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Replacement Wireless Mouse


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Yes, wireless. Wired isn't an option so, i'll just stop you right now. 


Currently have a Logitech M705, and i personally loved it, but unfortunately its just too small to be comfortable to use to long stretches...so its time for a new one. 


Go. (<$50)


Top Choices ATM:


I got a logitech for 30$ for 5$ (special action, normal price is 30$) and dropped it a million times and it still works. Can't find what serie on it though.

Batteries also take a while before they are empty. Very happy with it.


Edit: apparently it's as small as yours, so I won't be of any use. This is mine:



I got a logitech for 30$ and dropped it a million times and it still works. Can't find what serie on it though.

Batteries also take a while before they are empty. Very happy with it.

Helpful. I love logitech, like i said i loved my m705, its just too small for me now.


EDIT: That actually looks smaller :3 


Would there be a noticeable performance difference between the Performance MX and G700? Considering getting the MX as its supposedly quite a bit more comfortable (albeit out of my budget), but the g700 is a much better mouse for gaming....


Ive had a pretty good experience with the m510. Own 2, one for work other for home laptop. Good battery and pretty good in game. 


Ive had a pretty good experience with the m510. Own 2, one for work other for home laptop. Good battery and pretty good in game. 

Actually have an M510, came with my Logitech Wave Keyboard i got like 5 years back. Not really a fan of ambidextrous mice, i find mice that are designed specifically for right handed use to be far more comfortable. 

Logitech M305

Even smaller than the m705


Well, found a Performance MX on Ebay for $45, which i'm tempted to get. Any issues with buying a used mouse? 


laser could be bad, receiver could be missing/bad, also "slightly used" is almost always a lie on ebay. No warranty. 


laser could be bad, receiver could be missing/bad, also "slightly used" is almost always a lie on ebay. No warranty. 

All those issues shouldn't be an issue considering the seller (i think, never really used ebay before)


Just stating my experiences from buying anything used on ebay.


Just stating my experiences from buying anything used on ebay.

Fair enough, but considering the seller, i think he should be fine. Although i could be wrong, never actually used Ebay. 


I retract my original statement slightly. Ive bought used textbooks in decent shape. Electronics never ship the way the seller has described for used equipment. 




Got the Performance MX, its awesome. expensive...but awesome. 


May I ask why you needed a wireless mouse?


May I ask why you needed a wireless mouse?

I've always hated wired mice. For one i don't like being tethered to my computer. Secondly, wires make everything look messier.....and i just don't like wired mice. 


Plus, the performance mx is awesome, although i don't like the fact that i actually have to charge it....So used to my m705, which i haven't had to change the batteries in for about 2 years now. 

  • 4 weeks later...

whatever you do never ever buy a Trust wireless mouse, I got a Wireless Maxtrack Bluespot precision from them and it gave me no end of problems. Nice and smooth, precise, but it started causing kernel panics. Something to do with it conflicting with osx kext files. Ended up going back to my old faithful, the microsoft wireless desktop set. the intellitype and intellipoint software seems to work fine with osx and have had no problems with them. Cheap, cheerful and you can throw it at the wall and it still works fine (tried and tested!)


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