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Backpack.tf And Its Depreciating Reputation


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Backpack.tf has been a growing irritation to all traders and players alike, mainly becuase of the manipulation of the vast amount of items, especially one of the most common currencies, keys. The website had a very purified reputation when it started a year ago and as a rival of another pricing website, TF2 Spreadsheet. A year after backpack.tf opened to everyone, it has changed to a tiny community to a buzzing utopia for prices. People trusted this site because they thought it was due to the ''community'' voting for the price. But many months after it opened to the public the suggestors have been very abusive and are manipulating the prices. People have doubted using this site and are just using it for unusual prices and some item prices. It has really lost its brilliance and has now has been plagued with bad defamation and is worsening with each manipulative suggestion.
Backpack.tf has been a growing irritation to all traders and players alike, mainly becuase of the manipulation of the vast amount of items, especially one of the most common currencies, keys. The website had a very purified reputation when it started a year ago and as a rival of another pricing website, TF2 Spreadsheet. A year after backpack.tf opened to everyone, it has changed to a tiny community to a buzzing utopia for prices. People trusted this site because they thought it was due to the ''community'' voting for the price. But many months after it opened to the public the suggestors have been very abusive and are manipulating the prices. People have doubted using this site and are just using it for unusual prices and some item prices. It has really lost its brilliance and has now has been plagued with bad defamation and is worsening with each manipulative suggestion.
Forums have been very common if backpack.tf is no longer a trusted site. Is the moderators/admins gonna handle this with expertise? Are they ready to put proper actions toward the pricing guides?


I have also posted this on SPUF and waiting for replies. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3099240

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They'll complain about anything, Usually most of the first page is just them complaining which is why i don't go there; It fills me with rage.

Honestly though i think Brad should close key suggestions for awhile, let the market settle and maybe let the whole key thing die down for a bit.

But then that'll cause a lot of trouble to since key prices won't be updated and if the Mods update them without a suggestion then the site will then again be accused of causing manipulation of prices.
If this keeps up then backpack.tf will be replaced.  The site that it is replaced with will then have the same fate as Spreadsheet and this place did.
Nice job giving me a headache by the way.  Your black and white thing might be creative...but it sure isn't professional  or needed.

Is there a way to make it where you can't visit a site anymore? Like maybe a parental control that only works on one specfic site? Serious question. I had bad self control and browsed SPUF for a bit...i think i need anger management classes...

Ok this'll be my last edit to this as the whole thing is getting quite big; sorry if this whole post sounded like i was trying to bully you or something OP, i just haven't slept for hours and i'm slightly aggitated by in real life issues...it doesn't help that people are making these stupid "DOWN WITH TF2 KEYS" trades on Outpost and going as far as making stupid little groups thinking it'll help any. People just making stupid assumptions without learning all the facts on the subject they're judging...which is exactly what is happening with Backpack.tf now.

Blegh i just went all bloggy on this post didn't i? Sorry and fuck spell checking.


this post is the worst post i've ever made out of the 123 posts i have made

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If I put colors in my text it makes it seem that I'm not actually saying things that have been said over and over and refuted by mods and admins time and time again.

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If I put colors in my text it makes it seem that I'm not actually saying things that have been said over and over and refuted by mods and admins time and time again.

The feel when i think it's a link

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All these discussions about backpack.tf causing the rising price of keys are completely ridiculous. backpack.tf does not set the price of keys in the market and everyone doesn't magically agree to the prices backpack.tf SUGGESTS. WE REPORT THE CURRENT TREND.


I can't believe we have to explain this so many times. Ask yourself these easy questions, maybe it will help you understand a bit the market logic:

  • If backpack.tf listed keys at 15 ref, would people buy at 15 ref?
  • If backpack.tf listed keys at 2 ref, would people sell for 2 ref?

If you answered NO to both of these questions, you're on the right track to understanding how markets work. The MARKET dictates the price, not the price list on here. 2 ref sellers would be added immediately and they'd raise their price until they run out of buyers.


Now, here's a suggestion for you: If you're not happy with the trend, CONVINCE EVERYONE TO STOP BUYING KEYS UNTIL THEY DROP. Stop complaining about the price, and do something about it.

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