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  1. As my -rep was deleted off of this guys profile by OverduePixels, I come here to raise awareness. Beware of people trying to offer "X amount of keys over current buy order" as all the bots has been banned and therefore their buy orders are now gone. This happened to me as some guy offered me (twice as he had most likely managed to get an item off of someone else for cheap with the same keys) 30 keys for my disco beat down Otoloaryngologist's Mirror, which he claimed was 8 keys over current buy order (which in all fairness it was), however, literally 2 days prior the same item (non-spelled) was at 41.x keys and had been above 40 keys for months. Sadly we cant fact check this through gladiator anymore but you would have to trust me on this one. I am afraid that this will push newer traders/users away from trading and even playing the game. I am also aware that some bots are starting to come back, so this may be less relevant now. I don't owe anyone anything regarding censoring names/profiles. Don't witch hunt the guy, if anything if you're angry of me for something go for me instead? lmao He deleted my comment and blocked me to hide the fact that hes dodgy. I've got no clue why the pictures are so massive, sorry for ruining scroll wheels.
  2. Please someone guide me how can i sell my tf2 keys for best possible rates.. I want bank transfer or upi Paypal is unfortunately not available
  3. You can normally buy an additional showcase only once (so you have 2 of them total), but what if I told you can still buy another additional item showcase? Here's how. Requirements (IMPORTANT) You need at least 6000 points to be able to buy the additional showcase. Instructions 1. Go over to https://steamapi.xpaw.me/#ILoyaltyRewardsService/RedeemPointsForProfileCustomization 2. Fill the access key which is needed to make the request. To get it, you first need to go to https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/ and be logged in. Then, open up the browser console (with F12) and paste this: javascript:JSON.parse(application_config.dataset.loyaltystore).webapi_token Copy the result between the quotes and paste it where Access token is: 3. All you need to do now is go back, put customization_type at 3 and click on Execute. If it worked, you will get a response with a purchaseid. If it didn't work, you'll get an empty response. This works for all the other showcases. The only thing that changes is the customization_type value. Customization type (additional showcases) 2 = Game collector 3 = Item showcase 4 = Items up for trade 5 = Badge collector 6 = Favorite game 7 = Screenshot 8 = Custom info box 9 = Favorite group 10 = Review 11 = Workshop 12 = Your workshop 13 = Artwork 14 = Video 15 = Guide 16 = My guides 17 = Achievement 22 = Featured artwork 23 = Completionist
  4. Here's a list of all the effects that were selected for this year's update: Unusual Hat Effects: Unusual Taunt Effects: I think that's all of them. There's a few cool ones, definitely a couple creative ones, but nothing is really jumping out at me as god tier.
  5. Hey I unboxed my first ever unusual and saw it was a 1 of 1. I wanted to ask the community to see how much it might be worth. Thank you for any help also sorry if the screenshot looks bad lol
  6. Hey guys the other night i played tf2 for the first time in a long time, i never really got into it and don't know anything about the economy/value of items. i decided to unbox some old crates i had leftover and ended up unboxing an Unusual medic's mountain cap with the unusual effect purple energy. ideally i'd prefer to sell it on steam market but unsure what to price it at, i see that the price fluctuates on there i'd assume it depends on the effect on the item. backpack.tf is the only site i've seen information about this, i see it has it valued at $184.14 USD, i'm wondering if this is still accurate and if it's possible to sell for that much on the steam market thanks in advance for any help :)
  7. LaughingLollipop

    How to 'Own' every key in TF2

    Lets say that I want to wield the power of 2,000,000 keys. I present to you, the 2 million key* trader (or uh beep boop botboi 'trader') Required: 320 keys (using $1.75 thats $560) Premium ($5/month) ~$640 in donations (simplified to just the 1 listing per 20 cents for ease of calculation) to obtain 3200 classified listings In this particular excersize it may actually be possible to find 6400 items worth >320 keys (or sufficiently rare you don't gotta worry about anyone actually trying to sell) and max out your orders. 320 keys * 3200 listings *2 premium multiplier = 2,048,000 keys in buy orders Why Stop?: why stop at 2 million keys, lets go big. I want 100 million keys. If you have ~$8400, a dream and way too much time on your hands you can make 100,000,000 keys in buy orders You will need 2400 keys $4200 dollars of donation credit Premium Sub Now I do have one admission to make in this theoretical pursuit. I dunno where tf you're gonna find 20835 different items worth 2400 keys or more to put orders on, so you might have to dial it back to only like 30 or 40 million keys in actual orders. Commentary: When considering the apparent buy order 'value' losses propagated by the gladiator implosion, lets take a minute and appreciate that likely <0.1% of those buy orders were actually backed by currency anyway. I believe the buy order dissapearing phenomenon that seems to happen every so often is linked to this. If any event causes bots to get sold a few thousand keys in items, then that few thousand keys * their absurd 1000x+ multipliers means that millions of keys in buy orders can't be fulfilled (and get hidden/deleted by the bots) It is a bit disconcerting that the buy order function doesn't have the biggest asterisk you've ever seen attached to its column in search results. The 'buyers' don't actually have keys to cover 99%+ of their orders. This effect creates a massive pump on item values when very little actual capital is/was available.
  8. Hi there, first post. And it's a big one! After owning several unusuals throughout the years I have noticed some strange irregularities with how unusual effects behave depending on a handful of attributes. I have not seen much discussion let alone acknowledgement of these issues, so I have made this guide to help the community. I've made a steam guide with everything here plus more on other types of unusual issues. Find it here. The Image included is what I am referring to when I say broken unusuals. If you've owned any gen 1-3 unusuals recently, you may have come a cross a broken unusual, that has the effect appear on the waist of the player-model. I myself owned multiple unusual Merc's Mohawks and noticed this about them. After doing some research and testing inside of tf2, i have made a full list on What hats have this issue. If a unusual has a broken effect ALL versions of that unusual will be broken in the same way. For example: A Purple Energy Aviator Assassin is a broken unusual, so ALL Purple Energy Aviator Assassins that exist as well as all that are unboxed in the future will have the exact same issue unless fixed otherwise. I cannot stress it enough that unusuals are not individually broken. Unsure why, but the bug is significantly more common on hats that were released After the End of The Line update. The bug seems to only really affect valve-made effects. (Gens 1 - 3, Halloweens, Robo, and EOTL) In this test, I used itemtest to check multiple effects on every possible unusual hat obtainable. Some of these effects include but are not limited to: Burning Flames, Sunbeams, Scorching Flames, Smoking, Nut's N' bolts, Stormy Storm, Miami Nights, Green / Purple Confetti, Stormy 13th Hour, Hellfire, Morning Glory, Killawatt, Flaming lantern, Powersurge, TimeWarp, Knifestorm and Purple / Green energy. Because of how TF2 handles things, if a hat has a issue with one of these effects, there is a good chance that it will have issues with other effects from the same generation. I did not test modern effects (Anything made after Gun Mettle) on everything because that would simply take way to much time, plus most hats can't even get modern effects, and of those effects most don't appear to have any issues on 99% of hats from what I saw testing. Below the image is the list of every hat that has the issue. Any hat with a Star before the name can not be fixed by any means simply because the item itself is broken. If the hat is not on the list, it means that it did not have any sort of issues. If you do not think that Itemtest is a proper way to check if a unusual is broken, I have tested unusuals that myself and my friends have owned that had the issue, and they all had the same issue when tested in itemtest and in a real game scenario. Keep in mind that most of the time, These unusuals can be easily fixed by adjusting the unusual effect by any amount. It does not mean you should price a unusual lower simply because the effect does not work in some situations. I myself have purchased many unusuals that had this issue and did not undervalue them for said reasons. I made this guide entirely help those who may have these issues with unusuals that they own. (Hats are organized by Value simply because I used BP.TF price list to see all the unusuals that are in game.) (Not all hats from the Summer 2023 Case are listed because they don't seem to work in itemtest for me.) Scout: - Lightning Lid - B'aaarrghn Bicorne - Millennial Mercenary - Fortunate Son - Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood - Death Racer's Helmet - Punk's Pomp - Boston Brain Buket - Throttlehead Soldier: - Shellmet - Slo-Poke - Crit Cloak - Infernal Impaler - Screamin' Eagle - Detective - Thousand-Yard Stare - Climbing Commander (Effect is in the chest) - Dancing Doe - Vampire Vanquisher - Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat - Sky High Fly Guy - Roaming Roman - Firearm Protector - Calamitous Cauldron - Bazar Bauble - Elf Defense - Bulb Bonnet - *Coldfront Curbstompers Pyro: - Pyromancer's Hood - Cat's Pajamas (Effect is in the chest) - Propaniac - Seared Sorcerer - Burning Question - Neptune's Nightmare - Flamehawk - Fire Fighter - Combustible Kabuto - Reel Fly Hat - Toy Tailor - Partizan - A Head Full of Hot Air - Round-A-Bout - Elf Ignition - Firestalker Demoman: - Blast Defense - Outta Sight - Bruce's Bonnet - Bomber's Bucket Hat - Valhalla Helm - Hazard Headgear - Plaid Lad - Nightbane Brim - Bombard Brigadier - Spiky viking Heavy: - Bear Necessities (Effect is in the chest) - Mo'Horn - Siberian Facehugger - Aztec Aggressor - Warhood - SandMann's Brush - Ol' Reliable - Minnesota Slick - Polar Bear - Trash Man - Horror Shawl - Mooshanka (Effect is in the chest) - Squatter's Right - Fur-Lined Fighter - Cool Capuchon (Effect is in the chest) - Mann-O-War - Convict Cap - *Sleeveless in Siberia - *Hunter Heavy Engineer: - Conagher's Combocer - Wavefinder - Wide-Brimmed Bandito - Lawnmaker - Trencher's Topper - More Gun Marshal - Head of Defense - Artic Mole - Soft Hard Hat Medic: - Das Hazmattenhatten (Effect is in the chest) - Nunhood (Effect is in the chest) - Das Naggenvatcher - Victorian Villainy - Coldfront Commander - Heer's Helmet - Physician's Protector - Soda Cap - Surgeon's Shako - Teutonic toque - Mighty Mitre - Snowcapped - Mann of Reason - Optic Nerve - Elf Care Provider Sniper: - Corona Australis - Cold Killer (Effect is in the chest) - Your Worst Nightmare - Professional's Ushanka - Dread Hiding Hood - Bare Necessities - Headhunter's Brim - Archer's Sterling - Hawaiian Hunter - Highway Star - Missing Piece Spy: - Monsieur Grenouille - Crustaceous Cowl - Aviator Assassin - Crabe de Chapeau - Festive Cover-Up All / Multi Class: - Merc's Mohawk - Full Metal Helmet - Towering Pillar of Beanies - Breadcrab - Colonel Kringle - Executioner - Potassium Bonnet - Bedouin Bandanna - Hazmat Headcase - Balloonihoodie - Decorated Veteran - Snowmann - Ballooniphones - Onimann - Prehistoric Pullover - Crown of the Old Kingdom - Candy Crown - Mister Bones - All Hallow's Hatte - Lil' Bitey - Woolen Warmer - A Well Wrapped Hat - Professional's Pom-Pom - Tundra Top - Chill Chullo - Nuke - Hat Chocolate - Caribou Companion - Sophisticated Smoker - Reindoonibeanie - Starlight Sorcerer - Hat Outta Hell - Phononaut - Bobby Bonnet - Smissmas Sorcerer - Winter Wrap Up - Twisted Topper - Bat Hat - Second-Head Headwear - Giftcrafter - King Cardbeard - Yule Hog - Spooky Head-Bouncers - Undercover Brolly If you would like to test a specific hat with a specific effect, my Steam guide has a tutorial on how to do so.
  9. The link below is the issue report. https://backpack.tf/issue/648b1a67a39cec0ff50fffde Still can't believe it was about 250k USD. Thank you everyone for mobilizing so quickly!
  10. Credit to Crimson, owner of the We Wuz Vibin' discord for this: "gladiator.tf got hacked once again, lost 100k (USD) worth of tf2 items, all put into this one backpack." Hacker Profile: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561199505594824 TURBO BOT's owner, Flan: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TF2TradingFlaneur/ Gladiator.Tf TURBO BOT: https://backpack.tf/u/76561199389182144 Compare https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561199389182144#!/compare/1686700800/1686787200 I swear hackers are just something else. Some people are just below scum. Feedback welcome on what you all think went on. I've always been a person who rather trade with people than with bots or delegate my items with bots in the 11 years that I have been trading on and off on TF2. Even still, I think this is a sad situation altogether. Karma will come around. Have a good one! Update: Please make sure to - rep the hacker, so he people can be aware of what hapoened - https://backpack.tf/trust/76561199505594824 If anyone can help with additional evidence with the issue tracker I created on all these items. It would be much appreciated as well. https://backpack.tf/issue/648b1a67a39cec0ff50fffde We may not be able to take back what we lost, but we can do what we can with what we can still preserve.
  11. Hey everyone! It's Russell! Looking for an appraisal for a 1 of 1 Arcana Firewall Helmet My Price Suggestion at 565 keys - https://backpack.tf/suggestion/6458ee6933aeb33d420789f6 Edit: My Updated Price at 900 keys - https://backpack.tf/classifieds?item=Firewall Helmet&quality=5&tradable=1&craftable=1&australium=-1&particle=73&killstreak_tier=0 Feedback welcome! Open for offers as well! Thanks and have a great day!
  12. Hey everyone! This is Russell! I invested a decade to TF2, which is on the STEAM platform. I can't believe a monopoly was resulted into this. Edit: I checked the site and seemed legit so far earlier this morning. It was more early morning site look when I surfing youtube, but I didn't give any information that was sensitive like SSID, or my credit card or debit card. It was just my Steam ID and my emails which just in case I changed my passwords. I did it all on mobile using the Brave browser. I made a complete lapse of judgment and I'll own up to it and reset my passwords. I revoked API keys if there was any and flagged them as spam on my emails. Anyways better safe than sorry. I've also retracted what I can with that. Truthfully I'm done I'll move on from it. Anyways good luck and have fun I thought it would be interesting to share. Have a great weekend! I like to denote this verse below which motivates very much! Philippians 4:13 AMP - I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]
  13. Hello everyone! My name is Russell, but you can call me Russ! My friend of approximately about a year and 1 month, dark^^ wanted a chance to get a triple nut set. I just so happened to have a 1 of 1 in the market Nuts n' Bolts Antlers. I sold him my 1 of 5 Nuts n' Bolts Antlers that I paid about 484 keys in mix for an Arcana Firewall Helmet (recently priced suggestion at 550 keys), 1 of 2 Festive Lights Herald Helm (ongoing price at 100 keys), Vintage Killstreak Lugermorph (~11 keys), 2 keys pure, Hi-Five Taunt(Recently priced at 1.45 keys), Laugh Taunt(Recently priced at 2.7 keys), Rancho Relaxo Taunt (Recently priced at 1.4 keys), Taunt: Luxury Lounge (0.8 keys), Strange Festivized Killstreak Scottish Resistance(1.2 keys), Strange Killstreak Scattergun(recently priced at 1.2 keys), Strange Kill Streak Homewrecker (1 key), Strange Alpine Shotgun (Field-Tested) (0.8 keys) Unusual Holy Grail Deep Fried Desire(2 keys), Infernal Grip The Homerunner's Hobby(7 keys), Frosted Decadence Lawnmaker, and an mvm ticket (0.5 keys). I had my listing for my Nuts n' Bolts Antlers at 2000 keys. Here's the links consisting of the conversation, items traded(since compares aren't working as of 05/04/23 3 PM CST, but I will add them as soon as the compares populate), more context from the conversation, my steam profile, my Next.Backpack.tf inventory, and trust below: Conversation: Trade: https://backpack.tf/item/4580313554 https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507#!/compare/1682985600/1683244800 https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198036241064#!/compare/1682899200/1683244800 https://gladiator.tf/time-machine?item=Nuts+n'+Bolts+Antlers&at=2023-05-04T15%3A02%3A00.000Z B/O 2000 Keys More Context of Conversation: https://youtube.com/shorts/u-RXpaYVUGA?feature=share My Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Russell1111111/ My Next.Backpack.tf backpack: https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507 My Next.Backpack.tf Trust: https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507/trust I'm glad that we both win! Thank you again, dark^^ for being a dear friend, and a fair trader too! I'm happy that he enjoys the set and he calls himself Nutty Dark^^ now! It's cool that he is playing the part too! He also decided that he won't sell either and he wants to keep it in his inventory unless for a price he can't refuse like a Gpan for the entire set, which is of course a joke. Still cool he enjoys his new item and accomplished a dream of his! Not to mention, all class miscs are on the rise and have really excellent stability. Having an excellent combo like triple nuts is an amazing set to behold. I can attest as I have had a Nuts n' Bolts Virtual ViewFinder, which I sold for 600 in pure and Aussies, and the Nuts n' Bolts Antlers for a 2500 keys in mix. Nonetheless, I'm just happy that I played a pivotal part for my dear friend, Nutty Dark! In conclusion, the lesson here is that most ape traders rather rob and accumulate from others. I rather inform and negotiate to make a fair deal that leads to a compromise instead. It's not all about the profit, but how you impact people instead. At the end of the day, what is more fulfilling is when we both win! Feedback welcome! Have a good one and May the 4th be with you (Star wars reference)!
  14. Hiya! This is Russell. This Ape Trading Strategy is so rad. All my fellow ape traders know this strategy, which I'm not anymore for I renewed my ways long ago. Just as Eminem said it giving you the secrets "fast and ready like mom's spaghetti", because all ape traders are afraid to share it. For clarification, here's the classifieds: https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Cranial Cowl/Tradable/Craftable/258 This is the price suggestion by me for the Eerie Kraken Cranial Cowl: https://backpack.tf/suggestion/6412322d2639326b3d030035 Feedback welcome. Lol wish me luck! Going to get that x25.5 profit now lol Diva of Despair is negotiable for pure. Maybe this person, Diva is VERY negotiable lol Calculation - 690/27 = ~25.5 This is why I got the x25.5 multiplier lol Yes I'm Valedictorian in my inaugural class at Wisdom High School in 2017. Go Wisdom Generals! I got my Associate of Arts in CC and my Bachelor's of Science in Biology Degree back in University of Houston- Downtown in 2021 and I got placed into Calculus 1 in my freshman year in Fall 2017, so I can obviously do my basic arithmetic in math! I got no plans for the ape trade seen, since I've been accruing wealth easily. I can buy what I like and continue to thrive. I am all flash and all substance as I'm a humble Filipino Asian American Man, who is 24 years old living with my family. I make steady passive income and work from home who only goes out for church, working out and for his friends. I'm humble I don't move out from my parents house or need to buy a car as I'm a minimalist. Sorry for the humble brag! xD P.S. Just a little joke and what not lol. Even though this is a legit strategy for quick buyers! xD You all should join too! Let's give the Cranial Cowl, a great quickswitch misc for soldier some love lol There's other opportunities to make profit just keep having your listings and keep your avenues open. You don't know what deal you'll get if you don't put yourself out there. Have an excellent month this April. Going to binge some Your Lie In April now. I love that anime with a passion just like last month as I watched March comes in like a Lion. Anyways, have a great one! Visit incmedia.org and pasugo.com.ph Through God and Christ I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13 NKJV) and still be unafraid(Joshua 1:9 NKJV)!
  15. For context, I'm citing data from my Aces High Virtual ViewFinder price suggestion: https://backpack.tf/suggestion/63d1c004cd61c190d103b267 Sale 2: Item History: https://next.backpack.tf/item/12073716330 Seller: https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507/compare?from=1673222400&to=1673308800 Buyer: https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198268187402/compare?from=1673222400&to=1673308800 Video proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/HqRsYnk_tdg?feature=share https://gladiator.tf/time-machine?item=Knifestorm+Voodoo+JuJu+(Slight+Return)&at=2023-01-10T09%3A01%3A00.000Z B/O 800 Keys and buy orders at 400 keys Sold for a Knifestorm Voodoo Juju (Slight Return)- use there Sale 4) https://next.backpack.tf/item/12641401405 https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507/compare?from=1675209600&to=1675296000 I offered a Tradeback to my friend HS and for the record was offered to me first about mid January Video proof of Convo and trade back offer: https://youtube.com/shorts/9SkMR4RzEXE?feature=share Sale 2 will be excluded. Then I'll cite how I traded for my Aces High Virtual ViewFinder from my previous suggestion that was accepted last year in September 2022 Aces High Virtual ViewFinder price suggestion priced at 330 - 380 keys or an average of 355 keys: https://backpack.tf/suggestion/62efb372b8ccefaa86025f54 Sale 1) I traded Nebula Translator and Black Max's Severed Head for After 8 Aces High Virtual ViewFinder and Strange Sunbeams Australium Gold Prehistoric Pullover Bulk- exclude https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198064724507/compare?from=1653264000&to=1653350400 https://next.backpack.tf/profiles/76561198360687684/compare?from=1653264000&to=1653868800 Video proof of transaction: https://youtu.be/thQo1-8gxc0 In conclusion, I offered a trade back of HS's Knife Storm Voodoo Juju (Slight Return) for my Aces High Virtual ViewFinder as I wanted to show that not all traders are just straight up greedy. In fact, since I've been busy with work, investing in stocks, options, real estate, rental incomes, my health and church these days. I've just been dialing back from the trades these days. For the record, I'm not tired of TF2, but just spreading my avenues. I'm still going to be doing price suggestions here and there as I love doing those as a hobby. Albeit I'll be backlogged, but I love doing it. I'm 23 going to be 24 years old. I'm blessed to have a full ride in school with my degree in Biology, which resulted in having no loans. Also, I'm not cashing out as I do enjoy my items, and have no rush or urgency for more money. I also had fond memories with my fellow trader friends I met and traded with along the way, which is fair worth than any money in the world which make these items priceless to me. Anyways, what would you have done in my situation? I told you I traded back. Would you have done the same? Feedback is welcome. Thanks and have a great day!
  16. SaintVampDI

    SFM commissions are opened

    Taking sfm commssions. Here're some examples of my work. Prices per poster starting at 5 keys can go up to 10 if you have big scene with lots of characters hmu on steamhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/disist/ or on discord SaintVampDI#3241
  17. I've had a few people msg me on my steam account asking about this hat in particular, Is it worth much more than it normally would be because of the spells on it?
  18. It was when I went to Mexico during around August - September 2021 when I noticed fraudulent charges on my card with my paypal. It was only $37.10 with paypal covering $20, so it $17.10. What's worse is that they called me a scammer and I should be on some watch list on to not trade. I was trying to get appealed and fixed a month and a half prior before this incident. I'm currently doing it again. I got banned from backpack.tf just yesterday, September 30, 2022 for an accidental chargeback on marketplace.tf, due to identity theft that happened 13 months ago RussellSproutz_YT's Profile - backpack.tf RussellSproutz_YT's Trust - backpack.tf I got a feeling it was due to the exit scammer I reported. An hour later: Funny thing I wasn't even trading anymore. I was just backing up some friends who were victims to this exit scammer. To be honest, I got no hate for backpack.tf mods, but I got a feeling that this was personal. This exit scammer, hero even said some sus crap Its because hours later that same exit scammer was showing off that he won. I don't mind putting the evidence here either since backpack.tf closed my report on him: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Herogasim/ https://backpack.tf/trust/76561199215745252 - ooba one memba tracy morgan Name: ooba one memba tracy morgan Community ID: 76561199215745252 Steam 2: STEAM_0:0:627739762 Steam 3: [U:1:1255479524] Profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Herogasim/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199215745252 "An Hero" is an alt of the exit scammer, Eudai aka as Merci - https://steamcommunity.com/id/traderslovehim/ He's also an alt of https://steamcommunity.com/id/Milkowner/ Milkmann aka Nigel Plumkan He's currently banned on firepowered since he's a suspected alt https://youtu.be/Q8JF99RAmMA https://gyazo.com/c9a724161ecd690f451d1bad04c488cb Don't trade him at all! This is his inventory: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561199215745252 https://backpack.tf/item/2196997493 He scammed my friend Inpecular's duped aces antlers https://backpack.tf/item/2729059490 He scammed my friend's Mr. Pablo's nuts antlers https://backpack.tf/item/5266075758 He scammed Ping's strange Tesla coil prehistoric pullover To reiterate don't trade with at all! There's more items that were scammed. I just was able to note the aces antlers, nuts antlers, and the strange Tesla coil prehistoric pullover since I have known these victims for those items especially as they were my friends. Update: It's funny he also -rep'd me saying I was an incoming exit scammer, but I have redeemed myself in following through with my Paypal deals and am currently still in the process of appealing my bans from my passed offenses on the marketplace and on firepowered. Truly an absolute scumbag this "Eudai- merci -An Hero" is. I wouldn't trade with him even period. Don't trade with him at all. I've also reported him on steam with evidence. https://backpack.tf/issue/63360464c0dc71737e03cde0 He's also banned on firepowered https://rep.tf/76561199215745252 Truly this An Hero/ Nigel Plumkan/Eudai/Merci has not only ripped off thousands of dollars out thousands of victims. He's truly pathetic https://steamcommunity.com/id/RussellSproutz_YT/screenshots/ I resorted to putting even here since I'm already being pushed to no other options. I'm going to put the rest this evidence to report this punk on steam rep. He thinks he got away with this, but before I leave TF2, I'll make sure he either gives those items back or I at least get him trade banned so he can't make any money from this.
  19. Yesterday i attempted to buy spelled items via buy orders by listing the buy order at the price i would pay for a certain spell and then linking my price excel in the description. The problem with this is that the backpack.tf admin team considers this missleading for new traders and therefore i got banned for a day. I was wondering if anyone knows how to add the spell to the specification of the item when creating the buy order as i have seen other people do it? Like this: https://gyazo.com/e07ec1f62939159983c8cad31f52409f Any help is appreciated!
  20. Is there any programs I should use? Any tools? What should I strive for when creating cosmetics/skins? Any advice helps, thanks much in advance.
  21. Getting started Hey there, since I know that not everyone knows how to do background checks, I thought I'd make a guide on how to do it based on what I personally do myself. In this day and age where anyone can pretend to be someone they're not, it's important to do a minimum amount of research on the people you trade with, especially if you trade on a regular basis and/or do any form of cash/risky trades. Installing and configuring the tools What you'll need to install : Augmented Steam (https://augmentedsteam.com/) Tampermonkey (or any equivalent userscript manager, such as Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey) https://www.tampermonkey.net/ Steam Trade Offer Enhancer (aka Julia's script, Tampermonkey required to install) https://github.com/juliarose/steam-trade-offer-enhancer/blob/master/steam.trade.offer.enhancer.user.js?raw=true By default, Augmented Steam offers handy links and the ability to have third-party links of profiles for websites such as Backpack.tf. On top of this, any SteamRep banned profile becomes much more obvious when you visit their profile (see screenshots below) While this is a good start, it's not enough to do thorough background checks. We'll go in the Augmented Steam options in the top right corner to do a few adjustments. Once that's done, download this configuration file (I will keep this updated if necessary): https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ1QsWXZJW7YGLkvcuh40uLI6f1gHXTnaIGy then click on Import in the bottom right corner of the configuration page (see screenshot below) Select the downloaded configuration file and click on Open. Augmented Steam should tell you that the import was successful. Basic background checking (the fun part) Now that we've gone through the process of installing Augmented Steam and Julia's script, I will now show how easy it is to background check someone. Let's say that you get a trade offer from someone. Julia's script gives you two easily accessible buttons to use along many other features (which are not the main focus of the guide). The first button links to that person's backpack and the second button links you to a rep.tf page of that same person. If someone has been banned on backpack.tf and or on SteamRep, you will see that their name was striked through. On rep.tf, it will show that the person was banned from one or more communities. Please note that some bans aren't always related to scamming offenses but will still show up for you to see and judge for yourself. Deep background checking (highly recommended for cash traders and experienced traders) Why am I recommending this "deep" background check? While some scammers are obvious and already banned, some try to stay under the radar and pull off large scams (typically exit scams, paypal scams, etc) Let's take this person for example. They posted that they were buying and selling keys, however there were multiple signs that an exit scam was going to happen months before it even happened. If you take a quick look at his backpack and old trust, you would think that person is fine. However, if you take a closer look at his backpack and trust, you can notice that he quickly gained trust and was buying/selling keys exclusively (no unusual trading, etc) https://web.archive.org/web/20201216201319/https://backpack.tf/trust/76561198038550904 On top of this, this account was purchased/stolen to look like a normal old profile. You can tell just by the sudden surge in activity after all those years. You can tell by using these websites: steamid.uk, vacbanned.com, SteamRep The account is 10 years, suddenly starts doing high tier trading and history on Backpack.tf and SteamRep only goes back a few months. From all this information, we can tell that this user is highly suspicious and cannot be trusted even if they're not banned anywhere. In summary, you can use the links from the Augmented Steam extension to check a person's presence on other websites like the ones I mentioned above. This guide is not 100% complete (as you can tell from all the links below), but this should help tremendously weed out any bad actors.
  22. I know this will sound like a stupid question, but on trade servers like FP I often see people stacking say, 2 Blast Defense or other quickswitches with a hat. Google/Steam Community yielded me methods that didn't work and the people on FP weren't any help in my asking. The pictured fellow didn't respond either. What's the methodology here? I have 2 blast's I'd like to stack with the 3rd effect hat, even though I know it's only temporary, just to see what the combo would look like. Thanks in advance
  23. EDIT: - Oct 4 2020 Updates on - Types of scams - how to avoid getting scammed - website links - discord links - corrected typos - removed outdated stuff Before I start there are few things I wanna say and be clear about. 1. I love helping everyone and so this was a guide (a shorter version) I made for my friends from the TF2 community in my region on my discord server, The screenshots shown in this guide is like a few months old from when I made this guide so I did not bother to strike off the names as those trade won't be existing now. 2. Everything that I have said below is a collection of data I gathered online and from my own experience in trading. (not everything are my own words but I strongly agree with everything said below) 3. There are many other guides out there for trading you are free to follow/check that as well. By no means this is a perfect guide or the best one out there. 4. There will be very basic things mentioned here which most of you may already know but that is for the people who are very new to trading. What is TRADING on steam? Trading is a system that lets people exchange items with other people. This system allows players to swap weapons, cosmetics, tools and more with other players within Steam itself On August 9, 2011, the trade beta updates were added to the public Steam client and on September 6, 2011. With Steam trading, people were able to trade their in-game items for other in-game items with other people. Team Fortress 2 Trading Item trading is the backbone of the economy in Team Fortress 2. Weapons, hats, and metal are all traded frequently and have their own individual values. 1. Weapons and hats will be given to the player via the drop system, 2. Items can also be obtained via the crafting system. There are specific recipes for almost every item which can be found in the in-game crafting section Currency Since you can't directly trade money to other players Metal is the most basic currency in Team Fortress 2. Keys which can only be obtained by either buying them from the store or trading metal for it Earbuds are next which can be obtained by trading keys and metal These 3 items are the basic currency used in TF2 for trading There are many keys in TF2 but Mann Co. Supply Crate Key is the currency key keep this in mind. Types of Metal There are mainly 3 types of metal in Team Fortress 2 Scrap Metal, Is obtained by Smelting two class weapons together (Can be done In-game) Reclaimed Metal, Is obtained by Smelting three scrap metals together (Can be done In-game) Refined Metal, Is obtained by Smelting three reclaimed metal (can be done In-game) 1 Refined Metal = 9 Scrap Metal or 1 Refined Metal = 3 Reclaimed Metal 1 Reclaimed Metal = 3 Scrap Metal 1 Reclaimed Metal in mathematical terms - 0.33 1 Scrap Metal in mathematical terms - 0.11 0.99 is counted as 1 in TF2 ITEM QUALITIES Quality is a property of items, which is represented in-game by the color of the item's name and (in most cases) by a title prefixed to the item's name. An item can have only one quality, which is determined when the item is created and remains unchanged There are 12 different qualities of items in TF2, But only 8 of them are more common and traded most. Normal · Unique · Vintage · Genuine · Strange · Collector's · Decorated · Unusual · Haunted · Community · Self-Made · Valve From the list above Unique · Vintage · Genuine · Strange · Collector's · Decorated · Unusual and Haunted are the most commonly traded items Shortlisting this, even more, it will be Unique Strange and Unusual The highest traded items Unique quality is the item quality assigned to items which can be found through random drops during gameplay Vintage is an item quality used most commonly to designate previously Unique items obtained prior to the Mann-Co Update, where it was introduced. Genuine item quality was originally introduced alongside the RIFT promotion as a way to allow items obtained through participation in a cross-game promotion or an in-game event to be distinguished from the same items gained via other methods - such as through the random drops or via crafting. Strange quality is an item quality available for weapons and cosmetics that track the stats (kills and points) of that item. Haunted is an item quality designated for Halloween-themed items. Many, but not all, Halloween items have a Haunted version. Collector's is an item quality that is given to items obtained by completing special Chemistry Sets Decorated is an item quality assigned to weapons with special grade factors, varying levels of exterior wear, and possibly a Strange counter and/or Unusual effect. Unusual quality is an item quality used on cosmetic items, taunts, and weapons. Unusual items have special attached particle effects. How To Start Trading It's actually hard to start with nothing at all, so its best to have a very small investment to start with. I would recommend 2 keys (which is what I started with) This is a section about slow profit that you don’t need much metal to do, making it perfect for new traders getting started and learning the basics of TF2 trading. This section is nothing I would recommend doing a long time just because it’s just so slow profit. It's just to kick off your trading with very low investment 5 Things you need to check/have before you start Get TF2 premium Get the Steam app (for trade confirmation) - much better and safer than email confirmations Activate Steam guard Set your profile to public Have your Trade offer URL As mentioned earlier its best to have some kind of investment when you start trading for the first time, so buy 2 keys and convert 1 key into metal (refined, reclaimed and scrap) and save your other key. How do I do that? Just go here - https://scrap.tf/keys and sell 1 key. There’s like thousands of different ways to trade and make a profit, and I will show you a few ways to help you get started. I’ll be talking about a few basic methods of trading. [ This is what I started doing when I started Trading long ago ] Buy and Sell Popular Items How do I know which are popular items? Taunts, Tools, and craft hats. These Items sell a lot everyday and its good profit Tools include items like Backpack Expanders, Name tags, Tour of Duty Ticket etc (basically consumable items of small value) Taunts are also a good start for new Traders with a limited budget. Buy and sell these items for a small profit. Go for items and aim to buy & sell a lot of items to get your profit going, don’t try and buy ridiculously low or sell to high, then you’ll never get to buy/sell any items. Banking these items can be hard with all the competition from other traders, especially traders using bots. If you want to grab a trading bot of your own there’s actually free option available, trade.tf they have bots available for free. (To know more about these bots DM me) or just buy a bot.tf bot. - Look for people that are selling a bunch of cosmetics/taunts/tools on TF2outpost, make an offer for all their items at a discount, don’t go crazy and offer way below what they're asking for, instead aim for a small profit when buying in bulk, make it worth it for both parties. - Look for people that are selling items at discount on backpcak.tf Here is an example of an Item. You can see those guys are selling it for much less than bots (Yes he is offline but if you can get the item from them you can make a profit of 1-4 scrap or by selling it) either to the bots that are buying it or by listing it for sale NOTE: In backpack.tf Every item You see on the left side with Green arrow is SELL ORDER Every Item You see on the right side with Blue arrow is BUY ORDER In the above-shown example, you can see that bots are buying this item for 2.88 refined and there are people selling it for 2.55 onward Just mentioning this because I have seen a lot of people getting confused with this. This is another example or way to make easy profit. Some bots will be having outdated prices (The owners may be just too lazy to update it? idk but this happens a lot). As u see in the screenshot every bot is selling this item for 4.33 ref and buying it for 4.11 ref but one bot has a buy order at 5.33 ref. Just buy from the selling bot and sell it to the buying bot for easy profit. (This is kind of cheeky but hey it's not something rule-breaking as they there is a legit buy order which has an old outdated price.) Keep in mind bots might have stock limit set (so reload the page after a trade and check if the bot is still buying that item. Trade.tf has a feature which scans all the big trading sites for good deals, this can be a great place to find a few items you can make a profit on. In order to use the service you need to have their premium membership, it’s free and all you have to do is to add “trade.tf” into your Steam name. If the site says an item is on sale for like 60% off, it’s probably too good to be true, the service isn’t flawlessly and you always need to double check everything before making a deal. It also has a bot that can help you with trading which is also free for premium members. Do check it out, and if you are confused or have any questions please DM me When you have made a decent profit from trading craft hats taunts and tools its time to step things up a bit and find better deals and items that give more profit. These items need more investment or will cost more than these small items so make sure to at least have 5 keys and some refined when you start doing this. Items Include - Unique Killstreak items, Strange Killstreak Items, Vintage items, Genuine items, Strange Cosmetics etc As you trade more and more you will get an idea how this works and how to get more profit from which items from your own experience. Once you have about 10-15 keys then you can start with Unusual Trading (although 8 keys are enough to start unusual trading its best to have some extra keys as backup) Unusual Trading This section is purely based on my personal experience in Unusual Trading. I am not that good of an unusual trader and there are people who are 100x better than me also there are many other guides out there for unusual trading you are free to follow/check that as well. This guide is for people that want to get started with unusual trading or for any trader that want to learn new ways of making a profit with unusual's. When it comes to unusual trading you need to know all the unusual effects in the game and its value, and in this section, I’ll show you how you can do unusual trading with just a basic knowledge of the TF2 economy. I’ll try to cover everything you need to know to get started with unusual trading but that being said this is by no means a perfect unusual trading guide which I have already said above To start with unusual trading you’ll need around 8-15 keys, the more the better of course but that’s the minimum (The more the better) The second thing you need to know is that you have to be familiar with all the unusual effects in the game. There are currently 105 unusual effects in the game and you can see all these effects here in the link below. https://backpack.tf/effects Here you’ll find all the effects listed in order of the effect’s average price for hats with the effect in question. Effects with a high average are seen as good looking (in-game) and exclusive, generally speaking. This doesn’t mean an effect is more popular/easier to sell because it has a higher price, a higher price unusual effect can be harder to sell because people don’t have/don’t want to spend that kind of money on a hat. Meaning the higher the value of a hat the lesser chance you have to get pure (Its not impossible to get pure for very high-value items but the chances are less as only collectors or people who buy the hat to use would pay the full price in pure) A cheaper unusual effect can be more in demand just because it’s more affordable. When it comes to the question, what effects should you buy? I don’t have a good answer for you, any effect could be a good investment for the right price. But I will recommend do not buy effects like Bubbling, Dead Presidents, Massed Flies, Nuts n Bolts, Overclocked, Memory Leak, Confetti, Codex (I would also include power surge and Electrostatic here but that depends on the hats) and I would also recommend against Unusual Taunts as all of the taunts started dropping in price like rocks Why? Because These effects that have a tiny visual impact in the game, Meaning from a distance you can barely see those effects and they can almost look like regular hats in-game - From my personal experience, these effects are disliked the most and hardest to sell. But if you do happen to find good deals on this effect feel free to go for it. How to know the Value of an Unusual For checking out an unusual’s price your best bet is to head over to Backpack.tf and check what the suggested value is, either head over to the inventory of the user having the hat/taunt on Backpack.tf and find your unusual there, "click on it" then choose stats and you’ll come to unusual's stats page where you can see the price and other stats about your unusual. You can also use the search on Backpack.tf to find the value of a hat. Sometimes a 15 key unusual might have a seller 12 keys so its best not to pay more than 12 for the hat because you cannot sell it for more than 12 as there is already a seller. (just an example) Sometimes an unusual priced at 15 keys might have an Open price suggestion at 12 keys. Do not blindly trust it, open it and check the given proof and see if its valid (IF the given proof on the suggestion is valid then there is a high chance for it to get accepted and drop in price) -- If the price suggestion is relatively new you can check it out and see what past sales have gone for. Both suggestions that are approved and not approved can be worth checking out to know about past sales on that hat. You’ll find the price suggestions at the bottom of an unusual’s stats page. -- Check the Marketplace.tf price and find out if it’s been sold for cash recently. -- What’s the price on the Steam market -- Compare the price with other unusual's that have the same effect or the same hat but with other effects. Preferably one with a more up to date price suggestion. -- Search for the hat on TF2Outpost and see if there are any sellers there. Duplicated Unusual What are Duplicated or Duped Unusuals? Long before valve Implemented Steam Guard Auth, a lot of Trade Scams used to happen. Which was the main reason why valve introduced Steam guard. So basically when you click on accept trade in the trade window on steam The trade used to happen there was no secure confirmations. When solid proof for the scam was submitted valve used to give back the item that got scammed to the victim with "The Same Item ID". These items are the duplicate/duped items. They look the same in-game they do not have any special or different attributes from the Stolen/Scammed item. The only problem with these duplicated items is that they will have less resale value. How to know if an Unusual is Duplicate/Duped? Go to the inventory of the seller on backpack.tf and locate the unusual, click it and then choose History. Here on this page, you’ll see most of the past owners of this unusual and if the hat is duplicated you’ll see a small text in blue that says Duplicated in the right top corner. Checking the history before buying any unusual is also a good thing, this lets you see if there are any banned users mostly scammers (They will have their name in red and crossed over) in the recent history. -- If an Item has many scammer names on the item History then its most likely the value of the item will be low, Meaning most people wouldn't wanna have a hat that was owned by a lot of scammers in the past. Example of a Duplicated Unusual Example of a Clean Unusual You can see in the top right of the item history it will be written Duplicated. Always make sure to check this before buying an unusual Places to find good unusual Deals Backpack.tf is by far the most active places for TF2 unusual trading. And if you feel like you need additional options you can check out the rest of the sites on the list later. Backpack.tf is great for finding unusual's or selling your own hats. Each unusual has its own page where you can find buyers and sellers for it, and also it’s price suggestion and any past price suggestion, and other basic info about the hat. If you have Backpack.tf premium you can search for deals on cheap unusual's and sort the results after the % discount the deal has It’s nothing I would recommend new traders though, considering it cost keys each month for premium. Scrap.tf's Unusual bot is a trading bot that buys and sells unusual's, if you’re going to sell your hat to the bot you should expect to lose profit doing so, the bot’s rates are not in favour of sellers, instead it can be a good place to get rid of your unusual's if you see no other option and you can’t get a hat sold. The potential for a good deal is much better when it comes to buying hats from the bot, it requires a lot of price checking and luck though. Scrap.tf Auctions is another section on Scrap.tf, where people put their items up for auction and people, can bid with their items to win the auction, it’s pretty straightforward and there’s plenty of unusual's being posted here. If you have the patience and dedication browsing through all the over-priced auction it can be worth it, but the good deals are quite rare in my experience. Unusual Trading servers Open the game Find the server browser and you can find the following. Skial trading servers https://www.skial.com/servers/ Note: Skial has a lot of servers find the trading ones and join Vatican City Unusual trade server http://www.the-vaticancity.com/ Neon Heights trade servers http://www.neonheightsservers.com/ Fire Powered Unusual trade servers https://firepoweredgaming.com/forums/page/servers These 4 are the best unusual trade servers in the game with Vatican City being the best of them all (My personal favorite) Here, on these servers, you can find a lot of people looking to buy and sell unusual's Quick Sells and how to find them What are quick sells? Quick selling is basically selling an item at 60-70% of the item's actual value or lower. Some people will quick sell their items/unusual for Pure, These are the kind of deals you should mostly be looking for to make profit Go to Backpack.tf and their classifieds section where all the items that are being sold on the site is listed. You’ll find that section of the site by hovering over the Trading tab in the top menu then clicking the Classifieds listings. Then you want to click on deals (only if you have premium if not ignore the deals) and sort the search result so that only Unusuals show up in your search, click on the “…” near the magnifying glass in the search, then choose “Unusual” under the Quality tab, the search will be sorted by cheapest first by default, leave it like that. (or just use this link to get a Classifieds search for unusual's) What we’re going to get is a search filled with listings on Unusuals being sold on the site, you’ll see plenty of hats being sold at a few keys discount, just be sure that you check the price of the unusual before buying it, as we talked about previously in the guide, not all Backpack.tf price suggestions are accurate so you always need to check to see if it’s an accurate price. Keep browsing the listings until you find a good deal in your price range worth investing in. A lot of sellers that are quick selling (selling their unusual at a discount) are looking to get TF2 keys as payment (often mentioned as “pure”) Another way to get quick sells is to make buy orders for unusual's on backpack.tf at cheap quick sell prices and you will get offers from people who are looking to quicksell, The same can be one on TF2 outpost also making an advertisement on Outpost about Buying Quicksell. Again the same can be done on Trade servers. Join an Unusual trade server and start advertising you are buying quick sells for pure on chat or voice. (But please do not spam) These are not the only ways to find quick sells there are many other ways but these are the specific ones I used and as I said at the start this guide is based on my personal experience from trading and I was successful. Selling the unusual's you buy This list can be good to go over if you find yourself stuck with an item that you just can’t sell, I’m usually pretty patient but after having my sell listings up for a long time and not getting it sold it’s can be a good time to try some different to get the item sold. Selling for pure can be difficult to do with some items, if the hat you’re trying to sell isn’t in demand most traders would want a discount on the hat when paying in pure. Simply lowering your price could help getting your hat sold for keys. Selling your unusual's for other unusual's - Head over to Backpack.tf and TF2Outpost and start looking for unusual's that are for sale that you would want to trade your unusual for, be prepared to overpay with your offer though, or you can try and add some keys to make your deal more appealing. (also known as a mixed offer). - If you get unusual offers on your hat make sure to check if that offered hat is clean 1st and then its value if you feel its profit (after checking hat effect price everything) go for it. Else add the trader and negotiate a deal with him. - You can also try and trade your unusual for CSGO items, this requires some basic knowledge of both the TF2 & CSGO market though and I would say based on my experience you’ll have an easier time trading your CSGO items for TF2 items than the other way around. The CSGO economy is much bigger and a lot of the CSGO skins are quite stable, making the, CSGO economy much more appealing for some traders. Some Tips from me. I’ll explain how I make profit trading with unusual's, I’ll try and be as transparent as possible so that you can easily get a hang of it. This is by no means the only way to trade with unusual's, it’s just how I like to do it. Trade with low tier unusual's to start with, there are cheap unusual's in the game that are not the most desirable hats in the game but there’s always a pretty good demand for these unusual's. Instead of buying & selling one expensive unusual I rather trade with 10 cheap unusual's, the profit per trade will most likely be much less but the risk that my hats will lose value or that I’m going to make a bad trade is not that likely. Another benefit of dealing with cheap unusual's is that I don’t need to have a knowledge about all the different effects and prices in the TF2 economy, I know how much keys I paid an unusual for and how much I want to sell it for, it’s a very straight-forward way of trading. Do not deal with Unpriced hats if you are not sure. Just ignore it and move on. Unless you have fairly good knowledge about Unusual trading and all the effects its best you stay away from unpriced hats I always buy hats under the backpack.tf value and I sell them for a relatively low profit, again lower than backpack.tf price. That’s the basic idea of it all, Buy quick sells and quick sell it, For example, a 15 key unusual I might try to get it for 10 or 11 and then sell it for 12 or 13 I use Backpack.tf and TF2Outpost to find people to trade with, I start off by making classifieds listings asking to buy unusual's on these two sites, I usually wait for sellers to come to me with their deals, but you’ll get a better result if you’re actively looking for sellers/good deals and send them your offers From time to time I get a hat that I can’t sell, I have no problem sitting on a hat for a long time but after a couple of weeks I usually would want to sell it and get rid of it, I have a few options then, I either just lower the asking price a bit and try to undercut the other sellers for my hat. I can also head over to Marketplace.tf and sell it for cash, I usually list it with a slight discount just to get it sold faster. My last option is that I sell it on the Steam market, these prices are surprisingly high on the market, the downsides is that 15% sales fee that eats up a lot of profit, these two option usually requires plenty of patience before I get them sold. Trading Website Backpack.tf https://backpack.tf/ Trade.tf This site has Good deals page where the site scans the major trading sites for good deals. But there’s also a part of the site that’s called the Trading market, here people can use the sites inbuilt trading bot feature to make trades for them. The bot is free to use for anyone, you just tell the bot what items you want to sell and for how much, then the bot will do the trading for you. http://www.trade.tf/ Bazaar.tf This is a similar trading site like TF2outpost where you can list your items for sale and find others listings. The site isn’t as popular or active but the site has a bunch of nice features making it worth checking out nonetheless, for example you can get your own trading bot on the site for some sweet automated trading. And it’s very easy to navigate through listings and deals. http://bazaar.tf/ Scrap.tf To put it simple scrap.tf is an automated banking site that changes the way you trade This is an automated trading website that helps everyone in Team Fortress 2 get items they want fast and easy. https://scrap.tf/ STN STNtrading is a similar site to Scrap.tf where you can trade with the sites bots to fast and easy sell or buy items. It’s not as big as it’s competitor but the prices that they pay for your items is usually better than on Scrap.tf. Keep in mind that if you would instead sell/buy your items with another trader instead of these two banking sites you’d most likely get a better deal, but using these sites is fast and convenient. https://stntrading.eu/ Spirit.tf This is a TF2 Trading website which is also automated like scrap.tf but works in a different way. https://spirit.tf/ Mannco Trade Owned by https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054758757 & his team https://mannco.trade/ Quicsell.Store Owned by https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198337734785 & his team quicksell.store is a new tf2 trading site. https://quicksell.store/ TF2 Store https://tf2.store/ Owned by https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198153088409 & his team Sfuminator.tf This is is one of the best sites to buy and sell craft hats (my personal favorite for craft hats) http://sfuminator.tf/ Ocu.tf This is a very old website basically you sell your items for their items simple and easy (UI is a bit weird and slow) https://ocu.tf/ TF2 Warehouse Another Trading website for tf2 (not much popular now) feel free to check it out https://www.tf2wh.com/ TF2mart One of my personal favorite tf2 trading website after backpcak.tf. This website was developed by a Russian guy. The currency / trading in the website is a bit tricky to understand. If you do check it out and did not understand Do text me and I will help you http://tf2mart.net/ Rain.tf Another TF2 trading website https://rain.tf/ Dispenser.tf This is a great website to buy / sell steam games for TF2 keys https://dispenser.tf/ Vault.tf The best place to buy and sell Weapon KITS and Fabricators. http://vault.tf/ Tradeit.gg You can trade multiple items here https://tradeit.gg/ r/tf2trade This is the subreddit that’s all about trading TF2 items, here you can list your items or reply and make offers on other peoples trades. Mostly unusual trades are going on in this subreddit but you can make listings for any kind of TF2 trade, just make sure you read the rules before posting, so you format your post correctly and stuff like that, you know how picky Reddit can be about those things. https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2trade/ TF2 Cashing out websites Marketplace.tf Always the best (run by the same owners as that of bacpack.tf and scrap.tf) https://marketplace.tf/ Bitskins https://bitskins.com/ Mannco.store https://mannco.store/ CS Deals has a tf2 section https://cs.deals/ TF2 Trading Bot websites Tired of trading manually? - check out these trading bot websites. I have also linked their discord links below Bot.tf (paid) https://bot.tf/ Tf2automatic (free) https://tf2automatic.com/ Scrippy.tf (Paid) https://scrippy.tf/ Discord Links backpack.tf https://discord.gg/j7cMkGF marketplace.tf https://discord.gg/kr8MU2C scrap.tf https://discord.gg/PEXZzZ4 STN https://discord.gg/NYaUV9Z manco.trade https://discord.gg/Z5CPczg Bot.tf https://discord.gg/3cMFRfW TF2automatic https://discord.gg/93wH4T2 Scrippy https://discord.gg/Gcy7KQf Quicksell.store https://discord.gg/qyT6K3f Spell Trading Discord https://discord.gg/RhfxSDS Best place to discuss and find offers for your items that have spells. You will also find a lot of people who are selling spelled items here and you will find almost every big spell collectors here. Types of Scams and Scammers In Simple Terms Scamming means Tricking or Fooling someone into stealing their valued items and running with it. There are many different types of scams in TF2. Some you heard of, some you may have fell for, and some you never thought existed. Don't worry! By the end of this section, you will know most (if not all) of the scams in TF2 and how to avoid them 1. Trusted Friend / Middleman Scam A classic scam, that almost everyone knows nowadays. The scammer and his victim both agree on a trade, usually including steam wallet codes or something similar. To make sure everyone gets what he was promised, the scammer suggests taking a middleman or asks his victim to choose a trusted friend as a middleman. One other reason for using a middleman will be - The scammer will say the item is duped and glitched and wants to check if the item after being traded will be seen in the second inventory. The following scenarios could occur The scammer chooses a friend as a middleman. He has a legit looking profile but is teaming up with the scammer The scammer suggests a popular, well known and legit middleman. His friend or 2nd account will try impersonating this middleman [They can also say we can use a Steam or Valve admin as a middleman] After the victim chooses a middleman, the friend or 2nd account of the scammer will impersonate the profile of the chosen middleman. Note: There is no such thing as a steam or valve admin, "They are called valve employees and they will never take part in a trade or add you ever". So if someone says this BS know that its a scammer. 2. Paypal / Steam wallet code Scam A very common method amongst scammers. The scammer will try to convince his victim that he will overpay for his item, in steam wallet codes or via PayPal. The following scenarios could occur: The victim doesn´t receive a working steam wallet code The victim goes first and never receives the money via PayPal The scammer goes first via PayPal but can charge the money back after he received the item The Scammer will impersonate a high tier and trusted trader and try to get your Item saying they will pay later. - So make sure to check who you are trading with all the time. Needlessly to say its a very unsafe method to cash out, never trade for codes of any kind, or PayPal money. There is a guide for PayPal scam on the forums go through that before doing any PayPal trades if you are unsure what to do. 3. Impersonators A very common scam among the CSGO and TF2 community. The scammer, pretending to be a big trader, will add you and tell you that he is interested in buying your items and will give you links to the real person's profile. Keep in mind No big traders will ever add you for any of your items (Cases are very rare). Simple way to know if the guy who added you is legit or not is by checking their steam inventory, If its set to private or if you see "My inventory Link" written on their profile then be 100% sure its a scammer, anything they say to justify the reason for having inventory private or another inventory link on their profile is BS. 4. Youtuber Scam The scammer pretends to be a famous YouTuber who apparently needs your item for a video. Needlessly to say, he won't return it. No famous YouTuber will ever ask you for any of your skins. Keep that in mind. This is just another form of Impersonating scam Fairly simple and well-known. No matter who asks you, if it´s (seemingly) a Youtuber/streamer or even if it is a close friend - DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR ITEMS. This person could be an impersonator and even if you made sure that it is the actual person, this very person could always be greedy, or maybe just need the money. Anyway, it´s never a good idea to give away your skins for free, and if you actually want to borrow an item to a friend, make sure its someone to trust and at your own risk. I´ve heard of multiple people who got scammed by their "friends" over some point. 5. Bitskins bot scam This needs no special introduction or anything, Its the most common type of scam out there. The scammer adds the user and says he is willing to buy their item but before they buy they want to make sure if the item is marketable on bitskins and asks the victim to list their item in Bitskins and convince them to do it. While the victim is doing this the scammer sends a trade offer from their alt account named "Bitskins Bot 5" or something similar tricking the user into believing that the trade offer actually came from the Bitskins website. 6. Fake Gamble Sites This scam is a fairly new one. The scammer randomly adds his victim (usually through steam groups) and tells him he is the owner, moderator or co-owner of a new gambling site. Since he is apparently not allowed to play on there himself, he´ll promise his victim to let him win on the site in exchange for a profit participation. Since this site can mostly be manipulated by the scammer himself he´ll choose a winner for the next draw/round and tell his victim the name to proof that he can actually make anyone win. Once the victim deposits his skins on the site, they are either gone, or cant be withdrawn. 7. Phishing links A very common method to spread a virus is via misleading links. In most cases, they look like links from popular websites (e.g. imgur, steam, youtube etc.) but differ in only 1 letter, Like the o can be a 0 in the link etc.Do not click any links from someone who you do not know in person, it can steal your login data and send it to them. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS ON THE STEAM CHAT WINDOW Read more here - https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/hijacking/ 8. Quick Switching One of the oldest scamming methods is called "Quickswitching". Back in the days where the mobile authenticator wasn´t a thing and many people disabled the email confirmation step, the scammer invited his victim to a trade and put in the desired item. A few seconds before the victim agrees to the trade, he exchanges the desired item for a similar looking, but different quality one. If done quickly, the victim only had a very slight time window to react. Luckily this trade doesn't work anymore since everyone has Steam guard confirmation step enabled. Yet there are some people who do not notice it and still get scammed. 9. Teamspeak Scam An extended phishing link method. The scammer adds his victim, telling he and his team will take part of a tournament but they need one more player/backoff. As soon as the victim agrees to help out, the scammer sends him the Teamspeak IP, to start "training" a little. As soon as the victim tries to enter the Teamspeak server, a SERVER notification pops up, asking to upgrade to the latest ts3 version. These pop-ups are server notifications with phishing links, do not click on them. If a new Teamspeak version has been released, your Teamspeak client will tell you as soon as it starts, not as soon as you join a server. 10. Email confirmation Link A scam that used to be around a long time ago, when the trading scene just started to grow. The scammer asks his victim to copy paste him the E-mail confirmation/decline link. Although this scam method is - luckily - not around anymore, keep in mind not to give any unnecessary information to strangers. This information will either stay useless or may even harm you or others. 11. Misleading trade offer Scam You get a Trade offer, In the trade offer, the note probably says something like this: "Upon the acceptance of this trade, you will receive $100 via PayPal." There are no items being offered to you. When you accept, there is no cash. and you lose the item The scammer may change his name to "Screw TF2, Quitting TF2" The note would say something like "I'm leaving TF2, here's some free stuff!". Instead of him offering anything, it would show you offering him free stuff! When you accept it, you end up losing items There are more ways for this to happen but hard to explain everything here (you get the idea) NEVER ACCEPT A TRADE OFFER THAT IS EMPTY ON ONE SIDE. If u come across a trade offer like that double and triple check before accepting. 12. Social Media Scam Scammers will have groups relating to trading on various social media like facebook, and they will show you many fake reputation comments and screenshots to make you believe that they are a very reputed person. Do not fall for this. What happens here is that they will ask you to go first and send them the item and they will say "you will get your money in your paypal" after I have received the item. You believe them seeing all the fake rep send the item to them and they RUN A simple thing to remember - never talk about a steam trade outside of steam client chat window. Any reputation they show you will mostly be fake. 13. Festive / Festivized Scam This is another common scam method, where a user will send a random trade offer with Festivized Item instead of festive. They will look same in game but they are different by item. A festive item is unboxed, A festivzed item is applying a festivizer to a weapon Here is a screenshot of a scam attempt. This is a festivized scattergun and not festive. https://backpack.tf/stats/Strange/Festive Scattergun/Tradable/Craftable <---------- Strange Festive Scattergun https://backpack.tf/stats/Strange/Festivized Scattergun/Tradable/Craftable <----- Strange Festivized Scattergun Check the item on both the links carefully and understand the difference in price. A festivized item will have it written in item description as Festivized in yellow color and a festive item will have the name as Festive Item name, make sure the name is not in between " " because then the item was renamed. 14. Duped item / Accidentally reported you / Item verificaiton This is a very stupid scam attempt where the scammer tries to convince you that you have duplicated items and they will need to be checked by a steam admin and should be passed though a steam database bot, or the conversation will start like sorry I accidentally reported you for having duplicate items. This is a scam, there is no such thing as steam admin or steam databse bots. The steam admin will also threaten you to delete your steam account & show you fake edited screenshots of your account with a delete account button, Do not believe any of this. Read more here - https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/about-item-checking-scam/ 15. Steam API Key Scam Credits to - https://marketplace.tf/blog/posts/YHLZOB A new attack designed to bypass the Steam Mobile Authenticator. What's worse, the attack makes it appear as if legitimate traders and services have scammed users, when in fact these legitimate traders never received any trades at all. Here's how the attack works: The attacker manages to get the victim to enter their Steam username and password on a phishing website; additionally, they gain a single login code as part of the phish. Although they can now login and control your account, they do not have the ability to confirm trades. Sometime after gaining access to your account, the attacker poses as a trade asking the victim to trade their items to a trade service, such as Marketplace.tf / Bitskins / Scrap.tf etc The user is instructed to click the deposit link directly from these legit websites, which leads them to the trade offer page of a legitimate site bot. The user sends a trade offer depositing their items to a real site bot. Nobody has been scammed yet and this is where the scam really kicks in As soon as the user sends the trade offer to the real bot, the Scammers cancel the trade offer (remember, they have access to the victim's account, just not their mobile authenticator app) and send an identical trade offer to a different account that looks exactly like the intended recipient. By the time the victim has loaded their Steam Mobile Authenticator confirmations page, the trade offers will already have been swapped. They will see a confirmation for a trade that looks exactly like the one they sent to the real recipient -- but it's the fake one. They confirm it, and their items are never seen again. It's important to note that this process can be done for any trade offer your account sends after being hijacked -- any time you send an item to someone else, they could swap the trade offers and you would be none the wiser. Therefore, if your account has been hijacked, simply avoiding trading with bots or suspicious individuals is not adequate protection. Phishing sites can be extremely convincing and anyone can fall victim to them. After being hijacked, any trade offer you send can be hijacked What to do if I get hijacked? 1. Change password immediately, and also change it anywhere else you have the same password set. The scammer will try to log into your email with it when he loses access. Changing password will force their current login session on your account to be terminated. They will lose access to your account, and you will be safe. Even if you don't think you've been hijacked you should consider changing your password every 6 months or once a year. Additionally, changing your password does not give you a temporary trade suspension, as many believe; rather, resetting your password through the "forgot password" menu temporarily suspends you from trading on Steam. Properly changing your password has no penalty. 2. De-authorize all other devices here: https://store.steampowered.com/twofactor/manage 3. Revoke any API keys set. Their only use, if you don't know what it is, is keeping control of your account. https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey Many times, the account hijackers will set up an API key on your account in order to efficiently control it. Unless you specifically remember setting up your API key for a specific task, you do not need one. Even if you do need one, the attackers have almost definitely stolen it, so you should generate a new one to ensure they cannot use it. 4. If this still doesn't resolve the issue, contact Steam Support at https://help.steampowered.com/ How to avoid all the above scams & Scammers The scammer's goal is simple. To steal your item and to do so he will say a lot of bullshit and blindside you with profit meaning offering more than what an item is valued. Never fall for such cheap tricks The first thing you have to realize while starting to trade is, there will always be people who will harm others in order to make some profit. People like those exist in masses because the internet gives them enough emotional distance to their victim. If you feel uncomfortable while doing a trade, don't do it, there´s no need to. It´s your item, so is it your decision. If someone seems fishy in any way, do not trust him. Having a higher steam level doesn't mean the user can be trusted, Even you can increase your steam level by spending money +rep on the user's profile is easy to fake and should not be trusted. Since all comments can be deleted by the scammer, putting -rep on a profile is pointless. Make sure their PayPal is verified before doing a PayPal trade. Check their recent game playtime. Many scammers use separate alt's for gaming and scamming. NEVER click links to steam profiles given to you by traders. These are often phishing sites and logging into them will result in your steam account being hijacked. Check their Steamrep profile to see if they are a scammer. Also check, to see the creation date of their profile. If their profile was made within the last month or so, be wary DO NOT talk about a steam trade outside the steam window such as Discord or any social media https://steamrep.com/ or https://rep.tf/ Go to one of these websites and paste the user's profile URL on the website search and check (This is the easiest way to check if the user is a scammer or not) Another easier way is to use the Steam Rep Checker Chrome extension (My personal Suggestion) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steamrep-checker/egnijmkeaaclmednfcjhmhangbfipidf <--- Install this in your google chrome and open their profile on chrome It should look something like this https://gyazo.com/f103119e20d60393e88807cad57cfb08 If the user is a scammer. It auto scans steam rep and pops up a warning. Everything else is said above, but just saying The main things again Never get blinded by profit and always check steam rep of a user you are trading with (if the value of the item is high) Never trade without getting anything in return I will also link some useful stuff here. Help! Is this site a scam? https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/scam-sites/ Pre-Trade check lists https://steamrep.com/tips/pretrade If you wish to trade via paypal - here is a useful guide you should read before you do your 1st paypal trade Calculator.tf A website used to convert the Key value to ref and vise versa - If you are confused with a decimal key value (1.56 keys for example) just use this website https://calculator.tf/ and finally also read this https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/commonscams/ Well that sums up this guide In short - This is what I did and what I followed and I am living proof for Scrap to Unusual can be done. Set a Goal for trading Do not simply trade without any goals, I had a dream which was to own The BEST Unusual (effect) in the game NEBULA I never traded much in unusual's and I quit unusual trading after I got the unusual's and taunts I Wanted. As a legend once said "when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it" 10$ is all I spent in TF2 and I have cashed out over 1000's of $ 5$ to buy my 1st 2 keys and 5$ to buy my 1st 4 mvm tickets! On 23rd March-2017 Just after 1 year of trading, I was able to reach my dream of getting my 1st own Nebula Unusual. https://backpack.tf/item/4747269531 Nebula Phononaut But I did not stop there I wanted to own an even better hat ( The Universal Translator ) 4 months after getting the phononaut I was able to get my hands on Strange Nebula Universal Translator https://backpack.tf/item/4800061296 (RIP now) My backpack on March 12 - 2016 Started off with 2 keys bought from the steam market https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198078552523?time=1457769600 & My Backpack on April 27 - 2016 Got an 8 Key Fab from mvm sold for 6 keys.These were my initial Investment in Trading https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198078552523?time=1461715200 "Hope my way of trading was inspiring, For me to achieve this much in from just 2 keys is actually a big deal" Also, I hope you found some new websites here from the ones listed above. If you wanna get in touch with me Feel free to add me on steam (comment before adding) http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zmok3/ or DM me on discord SmokeY#2955 There might be a lot of things that are not mentioned and there might be some sites or things I must have forgotten. Also, I am sure there will be a lot of typos if you spot anything do let me know Thank you for reading and finally, any criticism appreciated! - SmokeY
  24. New guide live on the site, a huge unusual trading guide for new traders wanting to start with TF2 trading. Check it out! http://tradeplz.com/tf2-unusual-trading-guide/
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