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Cashing out. (?)


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I unfortunately never play this game anymore, so I'm looking to cash out my keys, preferably through cashapp/paypal/venmo. Any leads as to where I can do that? I can't sell on marketplace.tf since they're not taking sellers, and I've heard mixed reviews about mannco.store. I would appreciate any help I can get.

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28 minutes ago, 「The7Sees」 said:

I unfortunately never play this game anymore, so I'm looking to cash out my keys, preferably through cashapp/paypal/venmo. Any leads as to where I can do that? I can't sell on marketplace.tf since they're not taking sellers, and I've heard mixed reviews about mannco.store. I would appreciate any help I can get.

Check 100 times before you do anything. You will now be added by about 5-10 scammers who will want to take everything from you. Don't click on links from chat and don't login to phishing sites. Sell only to trusted people who are on the whitelist bp.tf. (preferably add yourself). Mannco in order, for a quick sale of keys

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32 minutes ago, 「The7Sees」 said:

I unfortunately never play this game anymore, so I'm looking to cash out my keys, preferably through cashapp/paypal/venmo. Any leads as to where I can do that? I can't sell on marketplace.tf since they're not taking sellers, and I've heard mixed reviews about mannco.store. I would appreciate any help I can get.

If you're in canada, I can do a direct bank transfer to you.

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23 minutes ago, RouzenZaker said:

Check 100 times before you do anything. You will now be added by about 5-10 scammers who will want to take everything from you. Don't click on links from chat and don't login to phishing sites. Sell only to trusted people who are on the whitelist bp.tf. (preferably add yourself). Mannco in order, for a quick sale of keys

Yeah definitely. I used to be big into trading so I feel like I'm pretty decent at checking for scam flags. I appreciate the heads up, and I'll check out the whitelist.

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There are sections on the forum for people who buy and sell for cash, just be sure to thoroughly check their on-site reputation. I've sold about 1000 keys through PayPal over the years, and the only reason I don't anymore is that the margins on Marketplace are slightly more in my favour. Just looking at the current active threads, I can vouch for sin - sold to him quite a few times. But ultimately you'll have a more or less identical experience with anybody reputable.


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I can recommend .nine, strx, and DedAndrei for cashing out to name a few. They're pretty legit imo

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I buy / sell via a crypto bot (I think current rate is 1.46 / 1.49 for selling vs buying) but I’m not going to send the link bc I have no way to verify the long term trustworthiness of the site. I just use an alternate Steam account and burner crypto wallet to buy and sell before sending funds/keys to my main. I think I’ve done 1000 keys through them and no issues but still risky.


best bet for legit key traders with reputation would be someone like Frost



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