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Thoughts on Reactions to (Girl) Gamers


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First of all, males are biologically encoded to seek a fitting mate, and they want to find one with similarities to them, so you:

See or hear a girl gamer

Their gamer fetish turns on

Their dick turns on

(Engage in conversation)


I see noting wrong with simply being more kind ans gentlemen like to a female gamer, but if it gets to flirting level and she tells you to chill out, you friggin stop bothering her!

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Girls got scary cooties.


A gamer is a gamer. Who cares if they have a joystick or a mouse connected.

Though some guys get really cringey when they find out so I don't envy the unwanted attention many of them get. Unless it would be from a shako that is.

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I enjoy talking to girls -- cute voice, soothing, different and it's a change from all the 1000's of guys I met on the internet.


But I truely dislike the "hi I'm girl gamer le xd items 4 voice, donation 4 blowing kisses" and all that. So many girls use it to their advantage and make them look like a fucking retard. But obv, the majority of girls are nice and just casually playing the game.


There's a lot of fake girls too, I've came across more than I can count - A forum that I visit daily use new accounts to try gather virtual currency donations through uploading fake signs of their name with a girl next to the sign. Using photoshop and trying to trick guys to send them donations.


It's also stupid most girls are afraid of all guys because most of them are hungry virgins scouting for getting a picture of their boobies. Shame since I barely find any active girls just looking for a friend, so I've just got a few girls on my list. Mainly lesbians/bi, because then I don't need to have that "is he flirting with me?" thoughts just because I say something nice.


Not much we can do but ignore the e-horny girls looking for whatever pixels that can make them look better/earn money. Most of the girls I got on my list have to specifically state no creeps and have to block all horny 12-15 y.o virgins. I doubt it's the same the other way around, even tho I legitimately got horny 18+ girls trying to see my dick because I got a deep voice lol. Not just the same amount..


- Pitchforks at "le girl hot gamer 2k15"

- Try to act mature and be friendly if you meet a girl, or simply don't go all ape-shit crazy.



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Im just like everyone else. its cool and all that girls play the game but nobody likes a girl thats like "Hi guys! Im a girl so you need to give me items thanks!"

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I feel like the term "Gamer" is generally sexist.. Think about it, once someone says gamer, you probably think of either some 40 year old guy, with a 6000 dollar computer, 500 dollar headset, 150 dollar mouse and 200 dollar keyboard trying to play fucking WoW, right? You probably think of that guy from southpark. Notice I said "guy", not girl, not a general person that could be male or female, GUY. Then, when we bring "Girl" into the mix, it's almost like people as inferring there is no male gamer, cause it's engraved into everybodies mind that a gamer is only male. The way I see it is there is Girl gamer and gamer then there are waiter's and waitress's. There is also god and goddess, It's the same word with just a different suffix. Why don't we say Gameress?!

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Why does it matter what gender the player is? :L

Because they have a vagina, and vagina's give +15% in damege bonus, +10% health and +20% ammo.

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people in random servers still care about that?


or, more precisely, are there really still people that fall for the "i am a girl gamer, give me items" thing?

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"tho I legitimately got horny 18+ girls trying to see my dick because I got a deep voice lol."



Fuck, you must be totally telling the truth bro. Oh yeah, deep voice? Must be drowning in virtual conversations about dick pics.



doesn't particularly matter to me :< only solid difference is I say "m'lady" to my good female steam friends, and "bruh" to my good male steam friends



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Gamer girls, at least the real ones, are just normal gamers. It's not on them that they get free stuff, but why would you not accept it? Not all "girl gamers" are really people I would consider gamers. The ones who are just openly female, just like posting pics of themselves and making a big deal about it, those are just attention seekers. I've played a L4D2 campaign with only girls (excluding me) because I don't make a big deal of when they enter a game. The guys are more to blame here than the girls.

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Once there was a pretty cool girl that went on the server that I admin for and became friends with everyone. Lots of people gave her games and items, but I was like nahhhhh.


3 months later, turns out she was a guy, whole server freaks out, "she" (he) quits her steam account.


Scary and sketchy af

Ha, I remember that. I'm not gonna lie, that shit was funny as hell.


He got away with like 3-4 buds worth of stuff. (buds were ~20 keys at the time)

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I think anyone who called themeselves "girl gamer" is more about the girl thing than gamer thing. A "gamer" can be both genders and we shouldn't use a speciel term for thoose who were born with a vagina.


I've been telling people for years to stop saying "Girl Gamer". Games can be played by either sex. Either you're a Gamer, regardless of gender, or you're not.


I have no problem with females who play video games as long is it doesn't become "I play games and I have boobs. Love me and give me free shit." My best friend is female and she spends most of her day at home watching and playing Pokemon, Mario Galaxy, and getting her ass kicked by me in World of Warcraft when she gets too cocky (heh) about her gear.

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I've been telling people for years to stop saying "Girl Gamer". Games can be played by either sex. Either you're a Gamer, regardless of gender, or you're not.


Yes, this is true


But, We only use girl gamer to define a gamer who is a girl, nothing else, no special treatment is 'ensued', the word gamer applies to all.

If we were called 'Boy Gamers' we wouldn't give a flying toss, so i doubt females would either.

It's like calling someone Black or Asian or Gay or White or whatever, it's just saying you have a difference, not in a racist/sexist/anything-ist way.


All in all it looks like everyone here is getting too soft over this Gamer Girl phrase. Jesus Christ. It all sounds like you're forcing equality, when there already is some.


Those that beg for items shouldn't tarnish this 'girl gamer' thing, it's because they're idiots, so you don't generalise a whole phrase on what someone does. That's what 90% of the world in pre-WW2 era did. And look how that turned out.


I welcome the Girl Gamer phrase since it doesn't define anything but a gender, which does literally nothing to alter a behaviour. The phrase itself doesn't do jack shit, it's just words.


If you were to compare it to something like the classic racial words we hear, which i'm not putting there, 'girl gamer' is FAR less worse than them. Girl gamer isnt used to dscriminate, it's like saying 'I have a bowl of fruit. This one's an apple, this one's a pear, they are different'. Everyone here that opposes the terminology is saying 'I have a bowl of fruit, this one's an apple, this one's an apple, but fuck it, they're fruit.' or, ignoring differences.

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Edited the title because apparently it was a problem to a lot of people


Please read the entirety of the thread before you comment *cough*Derpeh*cough*

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Eh. I think it's mainly because like others have mentioned, we are born to find partners/mates that have similar interests, and when we see a girl over the internet which is pretty rare, it attracts every guy. Another reason guys try and suck up to girls (Aside from the obvious reason 1) is because it usually gains them ultimate respect from their male nerd friends. I don't think it's the girls fault, unless they are trying to beg for items and or act like a queen on purpose, usually 9/10 of the time it's the guys fault for being a creepy freak. A lot of the time too, guys are way more confident as this is the internet, and it's there only real way for them to talk and discuss with a real girl so to say as they do not possess the ability to do so in real life. 







She hasn't been on steam in YEARS, I wonder why?

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