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Null price/note for items so people dont get sharked


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As a lot of traders are aware valve can be stupid and glitches/exploits surface with every update. I suggest adding a "null price" or a note for certain items (explaining how it is obtained?) when exploits are found so traders wont get manipulated into thinking items are glitched and ultimately get sharked.
Two recent examples:
1) Untradable vintage lugger: These are obtained through the use of a achievement item as a ingredient in a KS kit (doesnt cost much), applying it to a vintage lugger and then restoring the item. This results in the "untradable luggermorph" where we had many many users quoting backpack's price trying to pass it off as the rare untradable/uncraftable vintage variant worth multiple buds.
2) Director's taunt: This achievement item was recently changed to be wrappable. We had many many players try to pass this off as a glitch with the recent patch quoting backpack's price.
This topic was touched upon in some previous suggestions such as here where the official response was that we don't set a arbitrary prices for items and should wait for it to be priced. However as long as backpack doesnt inform users of the exploits sharks will happen and in the end when suggesters attempt to price such items a majority of the "proof" are from people who have gotten sharked (paying multiple buds for a item which costs a few keys to make)
Waiting for the community to slowly become aware of exploits and stop paying ridiculous prices so we can actually price the item is stupid. Backpack exists to inform users of prices of items, not informing users and actually helping people shark by not putting a note or some sort of sign on new exploits goes against the point of the website.

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It's nice to inform people about this, but I don't think anyone on here are dumb enough to fall for this.

True but when you see suggestions like this: http://backpack.tf/vote/id/537ea0994dd7b8a6728b46f0


You cant help but face palm and then question why backpack.tf has turned a blind eye to it for so long under the guise "wait for it to be priced".  Sure... ill wait for it to be priced while scammers quote our prices and users continue to fall victim to it...

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Thanks banana for doing this though the price still seems high for a free item...http://backpack.tf/vote/id/53da583c4cd7b82a298b4568


That suggestion took a month before any somewhat acceptable price could be suggested, in other words we had scammers quoting our prices trying to shark people for over a month with us ignoring the obvious problem under the notion "wait for it to be priced" 


The Untradable lugger still hasnt been priced and a lot of people are still quoting backpack's price trying to scam others.


If this suggestion is going to be rejected at least give me a valid reason why it should be rejected. Waiting for it to be priced is clearly stupid.

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