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hat clipping


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so i have been in a few unusual trade servers recently and i have noticed there have been a lot of players wearing multiple hats. for example a scout with heroes tail, crones dome and bonk helm or heavy with coupe and KE. the hats that clips always seems to be all class. how do i do this? does the all class hat need to be unusual?

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Eh, not at all, all you need is to do: 

um, don't you mean this? (In case you think this video is fake or whatever because the pyromancer is now a misc, just look at the date)

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As far as cosmetic clipping goes, it usually causes errors (for me at least).


When I wear the pyromancer + graybann's things go wierd. ( 

) ~ I know this isn't propper equip_region clipping but I still get gleechez.


Like I ALWAYS get visual erros when using clipping hats.

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