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Islam ? Different religions ?


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Yes, I am a muslim, islam is a religion of peace, sadly, many of other "bad" sections of other religions seem to hate us and they keep murdering muslims all around the world, look at syria, it is a civil war against islam. And i do believe in God "Allah" and Prophets, and i believe things that have been said 1400+ years ago, why ? because i know a tiny little bit about other religions, and Islam is the most thing that attracted me to learn about it, I am not a muslim because i am arab, many arabs are christians and other religions, and yes, i believe in our holy book and i agree and believe everything in it, i learn alot from islam and from past stories, if anyone wants to know a specific thing about islam, you are more than welcome to ask.

What about you, what is your religion, or do you even have one ? share with us !



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Yes, I am a muslim, islam is a religion of peace, sadly, many of other "bad" sections of other religions seem to hate us and they keep murdering muslims all around the world, look at syria, it is a civil war against islam.


 i believe in our holy book and i agree and believe everything in it


I understand your religion is probably a sensitive for you, but I believe you are making it much more one-sided than it is.  The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people, but just like Christianity (crusades), you are encouraged to be a part of the holy war to spread the religion.  The way I see it, the "peaceful" members of some religions are simply the ones who ignore the violent parts of their dogma.  Another example would be the issue of homosexuality and Christianity.  The holy book tells its followers to literally stone any and all homosexuals to death, but over time, people take the book less literally and just try to make sure the gays can't marry each other.  Islam is still in the phase of taking its scriptures literally.


The Civil War in Syria is not a war against Islam.  My understanding is admittedly less complete than yours, but it seems more like a struggle for power over the country.  There is a major difference between not wanting Islam to exist and not wanting Islam to be in charge of the law and order of your country,


I do believe in God "Allah" and Prophets, and i believe things that have been said 1400+ years ago, why ? because i know a tiny little bit about other religions, and Islam is the most thing that attracted me to learn about it


I really truly hope you see the problem with what you said there.  You seem completely aware that there are other beliefs and understandings out there, but choose to dedicate your mind to the first one you found.  I have no problem if you choose to be Muslim, but I encourage you to consider all your options before dedicating your life to it.


What about you, what is your religion, or do you even have one ? share with us !


I've been religion-free for a few years now.  I'm not atheist or anti-religious.  I've just removed it from my life.  Surprising to many, I have been able to behave as (what I believe to be) a decent person without it.

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I understand your religion is probably a sensitive for you, but I believe you are making it much more one-sided than it is.  The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people, but just like Christianity (crusades), you are encouraged to be a part of the holy war to spread the religion.  The way I see it, the "peaceful" members of some religions are simply the ones who ignore the violent parts of their dogma.  Another example would be the issue of homosexuality and Christianity.  The holy book tells its followers to literally stone any and all homosexuals to death, but over time, people take the book less literally and just try to make sure the gays can't marry each other.  Islam is still in the phase of taking its scriptures literally.


I agree with a point, peaceful people are the people who ignore violence and try to solve things peacefully, but let's say you tried to solve the problems peacefully and the other side started killing and murdering people, will peace still be an option? should we just sit quite seeing our people die without any defense ? really dont think so.


The Civil War in Syria is not a war against Islam.  My understanding is admittedly less complete than yours, but it seems more like a struggle for power over the country.  There is a major difference between not wanting Islam to exist and not wanting Islam to be in charge of the law and order of your country,


It is a civil war and trust me when i say that, the president want the country destroyed or not he only wants his place, at first, we only asked lower prices, manage the presidental issue etc. throught revelution, and did he meet us ? by gun, by bombs, by airstrikes etc. Al-asaad belongs to a section that i dont know the name of in english "know it in arabic" and that section have their own holy book and it says in it that killing muslims makes you closer to heaven which is complete bullcrap.


I really truly hope you see the problem with what you said there.  You seem completely aware that there are other beliefs and understandings out there, but choose to dedicate your mind to the first one you found.  I have no problem if you choose to be Muslim, but I encourage you to consider all your options before dedicating your life to it.


I did make my own research, i saw christianity, jewish. Islam attracted me the most, the stories, the things that people sacrifiesed for this religion is just unreal, Islam have an answer to everything in this life, i am learning things everyday about islam that it is finally there for me, this is THE religion for me.



I've been religion-free for a few years now.  I'm not atheist or anti-religious.  I've just removed it from my life.  Surprising to many, I have been able to behave as (what I believe to be) a decent person without it.


I respect your choice, but it is good to see that you can handle your life well, not many people who are religion-free can do that, all the best in your life mate !

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Gonna be honest, don't really care who you are or what you do in real life as long as your decent in the tf2 realm. Don't flaunt or gloat your religion and we'll be fine. There's no reason to mention it. Just as annoying as someone talking about being a brony. Keep all that stuff to yourself and we'll all get along just fine.

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I respect your choice, but it is good to see that you can handle your life well, not many people who are religion-free can do that, all the best in your life mate !


I disagree with many of your perceptions, but I also respect your choice (as long as your choices are non-violent and non-discriminatory).  I hope everything in Syria comes to a happy ending soon enough.


There's no reason to mention it. Just as annoying as someone talking about being a brony. Keep all that stuff to yourself and we'll all get along just fine.


This is the religion forum :P

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Gonna be honest, don't really care who you are or what you do in real life as long as your decent in the tf2 realm. Don't flaunt or gloat your religion and we'll be fine. There's no reason to mention it. Just as annoying as someone talking about being a brony. Keep all that stuff to yourself and we'll all get along just fine.


haha, sorry but did you read in what forum this is posted :/

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I disagree with many of your perceptions, but I also respect your choice (as long as your choices are non-violent and non-discriminatory).  I hope everything in Syria comes to a happy ending soon enough.


Yeah, aint the easiest topic to agree on, i hope that too.

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I have nothing against islam or muslims in general.

My freakin' grandma was a muslim. She wouldn't harm a fly.

I see the extremists the same way I see the WBC representing Christians. Scewed as shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I believe in the holy text of Grimm. It's just like every religious text; full of stories wrote down by someone. I have shaped my world views and morality around what Grimm wrote hundreds of years ago because, hey, who has the time or mental capacity to figure shit out on their own? Not me, I'll live by Brothers Grimm to my death, it takes any responsibility off my shoulders and allows me to simply not think for myself.


Brothers Grimm, I love you, and I love my Brothers Grimm brothers.

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I believe in the holy text of Grimm. It's just like every religious text; full of stories wrote down by someone. I have shaped my world views and morality around what Grimm wrote hundreds of years ago because, hey, who has the time or mental capacity to figure shit out on their own? Not me, I'll live by Brothers Grimm to my death, it takes any responsibility off my shoulders and allows me to simply not think for myself.


Brothers Grimm, I love you, and I love my Brothers Grimm brothers.


I live my life by the morals learned in Hansel and Gretel.

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i live by the laws of batmanism. 


1. Be batman

2. Be the hero this forum needs

3. Don't wear hockey masks  


Guys, guess what? 










I'm batman. 



In all seriousness though, i have been religion-free for almost a year now, and it feels great. 

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I have nothing against islam or muslims in general.

My freakin' grandma was a muslim. She wouldn't harm a fly.

I see the extremists the same way I see the WBC representing Christians. Scewed as shit.


Extremists are retardes and assholes, 'nuff said.




I believe in the holy text of Grimm. It's just like every religious text; full of stories wrote down by someone. I have shaped my world views and morality around what Grimm wrote hundreds of years ago because, hey, who has the time or mental capacity to figure shit out on their own? Not me, I'll live by Brothers Grimm to my death, it takes any responsibility off my shoulders and allows me to simply not think for myself.


Brothers Grimm, I love you, and I love my Brothers Grimm brothers.


I really didnt hear about the Grimm text, need to educate myself about them i assume.


I live my life by the morals learned in Hansel and Gretel.


Learning things from stories is great, i learnt alot of things from life experiences too and from others stories, but there must be a thing to return back into right ? Like a book or religion or am i mistaken ?


Two words: F*ck extremists.


And I am Muslim too.


Indeed, they ruin EVERYTHING.

p.s. Good to hear that :D


i live by the laws of batmanism. 


1. Be batman

2. Be the hero this forum needs

3. Don't wear hockey masks  


Guys, guess what? 










I'm batman. 



In all seriousness though, i have been religion-free for almost a year now, and it feels great. 


Batman sucks :C



Well it is good that you feel great, many religion-free people end up suiciding or screwing up, good luck in your life

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many religion-free people end up suiciding or screwing up, good luck in your life


Why do you say that? I see no link between not believing in a religion, and feeling your life is so bad you have to kill yourself. If anything, i feel like my life has more value now, after dropping Catholicism. 

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I'm a Muslim; I respect other people's religions and beliefs unless they talk shit about mine.


F**k terrorists. No matter what they think they aren't real Muslims and they'll rot in hell for the rest of eternity. 


And then there are those ignorant stereotypes who think all Muslims are extremist violent poison and deserve to be exterminated.

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I'm not really sure how I feel about Muslims, to be honest with you. I know a small minority of them would actually kill American citizens, or any "nonbelievers" for that matter, but studies show that a lot of them don't disapprove of it. Oh well, I have mixed feelings. I know a Muslim kid, and he's koo'

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I'm from a country (The Netherlands) that has an official "anti-muslim" party. They even get around 20% of the votes.


I think it's great the party exists. I completely disagree with their views but luckily the 80% of the people who don't vote for them became entirely against them, making them open for other religions/cultures. Of course extremists are bad. But there are atheist extremists (communists, neo-Nazi's), extreme Christians (westboro baptist church) and extreme Muslims. None of them are good in my opinion, but as long as you don't harm people physically or verbally you're free to believe whatever you want.


And what Baloo said. Never try to enforce your religion on somebody (my religion is better you'll burn in hell sort of stuff). Do whatever you want, dress however you like (burqas are prohibited now here, why???) As long as it's appropriate (so no nude teachers/presidents and no policemen in monkey suits. If we all try to work together and acknowledge people are different this world could be so much better.

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There are atheist extremists and Christian extremists, but you picked some bad examples. The Westboro Baptist Church hasn't hurt anyone. They may seriously offend people, but not to the point of running into a building with bombs strapped to you. I'm not saying that just Muslims do this, but here, in the United States, it really seems that way.

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There are atheist extremists and Christian extremists, but you picked some bad examples. The Westboro Baptist Church hasn't hurt anyone. They may seriously offend people, but not to the point of running into a building with bombs strapped to you. I'm not saying that just Muslims do this, but here, in the United States, it really seems that way.

That makes it seem like you're not putting it into really wide perspective here, but just in the US.

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If anyone asks you how does it feel to be apart of a the Muslim religion, remind them of Hitler and Christianity :)

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There are atheist extremists and Christian extremists, but you picked some bad examples. The Westboro Baptist Church hasn't hurt anyone. They may seriously offend people, but not to the point of running into a building with bombs strapped to you. I'm not saying that just Muslims do this, but here, in the United States, it really seems that way.

You're forgetting Hitler...

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There are atheist extremists and Christian extremists, but you picked some bad examples. The Westboro Baptist Church hasn't hurt anyone. They may seriously offend people, but not to the point of running into a building with bombs strapped to you. I'm not saying that just Muslims do this, but here, in the United States, it really seems that way.

wbc might not pysically hurt somevody, but what they're doing must mentally hurt people, which is bad too
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