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Cant use credit cart (Card declined)


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Hi guys, I'm going crazy trying to buy some items on Marketplace.tf, a while ago I bought them with a credit card, now I'm trying to buy them again, it says the card was declined, can anyone help me? It worked 1 week ago...
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This is the forum for backpack, not really marketplacetf support. Pretty sure if you need marketplace support, you can either contact them on their site under support or join their discord and ask for advice there.


(Also your post are not really telling us what the issue might be, it's just grey)

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few things

are you using a pre paid card cus if so not all pre paid cards work on most websites

might have also reached your spending limit for the day

depending on how much your trying to spend your bank might be canceling it thinking its fraud

check to make sure you have paid off your card as you might not have enough remain credit available to spend


but overall this is not the place to go for this contact there support 

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if you can tell me the expiry date and the 3 numbers on the back of it, i can help you out for sure


(this is a joke, please contact marketplace support - https://marketplace.tf/support)

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well duh, it’s being declined because I’m using it right now. You can have it back later.. thanks !!

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I had the same issue a week or so back. My bank kept declining transactions on mp and mannco because they did not recognize the vendor. I had to call them, answer a few brief questions, and then actually go into the bank to quickly speak with them before the issue was resolved..

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