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Was Jesus an actual person?


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Set aside your beliefs on whether or not Jesus was the Son of God, did he actually exist as a person? My beliefs should be evident, considering I'm a Christian, but I've heard some people argue that Jesus did not even exist as a person, much less as the Son of God

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Considering that accounts of Jesus' existence are concurrent across multiple beliefs (notably, even beliefs where he's not the supposed son of God) I'd give him actually being a thing the benefit of the doubt.


However as far as actually, well, ''being Jesus'' is concerned, as an agnostic at best it's apparent where I also stand on that :3

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Considering that accounts of Jesus' existence are concurrent across multiple beliefs (notably, even beliefs where he's not the supposed son of God) I'd give him actually being a thing the benefit of the doubt.


However as far as actually, well, ''being Jesus'' is concerned, as an agnostic at best it's apparent where I also stand on that :3

There are even secular accounts of Jesus being an actual person

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Yea, but so were people like Muhammad and Joseph Smith

Yeah, but you don't see nearly as many people denying they exist at all

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There is no proof that Jesus actually lived I believe (maybe I'm not updated) but the proof we have are:


Josephus (Roman-jewish historican) wrote about Jesus in his book. This isn't nessesarily 100% ture, since alot of christians have had the book and they may have added some bits, but the small parts with Jesus makes it doubtful that it's written by christians.Tacitus (Roman historican) also wrote about Jesus in his book, but again, can't trust it 100% as some others may have changed it.


The reason this is so unkown is because at the time there were very few christians and anyone who weren't a christian didn't like him, thoose who did, threated him like a god and therefore they didn't write it down.


If we were to find out about this and know it 100% we'd need Pontius Pilatus' diary and that has yet to be found. Pontius wrote who, where and when he executed people and obviously Jesus would be in there if he had existed.


I believe Jesus have lived, and that he was a prophet due to the Quaran picturing him like that. Again, cannot be prooven since there are many different beliefs about Jesus, if you sometime wanna have a laugh go look up different interpretations of Jeuss, there are some who believe he was an alien for example. However, I doubt he had the power to turn water into wine, make a blind man see etc.

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I'm inclined to believe he was a real person, but not actually capable of everything that he is said to be able to do.

While people have made many additions, I feel that there's an original story out there somewhere.

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I thought Jesus was mentioned in history books of the non-religious kind. I'm pretty sure he is real but he isn't capable of pulling off the magical things told in the religious books.

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I'm christian

I believe that there are higher powers, and that there must be

I agree with evolution, science, big bang theory, etc

I believe that Jesus was an actual person, regardless of whether or not he was the son of God, or had any holy power



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I'm Catholic, but yes, there is many accounts (I feel like I read about a Roman account/record on the Crucifixion, but i dunno) that point to him existing. Interestingly, he was (along with Paul) a Pharisee, believed to be one of a group of them desiring a return to the original ideals of the Pharisee. This explains a lot of his actions (Arguing with the Saducees, "re-interpreting" Scripture). 

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Thank god this isnt a comment from youtube, it would be flooded with keyboard warriors of Athiests and Christians,

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AFAIK, as Zcrab stated, there have been mentions of Christ in different scriptures, but those scriptures were either under the influences of church officiaries or could have been changed.

The miracles performed by Christ, I feel, are not to be taken literally, but symbolically and should be evaluated and applied to life scenarios as guiding points. I feel that when the Bible is taken literally, people derive inappropriate messages from their passages. I don't feel that Christ should be any different.

If you were to ask me if Christ was born from a virgin birth to Mary and lived a sin-free life until his crucifixion, I'd probably tell you that I do not believe he did. I'd also say that I don't think Christ walked on water, let the blind see, or fed 5000 people with a fish and two loaves of bread. I think these are all metaphors for different things.

What I think is important about Christ are his TEACHINGS, not his actions. Love yourself. Love your neighbor. Honor God. These are centralized tenants that are found in many different religions across the world, and for the most part, I think are the most important.

Whether or not Christ actually existed, I feel, is kind of a moot point, because the teachings are what should be valued and upheld.

This is all coming from an Agnostic/Borderline Atheist. So take that with what you will. I don't know if the dude existed or not, but he had a pretty good outlook on life, and it should be emulated.

I don't know if that helped or not. Just my two-cents I guess. ^^

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-holy shit a wild snipmeister has appeared-

I'm christian

I agree with science

-MLG snippage intensifies-

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just kidding


Yes, I believe he existed.

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Many religions believe he existed, just not his role in their religion.


Even accounts in israel via old texts note of a man from galilee at least. Jesus is noted to be real, but no evidence of his body is found because it is in heaven, according to my beliefs.


But yes, overall, the general consensus was that he did exist.

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It has been proven scientifically that he did actually exist, and grew up in Nazareth. Instead of in a stable, they have concluded that he was born in a old cave/cellar under a house. The bible was written atleast 50 years after the death of Jezus, so there was no actual live person that ever had seen him as the live expectancy was way lower then in this day and age. That means ALOT of stories could have been bent around. 


TL;DR: Jezus existed.

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He was probably one of many anti-Roman rebel leaders of the time, although not all had great oratory skills.

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There is no proof that Jesus actually lived I believe (maybe I'm not updated) but the proof we have are:


Josephus (Roman-jewish historican) wrote about Jesus in his book. This isn't nessesarily 100% ture, since alot of christians have had the book and they may have added some bits, but the small parts with Jesus makes it doubtful that it's written by christians.Tacitus (Roman historican) also wrote about Jesus in his book, but again, can't trust it 100% as some others may have changed it.


The reason this is so unkown is because at the time there were very few christians and anyone who weren't a christian didn't like him, thoose who did, threated him like a god and therefore they didn't write it down.


If we were to find out about this and know it 100% we'd need Pontius Pilatus' diary and that has yet to be found. Pontius wrote who, where and when he executed people and obviously Jesus would be in there if he had existed.


I believe Jesus have lived, and that he was a prophet due to the Quaran picturing him like that. Again, cannot be prooven since there are many different beliefs about Jesus, if you sometime wanna have a laugh go look up different interpretations of Jeuss, there are some who believe he was an alien for example. However, I doubt he had the power to turn water into wine, make a blind man see etc.


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Jesus was a person, but any evidence about him existing kinda contradicts him being the son of god.

Also, Jesus would have been an asian skin colour short facial haired male.


He was only portrayed as white ashis appearence and slightly the religion was modified to support predjudices from wherever christianity was large: e.g the romans had him younger with blonde hair and a toga. This is what Jehova witnesses are all about, they try to get the bible to the origional.


In my opinion, christianity teaches goodness but has some slightly extreme views. What we must remember is that we only here these things because of the media. The are the only things worth talking about that will sell. So christianity: It's not all bad or all good. All things said based on sufficient evidence, not all conclusve.


As opposition to what i've just said, if there wasno god, how does a banana fit in my hand perfectly?




Checkm8 aethiest.

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He was probably like this guy.


As years went by people probably made up stories about things he did in the past and over time people started thinking they were fact. 

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Roman execution records. He's there.


Whether he was the son of God is up for debate.




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