellers at 8 ref. 

TL;DR Can't trade, could of been rolling in profit, lost keys.


What do I do now?


1.  You wouldn't have had a 16 bud backpack.  My backpack rose from $2500 - $4000 overnight because of this change.  Does that mean it's now worth $4000?  No, it just means that all the prices are outdated and need to be updated.   People who think their hats magically increased in value just because there was a pricing change from buds to keys are.....misinformed. 


2.  I'm going to be blunt here:  your friends clearly don't know the first thing about key prices.  Keys have never truly gone down (you can look at the graph on the front page for the evidence).  They started at 2 Ref years ago and now they're at 20 ref.  There have been brief periods where they dropped, but those drops were only temporary and they continued to rise shortly after every single time.   The only way keys will ever drop is if Valve does something drastic, like provide us with a permanent and attractive item/ref sink.  I wouldn't count on that though.  


Moral of point 2:  If you look at keys and ref as a long-term investment, it is never smart to carry your pure in ref.  Keys are the way to go.    

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1.  You wouldn't have had a 16 bud backpack.  My backpack rose from $2500 - $4000 overnight because of this change.  Does that mean it's now worth $4000?  No, it just means that all the prices are outdated and need to be updated.   People who think their hats magically increased in value just because there was a pricing change from buds to keys are.....misinformed. 


2.  I'm going to be blunt here:  your friends clearly don't know the first thing about key prices.  Keys have never truly gone down (you can look at the graph on the front page for the evidence).  They started at 2 Ref years ago and now they're at 20 ref.  There have been brief periods where they dropped, but those drops were only temporary and they continued to rise shortly after every single time.   The only way keys will ever drop is if Valve does something drastic, like provide us with a permanent and attractive item/ref sink.  I wouldn't count on that though.  


Moral of point 2:  If you look at keys and ref as a long-term investment, it is never smart to carry your pure in ref.  Keys are the way to go.    


Thank you so much! Didn't actually know about Number 1. 

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Get on with your life.


I did take a break from trading for a while and that did the trick. Now considering whether I should make that break permanent or give it another shot. 

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Deal w/ it, buy an expander.

Flip taunts or something until you're back at 34 keys

Resume trading as if nothing happened.




could have*

could have*


When I speak English, the IQ of everyone around me drop by 20%. 


I'll keep it noted, thanks :D

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Keys are king. true "money" in tf2 is metal. Like the govt printing money. Keys are like gold. They go up along with the money supply. metal is the true money. like when our currency was backed by gold. Keys are solid placeholders like gold because the value is dependent on the real money. So when valve drops weapons(ie. govt printing money) the price of stable goods goes up(inflation) As a previous poster said the price of keys has been and will likely stay the same in usd. Meaning there will be a continuous trend towards inflation(ref:keys). Unless as stated there is a way to motivate people to use ref for  ???. This, as said before, would have to be a fed like move on valve's part. they dont play world bank and dont see them starting soon. 


PS i know our money is now not backed by gold so spare the retorts. Its in reference to new economies which have a backing(keys/gold) ok.

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