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Is education/school really that important ?


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After the 7th grade .. i took prolly the worst decision that i regret till now .. i decided to stay in a british based school (IGCSE studies) .. i remember i used to love to go to school and learn new stuff .. as years went by .. studies became harder and more complicated each year .. in the 10th grade .. i decided to NOT take the IGCSE test and just go by diploma (school tests) .. however i was still forced to study that IG british syllabus .. last year i got 82% in school which is not that good .. and this will be my last year in high school and i have no motivation whatsoever to study .. maybe it is because now i am forced to study the british syllabus + take the SAT amercian test (which i have no idea about it) + 2 stupid tests that my country forces on me ..

/End of personal story .. begin of points.


Is studying multiple subjects with so complicated content that you don't understand and just memorize really important for a successful life ?


If studying is so important .. why is it so darn expensive and many families can't afford to put there children in good schools?


Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?


Please no trolls here .. this is my last year of highschool and i still can't answer these questions .. studying is not a priority for me .. should it be ? If yes .. why ?


sorry for long post .. just getting things out of my chest

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Is studying multiple subjects with so complicated content that you don't understand and just memorize really important for a successful life ?


If studying is so important .. why is it so darn expensive and many families can't afford to put there children in good schools?


Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?


1. It may seem useless at the moment but later there will be situations where you party need the complicated stuff you learned. Even if you think you can't remember most of that in the future, its still good to have learned that stuff.


2. The people who teach you all that stuff need money. They have families too. They are getting paid with the money you spend for it. And school books aren't that cheap, it all comes together.


3. Like I said at 1., its good to know more than the average person.

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Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?

because then a lot of people would choose not to study anything, and Id rather have a world full of people with lots of unnecessary knowledge than with people with none whatsoever

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if you want to be a dumbass like the most of society due to the unwillingness to contribute some of your knowledge you learned in school to the world go to africa and die of ebola


school is meant to teach discipline, knowledge, and willingness to never give up as each year progresses, and if you don't see that and you'd like to be the slack off (like i am now, but i'll turn it up when school starts) and take the easy lane, it's just gonna get harder and harder


(there are some exceptions, like STAR_ and some other people cause they actually know how to entertain people)


kty B)


p.s - you sound like a dumbass

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I feel a basic education is definitely needed. You may study things you dont like, but believe me, it does help when you get out there in the real world. I hated math when I was in school but algreba does come in handy. You may not realize it, but algreba helps with some every day problems. History keeps you informed and lets you know why things are the way they are. Language classes (those in your native language) help you get a better grasp of your native language to be more presentable in society.


Higher education of the university level is iffy. Not all people need to go. It never hurts to have a higher education, but it doesn't always help

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majority of stuff you learn is useless. Only thing you learn that you will use in life is- Math (not calc), English, writing, grammar, and important dates in history. everything common you learn will be on the internet you eventually learn. 

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if you want to be a dumbass like the most of society due to the unwillingness to contribute some of your knowledge you learned in school to the world go to africa and die of ebola


school is meant to teach discipline, knowledge, and willingness to never give up as each year progresses, and if you don't see that and you'd like to be the slack off (like i am now, but i'll turn it up when school starts) and take the easy lane, it's just gonna get harder and harder


(there are some exceptions, like STAR_ and some other people cause they actually know how to entertain people)


kty B)


p.s - you sound like a dumbass

Thanks for the motivating comments .. i REALLY appreciate it ..

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1. It may seem useless at the moment but later there will be situations where you party need the complicated stuff you learned. Even if you think you can't remember most of that in the future, its still good to have learned that stuff.


2. The people who teach you all that stuff need money. They have families too. They are getting paid with the money you spend for it. And school books aren't that cheap, it all comes together.


3. Like I said at 1., its good to know more than the average person.



I will say a few things about these comments and a few about the originals. 



I'm 32 years old. I have a bachelors of history and philosophy and a masters of teaching. I've been a science teacher for 8 years. I do enjoy my job a lot and while it's very hard work, it is rewarding. 


However, after all that education and going through school, it cost me roughly ~$130,000. My average salary right now, even with my degree and years of experience is HALF that. I still have nearly 45,000 in loans left to pay. 


I would say that a general education is VERY important. You aren't going to get anywhere without at least a basic degree, but I would also say that it would be wise to ask yourself what do you really want to do. If you want to do a trade skill, there is nothing wrong with going that route. Save yourself the time and money you'd waste on higher education past high school. 


I really think the best thing I gained out of college was the relationships. I've made so many very close friend to this day that I still see and talk to. The 4 years of undergrad were some of the best of my life so far with the moments and experiences you can never take away, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. So while you don't NEED to go to college, there is something about going through the process of living on your own outside of home and even far away from home, so you don't have a crutch to fall back on. It's sink or swim, and that's good for your life growth. 


On the topic of school costs....college is ridiculous. While I agree that faculty need to be paid to live, buildings, upkeep, maintenance, etc costs money....schools are raping students hand over fist. The cost of education is out of control because it has been transformed into a business, and its no longer about education itself, it's about making money on students and being as profitable as possible. They want to churn out good sports teams and good analytics so they can get millions from their donors. It's all bullshit in that regard, and the professors really don't make very much. So keep that in mind.


And after all that, I might not even teach anymore in a few years. I have a job lined up with a friend of my mom's (networking!) that would be in financial wealth management that would pay me 3x what I make now and I don't even have a degree in that field. So I guess my point is school can be wonderful, but you don't need it to be successful, there are many different paths that can lead to a great job or career.  

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 .. last year i got 82% in school which is not that good ..

Jesus, what kind of school did you go to?

In glorious burgerland 'murica, that's a B, which is pretty good

Is the 82% like your GPA or something?

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Jesus, what kind of school did you go to?

In glorious burgerland 'murica, that's a B, which is pretty good

Is the 82% like your GPA or something?

82 is an A in my school (GG school) .. my gpa was 3.75 in 1st term and dropped to 3.63 in 2nd term (out of 4 ofc) .. it good for me because how i dont study .. but my parents are just another part of the issue .. OMG KARAM YOU MUST GET IN 90s which really dismotivates me
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I never said education is not useful .. i know its importance and all .. i just despite the educational system that forces us to study what we don't want .. like i dream to be a programmer .. but i am forced to take in depth chemistry and biology .. i like to take basic knowledge of them .. but no need for in depth ..

Also like kiki said .. it becoming more of a business than education .. most teachers teach for money and not for your knowledge .. countries must provide free educational facilities if it wants to grow as a successful country ..

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Is studying multiple subjects with so complicated content that you don't understand and just memorize really important for a successful life ?

People who study medicine know that pain.


If studying is so important .. why is it so darn expensive and many families can't afford to put there children in good schools?

well some countries takes education as its main business and makes it super expensive to afford .. and people become forced to pay because they fear public schools.. and teachers in these schools are barely able to live.. so both the student and teacher will suffer for the sake of that school owner.. its a cruel world isn't it.


Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?

because they can't predict what you'll study in collage.. and when you study them you don't get shocked from stuff you didn't learn in school.. i don't think they have any other options than letting you study everything.. which is indeed tough.

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I never said education is not useful .. i know its importance and all .. i just despite the educational system that forces us to study what we don't want .. like i dream to be a programmer .. but i am forced to take in depth chemistry and biology .. i like to take basic knowledge of them .. but no need for in depth ..

its basically to introduce you to things you might not have wanted to learn about otherwise and may want to study more later on in college/university

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Lets put it like this: if you want to get farther in life and enjoy the perks later on then right now, school is important.


School teaches you somethings life cant teach you. It allows you to interact with other people and learn how to get things done on time. Discipline as others noted.


Education, for me, is important no matter how much i hate it. Even when i do poorly, i learn something. Check it: 3 years of french and 3 of spanish: can barely speak both, can understand a little, but because of it, i know more about both cultures.


Understandable, some dont want education, dont feel they need it. Truth of the matter is: even the richest people in the world have education and owe some to it. And i do mean past the remedial stuff.


In conclusion: do it anyway. You could do a lot worse without it than with it.


Also, as for the price of school: yra. Its pretty harsh. But if you really want the best out of your life, youll do whatever it takes to get the best education out of what you have.

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If you know what you are going to do after school then yes some of the info may seem useless to you.  Currently doing computer repair and troubleshooting and have never needed Marine Science or Sociology.  Just take class that might help you in the future and not for shits and giggles like I did.

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If I am right you are under 18 and living in Saudi Arabia because your family fled Syria.


If all this is true:

1st. You are a damn lucky person to have access to education and internet.

2nd You WILL NOT be able to go home......ever. At least not for a long time. Syria, the culture you grew up in is gone. The places and people have changed. It is not something you can really go back to.

3rd With that said, you have to think of yourself as an international man and be prepared to live and work internationally. You will likely not want to stay in Saudi Arabia. They typically view foriegn nationals as cheap labor to be exploited. Its great that you want to be a programmer. I hope its what your good at but knowing a lot about many things is good.

4th. You better get good grades. You will need them to get into the schools that will improve your situation the most. The grade and the knowledge doesnt matter as much as that it prooves to people that you are either academically talented or disciplined. Both of which are highly desired.

5th Play golf. Its best sport ever conceived.


Correct me if my initial assumptions are wrong.

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Education is important, school is also important but as much. Many companies only hire people with certificates or diplomas

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I never said i want to leave school ;-;


Anyhow .. all you guys said is true .. school giving your life lessons and all .. i know and it is a pleasure to interact with people and see how people live to know how to live a decent life yourself .. i also know that certificate is nearly the only way to get a job (which causes alot of b.s especially here in middle east) .. i know that i am blessed that i can go to school and take education which is not possible for people sitting in my home country .. i guess why i dont study is because of 1.Parents and how much pressure they put me in comparing me to dudes all the time 2.I have to study a full freakin book (300+pages .. 10+ chapters) in multiple subjects in less than 1 academic year (stoopid british dudes) 3. Teachers that keep tells us we are failures if we do bad in 1 test.


Thanks btw for everyone .. appreciate it :)

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Is studying multiple subjects with so complicated content that you don't understand and just memorize really important for a successful life ?


Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?

Man, if you study something what you don't understand you are doing it wrong. Or tryhard to understand or give up studying. Otherwise you just waste both your time and energy.


And about second part: Life it's not so simple. You never know that won't help you. Hell, many people change their desire. Sometimes they wake up and "I've made huge mistake. I don't want to be musician anymore. I want to be economist." and that's moment when comprehensive education is helpful. Many young people don't know what they want to do in a life. Learning many things makes you safer.

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1 - if you want to be a dumbass like the most of society due to the unwillingness to contribute some of your knowledge you learned in school to the world go to africa and die of ebola


2 - school is meant to teach discipline, knowledge, and willingness to never give up as each year progresses, and if you don't see that and you'd like to be the slack off (like i am now, but i'll turn it up when school starts) and take the easy lane, it's just gonna get harder and harder


3 - (there are some exceptions, like STAR_ and some other people cause they actually know how to entertain people)


kty B)


4 - p.s - you sound like a dumbass

1 - What? The majority of society in developed countries is using  "some knowledge that they learned in school" as some of it is essential. He wasn't talking about education as a whole, either.

2 - I really don't understand this. He never said you should slack off; he asked if some of school is necessary or not. You're generalizing everything far too much.

3 - Making exceptions for people who you fanboy. Ayy lmao

4 - irony and sincerity? troll? Who knows.


After the 7th grade .. i took prolly the worst decision that i regret till now .. i decided to stay in a british based school (IGCSE studies) .. i remember i used to love to go to school and learn new stuff .. as years went by .. studies became harder and more complicated each year .. in the 10th grade .. i decided to NOT take the IGCSE test and just go by diploma (school tests) .. however i was still forced to study that IG british syllabus .. last year i got 82% in school which is not that good .. and this will be my last year in high school and i have no motivation whatsoever to study .. maybe it is because now i am forced to study the british syllabus + take the SAT amercian test (which i have no idea about it) + 2 stupid tests that my country forces on me ..

/End of personal story .. begin of points.


Is studying multiple subjects with so complicated content that you don't understand and just memorize really important for a successful life ?


If studying is so important .. why is it so darn expensive and many families can't afford to put there children in good schools?


Why do we students have to study things that we will never use in our daily life nor will help us by any means whatsoever? Like why can't we just study what we like and drop the rest of subjects ?


Please no trolls here .. this is my last year of highschool and i still can't answer these questions .. studying is not a priority for me .. should it be ? If yes .. why ?


sorry for long post .. just getting things out of my chest


Although you don't use half the stuff you learn at school directly in "everyday situations" you do use them frequently and indirectly. It's also useful to have an array of things you can do in life, and not just rely on the singular career path, as a lot of people change their mind. Social skills are also EXTREMELY essential in life, which school most definitely helps.

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Yes it does unless it is Math as no one cares about it and no one will ever use most of it anyways.


Science helps humans to improve technology and give us a better understanding of our life. When I was young, not implying that I'm old, I thought that the male gave birth to the female and the female gave birth to the male. 


But with today's generations such as playing electronic devices and playing Call of Duty, I doubt our technology improving.

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