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Is there a way for users to request more than craft numbers to be tracked?


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First off, I'm not sure if this should be categorized as a suggestion, site issue, or premium topic, so I'm posting it here. Sorry if this is the wrong forum.


I actually bought backpack.tf premium for the express purpose of tracking down an item- the black rose. However, when I used the premium search feature to locate black roses, only normal quality ones were there. Because I was looking for clean unique black roses, not normal ones, I looked for a place to request that the clean black rose be tracked- but it appears that there is only a method to request low craft numbers in place. This is disappointing because the premium overview advertises the "ability to request the tracking of specific items," which I assume applies to more than craft numbers.


So, my question is, is there any way that I can request the clean black rose be tracked? Thank you for your time, and again I apologize if this is the wrong forum.

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isn't the only way that you can get that knife is to install that game that also installs something that can be classified as a keylogger as well?

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Theres only like one of them and its gotten rejected offers of like 10+ buds.


Edit: Sorry, theres about 2 on the market and one wants 8 buds. Sorry.

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That's untrue. There are 27 of them, and they have sold from 3 buds to 10 as you said. The one currently on outpost is getting offers of around six. And krawtch, as I said in the OP, I am referring to the clean black rose, not the untradable one that is associated with an anti-cheat rootkit (not keylogger).


Really though, the exact item is irrelevant

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