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We are a tiny dot.


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You guys know the Earth is a very-very-very-very-[insert 50x "Many"] tiny dot in the whooole galaxy. Do you guys have any thoughts about what could be out there? The places that we currently can't reach.

Could there be living things that are similiar to humans/animals?

Or... something different? 


I'm also interested in religious answers about this one. But real sources.(like quran)  If theres any info about the "things" out there. 

Scientific answers are welcome.


It's a serious question. If you do alien jokes i will chop your balls off.

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You guys know the Earth is a very-very-very-very-[insert 50x "Many"] tiny dot in the whooole galaxy. Do you guys have any thoughts about what could be out there? The places that we currently can't reach.

Could there be living things that are similiar to humans/animals?

Or... something different? 


I'm also interested in religious answers about this one. But real sources (like quran)

Scientific answers are welcome.


It's a serious question. If you do alien jokes i will chop your balls off.

There are how many hundreds...thousands...millions of galaxies? and within each galaxy there are hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of solar systems, and within each solar system there are hundreds of planetary bodies (planets/moons). And thats not even considering the existence of other universes. 


Anyone who says theres no other life similar to ours is out of their minds. 

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tiny dot in the whooole galaxy.


galaxies are pretty damn insignificant as well.  the only reason to believe we are the only living things in the universe are religious reasons.

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There are how many hundreds...thousands...millions of galaxies? and within each galaxy there are hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of solar systems, and within each solar system there are hundreds of planetary bodies (planets/moons).

What i meant. Sadly my english is not good enough for that :/

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galaxies are pretty damn insignificant as well.  the only reason to believe we are the only living things in the universe are religious reasons.

Which is another reason that convinces me to atheism.

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Which is another reason that convinces me to atheism.


it doesn't disprove the existence of a god.  a god could have easily created many different worlds.  discovery of life elsewhere in the universe would just go against most of the major religions currently in place.

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Which is another reason that convinces me to atheism.

I'm not exactly a religious person, and i guess tbh, i'm not really sure what my opinion on God actually is....But, i think as it stands now, i believe there is a god. Do i believe he/she/it/whatever created the universe in 7 days....no. Rather i tend to with a mix of science/religion. God exists, and created something that allowed the big bang to happen, which in turn led to the creation of the universe, and ultimately the Earth. So i believe in evolution, but something had to put the pieces into place that allowed everything to occur.


it doesn't disprove the existence of a god.  a god could have easily created many different worlds.  discovery of life elsewhere in the universe would just go against most of the major religions currently in place.

I think he meant more that hes an atheist because religion takes everything to such extremes. 

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I'm with AwesomeMcCoolName, I believe in God but there are some things I don't agree with. I'm part science, part Muslim.

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galaxies are pretty damn insignificant as well.  the only reason to believe we are the only living things in the universe are religious reasons.

Religious reasons?

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I think he meant more that hes an atheist because religion takes everything to such extremes. 

Not atheist.. yet

But yeah i'd like to hear more Logical things. Some information that would make sense.

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Not atheist.. yet

But yeah i'd like to hear more Logical things. Some information that would make sense.

Religion will never make sense as, by definition, its based on speculation and belief. 

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Religious reasons?


the only way I can see someone justifying a belief that we are the only living things in the universe is if they believe a god created us and that we are special.

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it doesn't disprove the existence of a god.  a god could have easily created many different worlds.  discovery of INTELLIGENT life elsewhere in the universe would just go against most of the major religions currently in place.


Added that for you, just to make things clear.  For example, finding small microorganisms on foreign planets doesn't show that God/Allah/etc. didn't create humanity as his "chosen species".


Though even if it were intelligent, at least by our standards, I wouldn't say that such a discovery would still be in extreme conflict with current religions; for example, many Catholics accept theories such as The Big Bang Theory and/or The Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection to be possible workings of God.  In fact, The Big Bang Theory was originally proposed and studied by a Catholic Priest/Scientist, and the "discovery" of the theory prompted the current pope of the time to claim it as evidence of creationism -- which of course, the priest/scientist refuted (which is the proper thing to do, Religion + Science == shit unrelated to either).  


So, if Catholics (and followers other churches that don't discredit evolution outright) are open to the idea that "god created humans through evolution, and that Genesis was a metaphor where 7 days == 7 major turning points in the universe's evolution over billion of years), they'd also be open to the idea that intelligent life could evolve from basic macro-molecules elsewhere in the universe -- at least, I'd be open to it entirely.  Just because there's intelligent life elsewhere, doesn't mean that our form of it is the only one out there, or that the other intelligent life possesses a "soul", per se (much like how most christian followings believe that animals other than humans are lacking of immortal souls.)


Of course, that doesn't mean I believe there's intelligent life abroad, I'm pretty skeptical of that.  Not so skeptical about microorganisms/simple creatures being found elsewhere, though, I'd bet money on the possibility of an oceanic or tropical world full of them, somewhere out there.


Wall o' texto, rushed in about 5 minutes at work so I might have spilled out ideas in a fashion that doesn't make sense -- it makes sense in my mind, so if it didn't translate well, I can try editing it all together better later tonight.


Oh, and even though we're a tiny "dot", with a hundred billion galaxies or whatnot, aren't we composed of something upwards of a trillian cells?  Aren't those cells composed of (pulling this order of magnitude out of my ass, but it's a semi-educated ass-guess) millions of atoms?  Aren't atoms composed of subatomic particles about 100,000 smaller in size than the atom as a whole, or less?  And don't those particles take up like a Vigintillion cubic Planck spaces ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length )?  (of course, assuming a proton's length is that of 10^20 or so Planck spaces, and (10^20)^3 is 10^60 cubic planck-lengths)


Magnitude is all relative.

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thank you.  I do suppose that is an important distinction.  though, there could probably be an argument that, since God created animals for the reason of helping man, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to put them galaxies away as well.


it seems you believe we evolved from a more basic organism

you say you are willing to bet money that there are micro-organisms in the universe

but you are skeptical that any of them have evolved into more intelligent creatures?


sorry if I made any bad assumptions.  it just seems like an odd combination of beliefs.

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What if we are all part of an atom (our galaxy), and all of the other galaxies are also atoms, together (universe) we form just an "organism" in a much bigger "world", "universe", or whatever you want to call it...


U r thinking what I'm thinking?

For all I think, is maybe true or not...

Oh well, I just wanted to share this.

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What if we are all part of an atom (our galaxy), and all of the other galaxies are also atoms, together (universe) we form just an "organism" in a much bigger "world", "universe", or whatever you want to call it...


U r thinking what I'm thinking?

For all I think, is maybe true or not...

Oh well, I just wanted to share this.

What if our universe is an atom, part of a larger organism/object/anything? And then that organism/object was a mere atom and part of something even bigger?


In the constantly expanding universe, we are infinitesimally small. So, that means, everything you are and have ever done is worthless. Good job humanity. 

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Nothing. Its still going, hence why the universe is still expanding.


1. The big bang theoretically took place somewhere.  If it contains all things, does it contain the space that contained it as well? 

2. I believe they recently showed that the universe is not actually expanding, its mass is just changing.  

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1. The big bang theoretically took place somewhere.  If it contains all things, does it contain the space that contained it as well? 

2. I believe they recently showed that the universe is not actually expanding, its mass is just changing.  


I think the statement that the universe isn't expanding but it's mass is changing is intuitive with logic. Expansion implies growth, and that would imply getting something out of nothing. Shifting around the matter that we have in the universe in different ways abides by the laws of physics.


The big bang theory is, after all, just a theory. The main tenant of the theory is that everything in our known universe originally came from the explosion/implosion of one giant mass. This begs the question: where does the mass come from? The possible answers are: the mass has always existed or the mass was spontaneously generated. If the mass has always existed, what made it separate and why? If the mass was spontaneously generated, then what caused it to be generated? Laws of conservation dictate that matter is always conserved, so something had to have broken the known laws of physics and created something from nothing.


Thus, it seems the only choice we have is either the particles of the universe have always existed, or something created these particles which make our universe. One can then ponder the question of, what created the thing that created the particles of our universe? And what created that? It leads right into the whole chicken and egg argument. Did the chicken (a creator or many creators, not going to argue this here) come first, or did the egg (universe where the creator(s) live) come first?



In response to the actual topic, I do not doubt there can be sentient life elsewhere in the universe. To think that humans are the "chosen" people and "God/Gods" favored humans is plain human egocentrism and arrogance. I would assume that any sentient life on other planets would be much different than we are. Perhaps we cannot ever see them, because they reflect a frequency of light that is not within the visible spectrum. Perhaps their individual existence is so brief that our most delicate instruments cannot measure it. Perhaps they live in extreme conditions that are much too harsh for humans to imagine. Perhaps humans are an experiment started by some other lifeform in the universe. And we may never truly know what the actual case is...

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