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How many sales would it need to raise the price of something?

ButterToast vK

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There is no set amount of sales needed, if you can show that the current suggested price sells really quickly, that there isnt a abundant of sellers for the current price and there are sales occurring higher than suggested price thats all you need.



Setting the price range:

Please refer to the valid proof section to help you.

Removing lower end of range: You must show that the current lower end is brought quickly and show many successful sales at the higher range. Some successful trades above the current price range can help

Increase: To increase the price you must show that the current price is bought quickly and that there are sales above the current price. This means many successful sold trades, which are successful in selling higher than the current range.

Here is a guide to help you out :) http://forums.backpack.tf/index.php?/topic/3203-guide-making-good-suggestions/

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The more, the better. 


That's the only thing I know since I never make suggestions on unique items, only on unusual hats.

GL (à¹Ì¯à¹)

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non-unusual items 


There is no set amount of sales needed, if you can show that the current suggested price sells really quickly, that there isnt a abundant of sellers for the current price and there are sales occurring higher than suggested price thats all you need.



Setting the price range:

Please refer to the valid proof section to help you.

Removing lower end of range: You must show that the current lower end is brought quickly and show many successful sales at the higher range. Some successful trades above the current price range can help

Increase: To increase the price you must show that the current price is bought quickly and that there are sales above the current price. This means many successful sold trades, which are successful in selling higher than the current range.

Here is a guide to help you out :) http://forums.backpack.tf/index.php?/topic/3203-guide-making-good-suggestions/


Derpeh answered your question in full details, there is nothing left to add as far as I can tell. Thanks to Derpeh and have fun suggesting! ^_^

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As much sales as are needed to convince a majority of the people viewing the new suggestion for a set price. The more the merrier. ^.^

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