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Buy a cancerous otolaryngologist's mirror, wait for it to become a misc and then highball everyone while the hype still exists. ;3 

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I will buy those to prevent Market Crash.

Anyways, yeah, buy an unusual, getting any effect mirror right now for that 11 keys is a good buy.

Even if isnt a misc, the hype is so high right now, that even a nuts and bolts will be easy to re-sell at 12-13, or more, because noone in market.


But, when I had enough keys I started buying unusuals(Payed 11 for a Steaming Pulgilist omg what a noob, was my first unu)...go check my profile, and look at the amount of unusuals that I had, unusual low-tier trading is very great, and fuun, try to get a cheap-discounted cancer unusuals(You can even with 9-10 keys), and try to re-sell or upgrade with that 1 key that its left, there's a lots of possibilities with 11 keys.


But yeah, Low-tier trading can take a bit but its profiting and fun, there's my tips for that 11 keys :v

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Give 'em to me. > :)

Inb4 Noob likes his own post (? Nah.

Anyways, i've brokered some god-tiers hats, and I have a lot of experience on making profit with some keys xD(Took 1 month but made 9 keys from a friend, and 1 key item to a 1 earbud unusual, when earbuds where easy 19, and 3 keys pure, and sweets around 1 key), so, if you're interested, I can help you with those.

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