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General Tips for Spy?


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For any Spy mains on this forum I was wondering if you had any tips for someone like me who is absolutely trash at the class.

Spy is most likely my least used class and is the class I get the most frustrated with when trying to be a valuable member to the always classy pub team.


I'm mostly looking for tips on awareness, Ambassador aim, and really anything that can help to improve my game ability.

Tips from a competitive perspective would be nice as well, even if the thought of me as a Spy in a team is preposterous in my opinion.


All tips are appreciated and thank you for taking the time to help me out, or just reading this thread.


Have a nice day. 

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Use ambassador and cloak and dagger, get to good places, wait for ur cloak to regen while still, if you see snipers with razor backs two shot them (first one headshot with ambassador), use the normal knife or if u want the kunai. Honestly unless your good at the class dont use the YER yet. Patience is key.

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In competitive, never ever use dead ringer. So obvious it hurts. 


It's actually so much funner playing with the invis watch believe me. So much more mobility to get behind the enemy lines.


The only time I use dead ringer is when there's a fuck load of spam / every pub match. Using dead ringer on very small maps in competitive is also quite nice.


My favorite spy tricks



IT FUCKING WORKS ALL THE TIME (In pubs, sometimes in competitive) 


-> Know what "spy time" is. Basically the best time to strike as spy. These times occur when:

---> The enemy team is starting to do a big push

---> Someone else is distracting big time / they focus hard on something else (trying to get people off the cart)


It's very, very easy to get a med pick / med drop when the team is starting to advance on full uber. Camp somewhere with invis / cloak and dagger and WAIT for them to start advancing. They will never check their backs as they are so focused on pushing forward.

Advancing teams is also when the enemy team are also saying a shit load of things in mumble, so if someone calls SPY, they won't hear it.


-> Playing spy is like playing chess. Know which picks are worth it and which aren't

---> Demoman, heavy and medic are always good picks in competitive and pub play in general.

---> All of the above and engineer are very good picks if the enemy team is on defense.

---> Don't waste your life killing any other class. Don't be greedy. Spy is a huge patience game in competitive. Fuck up once, and everyone on the opposite team will call you out immediately. 

---> For pubs, if you see one guy carrying the team, focus him and kill that fucker. That's a good pick.


-> When you disguise, use the secondary weapon of the person you are disguising as. 

---> To do this, go to your sapper and press 'b'

---> No one ever expects a spy to run around as a disguised person holding the secondary weapon. It's quite rare

---> If you are disguising as another spy, make sure to disguise with the knife out. Spies in pubs always run around with knives, not their guns out.


-> Following up with the above, if you feel like an asshole, disguise as heavy with sandvich out and crouch

---> The old pootis switch-a-roo. Easy kills as everyone thinks you are a friendly heavy. Just funny, people catch on though.


-> Try disguising as scout!

---> Contrary to people's beliefs, I feel scout is one of the best disguises to use as spy. The scout model is the smallest of all the classes and allows you to hide in small corners / behind objects, where disguising as other classes would not. 

---> When disguising as scout, make sure to jump around, ALOT. Walking normally is a dead give away if a spy is disguised as a scout, but if you jump it's way more harder to tell as the jump speed is relatively the same. 


-> If you use ambassador, hide your view model for the primary weapon. The reload animation just blocks your screen entirely. 


If you wanna play competitive, add me. I haven't played in very long time, but I can show you the ins and outs!


(Played 3 seasons on competitive. Played with Stabby Stabby and Vice (Top 5 Spy).  Mained medic for 3 seasons. Got backstabbed plenty of times. I know what a spy should be doing and what he shouldn't.)

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I've played over 5000 hours as a spy and these are some of my best tips.


Always use the big earner, its cloak on kill is a life saver.


Always use the watch that lets you stay invisible forever, it's good for camping and manouvering.


Uncloaking infront of pyro's and heavies guarentees your survival because they will get confused and assume that you're a spy on their team


When ur infront of an enemy sentry, shoot it


go to the second point and go invislbe and when the first point is capped stay on the second point disguised as an engineer


doing all of this will make you pro spy in about 500 years

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Dont press B while cloaking, it'll leave roughy 2 seconds of clouds so everyone can see where you're going, wait till youre invisible before you disguise again.

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IT FUCKING WORKS ALL THE TIME (In pubs, sometimes in competitive) 


Walk Backwards. Best fucking advice, all Honesty (try walking backwards to an area you know people won't be crossing into, you don't want to run into them.

When disguised as scout, run backwards a lot, nobody suspects the "pussy" scout. oh and jump a lot


  • Got a little pyro thats literally there just to get you? Let's fuck with him. uncloak a good distance from him, and make sure he sees you. run then cloak in that direction. When fully cloaked, run in opposite direction and re - disguise. Always throw them off.
  • If dead ringing, don't have it out till you need it. let the opponent hit you once or twice then pull it out. they will believe you are dead.
  • To get engineers, sap their sentry and as soon as they come running, backstab them
  • If you are good enough, try staistabs
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For amby aim, use something like tr_walkway, or find something roughly player head size and shoot at it. Move around, and focus tracking it.

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  • Got a little pyro thats literally there just to get you? Let's fuck with him. uncloak a good distance from him, and make sure he sees you. run then cloak in that direction. When fully cloaked, run in opposite direction and re - disguise. Always throw them off.


Solid stuff. I agree.

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For amby aim, use something like tr_walkway, or find something roughly player head size and shoot at it. Move around, and focus tracking it.


A problem with this is the fact that on tr_walkway, the bots are actually being pushed forward, not walking, so it actually can throw off your aim. I'd suggest using tr_aim which is far more helpful. tr_walkway is great for stairstabs though.


Watch stabby stabby's videos. By god, I cannot reccomend them enough. 



IT FUCKING WORKS ALL THE TIME (In pubs, sometimes in competitive) 


 Cannot emphasize this enough. Works every damn time in pubs.


Learn Corner Stabs. They work extremely well, and can get you out of most situations.


Spycicle is an amazing tool for most pub matches, but in competitive HL, don't use it, because that can fuck with your med or demo pick.



To get engineers, sap their sentry and as soon as they come running, backstab them

 Pretty good advice for pubs, but keep in mind that if you can get behind them, do the backstab and sap before the sentry turns around trick.


If there are unholy amounts of gunslinger engies, consider using the red tape recorder. It makes it take painfully long for the sentries to sap, and the engie can't place any more down during that time, all while their game is yelling at them to get rid of the sapper.


This is all I can think of as of now, but I'll edit in the morning if I think of any.


G'night y'all.

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When disguised as med, switch to your sapper and press B to make your dusguise hold out the medigun


When running dead ringer, disguise as your own team in friendly areas/areas you have total control over to avoid obvious detection. Disguise as light class if needed. Light class die easily so the feign is less likely to be detected.


When assulting a lone engineer and his sentry, keep circling the sentry gun and spam left click with the sapper, the engy cannot remove the sapper faster than you place it. This will not work for engies with a bit of experience in which they will kill you before saving the sentry.


When countering puff and sting pyros, feign death as you are airblasted into the air, the burning will trigger the dr and the flare 'sting' will mostly miss, don't forget to strafe.

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don't pick off people that are in a crowd. always try to pick off someone walking alone or that is distracted while fighting someone else. Whenever you decloak to kill this person, decloak behind a wall or above them so they don't hear you. don't limit your loadouts, stock revolver and l'etranger are good too.

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In competitive, never ever use dead ringer. So obvious it hurts. 



This is what separates shitty NA spies from the EU spies, lel <|:^)

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