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I was banned Recently, For just suggesting to better Economy.


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I was suggesting a price for backpack.tf. To lower key's which i did provide a boat load of proof but when i come back a half hour later i'm banned for a "soapbox suggestion".

Personally i dont have key's in my backpack at all and this wasnt to better my backpack at all. So i would like admin to please either respond or unban this. Does seem unjust

the fact i was just banned outta nowhere. I would like this explained.

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only reputable people may change the key price, and price their 1 of 1 unusual at the price of whatever the fuck they bought it for.


welcome to bp.tf

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only reputable people may change the key price


Since when? Many people who have never made a suggestion took the time to learn how to make a good currency suggestion and was accepted their first time.


If you look at past currency suggestion many are from no belts.

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I was suggesting a price for backpack.tf. To lower key's which i did provide a boat load of proof but when i come back a half hour later i'm banned for a "soapbox suggestion".

Personally i dont have key's in my backpack at all and this wasnt to better my backpack at all. So i would like admin to please either respond or unban this. Does seem unjust

the fact i was just banned outta nowhere. I would like this explained.


If you have read the rules and guidelines posted, you would know that buyers are not valid proof when lowering an item. Buyers can be only valid if they are buying at the current price or above current price. Since you clearly haven't went through the rules and guidelines, you were banned. I highly suggest you to go over the rules and guidelines.


Not to mention...You copy pasted my suggestion links without even giving me credit. 


Rules :



Guidelines :




Cooldown on Keys and Earbuds :








Please read each of them carefully so that next time you don't get banned.


Good luck! ^_^

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only reputable people may change the key price, and price their 1 of 1 unusual at the price of whatever the fuck they bought it for.


welcome to bp.tf


That's incorrect.

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