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11:58 AM - Offline: Hi
5:21 PM - Offline: Hi
5:21 PM - Sh| Pyrovision Goggles: Hey, FUCK
5:21 PM - Sh| Pyrovision Goggles: Wait, who is this?
5:21 PM - Offline: I'm not sure, you added me
5:21 PM - Sh| Pyrovision Goggles is now Offline.

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You missed out on a free Unusuaaaaaaaaaaal

he added me too to offer it for my max's head. I removed him after he put it into the trade

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Never tell your password to anyone.
Merrycatch22: hi.
Merrycatch22: hotrod?
ElementXone: 1 sec
Your chat with ElementXone is now a multi-user chat.
Merrycatch22: oh hell no
Reedim entered chat.
ElementXone: I have more then 1 offer
Merrycatch22: dis gon b gud
Reedim: Oh, I see. :D
Reedim: I offer 1.22 for it.
EM3RALD_L3GION entered chat.
Merrycatch22: GG
ElementXone: Its at now 1.22
EM3RALD_L3GION: so ...
Merrycatch22: I'm gonna stay and watch
EM3RALD_L3GION: 1.22 + wep
trewpsy entered chat.
ElementXone: Last guy
trewpsy: Hello?
ElementXone: Its now at 1.22
trewpsy: No thanks then
Reedim: I'll pass as well, then.
trewpsy: Why didnt you just use scra.tf anyways?
ElementXone: Ok so any more offers?
trewpsy: scrap.tf*
EM3RALD_L3GION: so do i win?
trewpsy: 1.28 and a crate :3
EM3RALD_L3GION: 1.28 + 2 crates
trewpsy: 3 crates
trewpsy: Just kidding bro
trewpsy: ]sell it to him for 1.28
ElementXone: Ok lol
trewpsy: You want the hat
trewpsy: I was just gonna sel
trewpsy: :3
trewpsy: Bye guys, enjoy the hat :3
Reedim: Gentlemen, have a nice day! :D
trewpsy left chat.
Reedim left chat.
ElementXone: Thanks that was fun
ElementXone left chat.
EM3RALD_L3GION left chat.

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Never tell your password to anyone.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

7:45 PM - Duscoda: hi

7:45 PM - Duscoda: how can i help you?

7:46 PM - Gabriel: hmmm

7:46 PM - Gabriel: still selling the voodo hat

7:46 PM - Gabriel: ?

7:46 PM - Duscoda: yes, i still have it

7:46 PM - Duscoda: 1 moment please

7:50 PM - Gabriel is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.

7:52 PM - Gabriel: ?

7:52 PM - Duscoda: sorry, was trying to wrap up another trade

7:53 PM - Gabriel did not respond to the trade request.

7:53 PM - You have accepted the trade request from Gabriel.

7:53 PM - Gabriel: can i offer you 6 robokeys?

7:54 PM - Duscoda: sorry, phone call

7:54 PM - Duscoda: i just want normal keys

7:54 PM - Gabriel: can you open first

7:55 PM - Duscoda: its untradable

7:55 PM - Duscoda: im not going to open an untradable item and go out and buy wrap again

7:56 PM - Gabriel: oooooooohhhhh

7:56 PM - Gabriel: ok

7:56 PM - Gabriel: ty

7:56 PM - Gabriel: i want a tradable

7:56 PM - Duscoda: why would you think a wrapped one was a tradable one in the first place?

7:56 PM - Duscoda: there's a reason its wrapped


Why the hell is everyone that adds me for this think a pre-wrapped Juju isn't untradable? Why the fuck would I wrap it if it was tradable?

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Why the hell is everyone that adds me for this think a pre-wrapped Juju isn't untradable? Why the fuck would I wrap it if it was tradable?


There are only six and a half months left until Christmas. Maybe they think that you're Santa in his public disguise?

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Never tell your password to anyone.
Merrycatch22: hi.
skullface: hi
skullface: your taunt is for sell
Merrycatch22: yes
skullface: does it have to be keys
Merrycatch22: or 6.33 ref
skullface: cani be a strange
Merrycatch22: list it
skullface: list it what you mean
Merrycatch22: type it out
skullface: strange cornado botkiller rocket launcher
Merrycatch22: and?
skullface: a botkiller medi gun
Merrycatch22: and?
skullface: that is it
Merrycatch22: nope
skullface: why
Merrycatch22: not enough worth
skullface: it is 2 key bitch
skullface is now Offline.
skullface is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

what is a 2 key bitch?

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Never tell your password to anyone.

Merrycatch22: hi.

skullface: hi

skullface: your taunt is for sell

Merrycatch22: yes

skullface: does it have to be keys

Merrycatch22: or 6.33 ref

skullface: cani be a strange

Merrycatch22: list it

skullface: list it what you mean

Merrycatch22: type it out

skullface: strange cornado botkiller rocket launcher

Merrycatch22: and?

skullface: a botkiller medi gun

Merrycatch22: and?

skullface: that is it

Merrycatch22: nope

skullface: why

Merrycatch22: not enough worth

skullface: it is 2 key bitch

skullface is now Offline.

skullface is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.


what is a 2 key bitch?


What is a cornado botkiller? Cross between tornado and corn?
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Never tell your password to anyone.
Merrycatch22: hi.
我 Syko: hi u saw u was selling s.widowmaker for 1.25..
Merrycatch22: yeash
我 Syko: i wonder if you wanna change it for my clean high five taunt?
Merrycatch22: nah
Merrycatch22: I have one
Merrycatch22: already
Merrycatch22: that I am trying to sell
我 Syko: but its over 1.25
Merrycatch22: at 1.2
Merrycatch22: look
Merrycatch22: I am selling mine at 1 key 1 ref
Merrycatch22: 1.2
我 Syko: k bye then
我 Syko is now Offline.


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What is a cornado botkiller? Cross between tornado and corn?

*clicks red ruby slippers together*

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trades me for my hl2 trading card swap, asks for gordon which I dont have, I put up "bring the fight to them" and he accept so I assume its what he wants. He then adds me again and asks for gordon freeman again. I just gave him his stuff back. What is it about "check my inventory first" and all that reading that makes it so hard? What was the name of that group again? I think I might need it in the future -_-



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10:43 AM - Offline: Hello
10:43 AM - Offline: How can I help you?
10:44 AM - Arman: hi
10:44 AM - Arman is now Offline.




11:19 AM - Offline: Helo
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: YES
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: FINALLY
11:19 AM - Offline: Hello*
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: black box
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: 3.33?
11:19 AM - Offline: Sure
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: OMG
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop: the douches on outpost
11:19 AM - Pawn Shop has accepted your request to trade.

poor guy lol

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Never tell your password to anyone.

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: hey

Tony̶9̶gZツ: hey

Tony̶9̶gZツ: I would love to offer on your time warp gibus

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: okay? rather you comment it, but

Tony̶9̶gZツ: Unusual Noble amasments of Hats cloudymoon effect 1of8 in the world

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: I don't even need to check the price, but its what 10?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: yeah around that

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: and whats my hat worth?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: idk

Tony̶9̶gZツ: lemme check

Tony̶9̶gZツ: yeah around 10 same as mine

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: is it?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: i don't know

Tony̶9̶gZツ: yeah 10

Tony̶9̶gZツ: just looked it up

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: is this 10 keys? or

Tony̶9̶gZツ: 10 buds

Tony̶9̶gZツ: better than keys***

Tony̶9̶gZツ: sound like a deal?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: were does it say this?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: cuase I only want keys, dunno wut buds ar

Tony̶9̶gZツ: buds are what u trade with unusuals

Tony̶9̶gZツ: mine is worth more keys than yours just an fyi

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: do u have any keys?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: no sorry :(

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: i dont know what the noble is worh

Tony̶9̶gZツ: but ill trade you mine unusual for yours

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: i prefer mine

Tony̶9̶gZツ: you could get more keys out of mine

Tony̶9̶gZツ: say 26

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: then sell yours for keys and give keys for mine

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: ?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: you could sell mine noble for 20 keys

Tony̶9̶gZツ: if u trade me the unusual gibus

Tony̶9̶gZツ: sound like a deal?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: only want keys

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: I need like 10?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: dude let me give some time to explain

Tony̶9̶gZツ: ill trade my noble for your unusual then u put it up on tf2 out post people will go CRAZY and offer MORE than 10 keys

Tony̶9̶gZツ: because mine is so rare.

Tony̶9̶gZツ: ohhh wait

Tony̶9̶gZツ: ill give u keys

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: mine is 1/1? yours is 1/8?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: so surely mine is rarer

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: and no one has offered any keys

Tony̶9̶gZツ: ill give u the keys

Tony̶9̶gZツ: 10 regular keys u want?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: i think y

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: yh

Tony̶9̶gZツ: ill get them then want to trade?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: deal?

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: well I need to talk to my friend

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: he's offline

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: but he said he'll help me price check it, his name is satan i think

Tony̶9̶gZツ: let me check real quick

Tony̶9̶gZツ: yup says 6-10 keys

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: nono, I need to ask my friend. He's offline, you prob asked someone else

Tony̶9̶gZツ: yeah i did...lol

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: but he's offline?

Tony̶9̶gZツ: no i asked my friend

✔ P I X E L A T E D ✔ | CASH-OUT: i only trust my friend, he's got many keys and ref and stuff



Dat shark

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old screenies:







mattje: hi
VLADIKANTAH: do you speek russian
mattje: nope
VLADIKANTAH is now Offline.
Walshey: hey r stil buyng ss vocers?
mattje: yeah, trade me when you're ready
Walshey: ok
Walshey is now Offline.
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Never tell your password to anyone.

1:53 PM - Mr. Bucket: lol

1:55 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: i was thinking tf2 stuff

1:55 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: :D

1:55 PM - Mr. Bucket: what do you mean..

1:56 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: like help me and stuff

1:56 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: you are the first one im asking

1:56 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: i got only rec

1:56 PM - Mr. Bucket: ?

1:57 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: donate

1:57 PM - Mr. Bucket: lol

2:40 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: can you donte me som thing

2:40 PM - Mr. Bucket: no

2:40 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: im on my sisters accont

2:40 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: :(

2:40 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: ok

2:40 PM - [FL:RP] Velociraptor bro: she will be soon back thou


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Never tell your password to anyone.
Merrycatch22: hi
[TOC]Red Pipe: hi
You have accepted the trade request from [TOC]Red Pipe.
Merrycatch22: so
Merrycatch22: what are you buying/selling?
[TOC]Red Pipe: cremators
Merrycatch22: ah.
Merrycatch22: nop
Merrycatch22: looking for pure
[TOC]Red Pipe: kk
[TOC]Red Pipe: look in trade
Merrycatch22: thats not pure
Merrycatch22: either.
[TOC]Red Pipe: huh?
Merrycatch22: pure
Merrycatch22: ref.
Merrycatch22: and rec
Merrycatch22: and scrap.
[TOC]Red Pipe: no way
[TOC]Red Pipe is now Offline.

Some people do not know what pure is. Sad.


Never tell your password to anyone.
Merrycatch22: hi.
BlackG0LeM: hi
BlackG0LeM: would u sell your kringle for 1.2 key?
Merrycatch22: lol
Merrycatch22: are you incapable of reading?
BlackG0LeM: then fuck u
BlackG0LeM is now Offline.

That escalated quickly.

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10:12 PM - mr borat: ho
10:12 PM - mr borat: hi
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Hello
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I'm a ho?
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Cool
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: :D
10:12 PM - mr borat: :3
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Ho are you today?
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: :3
10:12 PM - mr borat: wot u gazin 4 m8
10:12 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: You have a lvl 93 Pink Max's
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I have an E. O. Fire Sober Stuntman
10:13 PM - mr borat: not anymore
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I would leik 2 tred
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ):
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: What did you sell it for?
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Ah, C. Hearts Builly
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: *Billy
10:13 PM - mr borat: gave it + some keys for a hearts billy
10:13 PM - mr borat: yeah
10:13 PM - mr borat: looks great lol
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Nuuuuuuu
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: My hunt doth go on
10:13 PM - mr borat: cya
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Thanks for your time man
10:13 PM - mr borat: gl getting a mazx
10:13 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Ho a nice day!
10:13 PM - mr borat: max*
10:13 PM - mr borat: ho!!
10:14 PM - mr borat: cya
10:14 PM - mr borat is now Offline.
10:14 PM - mr borat: m8
10:14 PM - mr borat: u need jesus
10:14 PM - mr borat is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: u wot
10:14 PM - mr borat: seriously
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: u wot
10:14 PM - mr borat: u need jesus
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: no
10:14 PM - mr borat: ok bye
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: i do not
10:14 PM - mr borat: yes
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: NO
10:14 PM - mr borat: you need him
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: NO
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: NO
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: NO
10:14 PM - mr borat: just accept him man
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: HE IS GAU
10:14 PM - mr borat: dont be a "le athesit"
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: HE WAS IN MY ASS MAN
10:14 PM - mr borat: just cuz it's cool
10:14 PM - mr borat: ...
10:14 PM - mr borat: :(
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I'm not an atherist...
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: HE TOLD ME
10:14 PM - mr borat: wot r u
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: HE THANKS ME
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: FROM THE HEART OF HIS BOTTOM
10:14 PM - mr borat: :/
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: AFTER HE DID MY GARDEN
10:14 PM - mr borat: reporting :/
10:14 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: JESUS IS WEIRD
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: wait
10:15 PM - mr borat: cya
10:15 PM - mr borat: xd
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: reported 4 wat
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: and you already unadded me xD
10:15 PM - mr borat: dissing my beliefs innit
10:15 PM - mr borat: cya
10:15 PM - mr borat: srs
10:15 PM - mr borat: ima go now bye dont respond
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I'm not dissin...
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: bai
10:15 PM - mr borat: u iz m8
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: kawaii desu
10:15 PM - mr borat: fkin bang ur mum
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: shes ded u arsehole
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: u beng ded ppl?
10:15 PM - mr borat: im into that sorta stuff
10:15 PM - mr borat: wait
10:15 PM - mr borat: nh
10:15 PM - mr borat: sdf
10:15 PM - mr borat: ds
10:15 PM - mr borat: fs
10:15 PM - mr borat: f
10:15 PM - mr borat: s
10:15 PM - mr borat: fdf
10:15 PM - mr borat: sdf
10:15 PM - mr borat: fds
10:15 PM - mr borat: fsdfsfs
10:15 PM - mr borat: fs
10:15 PM - mr borat: fsdf
10:15 PM - mr borat: sfs
10:15 PM - mr borat: fd
10:15 PM - mr borat: sdff
10:15 PM - mr borat: dfg
10:15 PM - mr borat: fd
10:15 PM - mr borat: g
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: u fggt, I bet you kiss girls too
10:15 PM - mr borat: no
10:15 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: yes
10:15 PM - mr borat: cya
10:15 PM - mr borat: srs
10:15 PM - mr borat: GHO
10:15 PM - mr borat: PLEASE
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: that's how gey you are
10:16 PM - mr borat: GO
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: NO
10:16 PM - mr borat: i feel rude
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: YOU TYPE
10:16 PM - mr borat: not responding
10:16 PM - mr borat: pls
10:16 PM - mr borat: go
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I TYPE
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: pls
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: :denko:
10:16 PM - mr borat: go bich
10:16 PM - mr borat: go away fucking bich cunt
10:16 PM - mr borat: faggot
10:16 PM - mr borat: go away
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: pls respond
10:16 PM - mr borat: go cry
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: pls
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: pls
10:16 PM - mr borat: omg
10:16 PM - mr borat: i am planet
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: And I actually have a reason to cry
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: So...
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ):
10:16 PM - mr borat: when does the narwhal bacon
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: at le midnight
10:16 PM - mr borat: LOOOOOOL
10:16 PM - mr borat: why the fuck did i say that
10:16 PM - mr borat: :(
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I dunno
10:16 PM - mr borat: kill me
10:16 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: But I still do have a reason to cry
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: so fak u
10:17 PM - mr borat: i awhy
10:17 PM - mr borat: what happened
10:17 PM - mr borat: is ur mum rlly dead
10:17 PM - mr borat: :/
10:17 PM - mr borat: sorry
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I broke up with my GF yesterday
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: No, mum's alive
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: sadly
10:17 PM - mr borat: xd
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: she's kinda a pric
10:17 PM - mr borat: how old r u
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: *prick
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: i'm ur age
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: u fggt
10:17 PM - mr borat: how old
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: idk
10:17 PM - mr borat: u sound
10:17 PM - mr borat: 25
10:17 PM - mr borat: mayb
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: nearly done with school
10:17 PM - mr borat: 17
10:17 PM - mr borat: omg
10:17 PM - mr borat: WTF
10:17 PM - mr borat: PEDRO
10:17 PM - mr borat: PEDO
10:17 PM - mr borat: holy shit wtf
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: PEDRO
10:17 PM - mr borat: fkin pedo
10:17 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: HE WAS THERE WITH JESUS
10:18 PM - mr borat: :/
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: IN MY BOTTOM
10:18 PM - mr borat: really this is sick
10:18 PM - mr borat: you're an old man seriously
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Err
10:18 PM - mr borat: :/
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: How
10:18 PM - mr borat: talking to a 11 yr odl
10:18 PM - mr borat: :/
10:18 PM - mr borat: perv
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: lel
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: lelelelelel
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: lel
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: a 11 yo has a Max's
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: He has a fuckin rabbit
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: that he killed
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: and walks aroun
10:18 PM - mr borat: do u watch dr who
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: with its head
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: on his hed
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: and once in a long while
10:18 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I'd get the joke, if that's what you mean
10:19 PM - mr borat: i dont get it
10:19 PM - mr borat: xd
10:19 PM - mr borat: do u watch
10:19 PM - mr borat: doctor who
10:19 PM - mr borat: derp
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: no
10:19 PM - mr borat: pls respond
10:19 PM - mr borat: ok
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: but I get the jokes ppl maek
10:19 PM - mr borat: ok bye
10:19 PM - mr borat: nice talking to u
10:19 PM - mr borat: u cool
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: wai
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ur a fggt
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ur cool too
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: waaaait
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: b4 u go
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: http://redd.it/1geru6
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: OK
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: bai now
10:19 PM - mr borat: seems legit
10:19 PM - mr borat: what is it
10:19 PM - mr borat: wow
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: It's a reddit link
10:19 PM - mr borat: NO
10:19 PM - mr borat: phishing link
10:19 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: to /r/tf2trade
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ...
10:20 PM - mr borat: fake
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: THERE IS NO FUCKIN SIGNIN
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2trade/comments/1geru6/q_got_into_unusual_trading_how_to_pricecheck/
10:20 PM - mr borat: show me real link
10:20 PM - mr borat: is that u
10:20 PM - mr borat: i downvoted that
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ):
10:20 PM - mr borat: oh
10:20 PM - mr borat: no
10:20 PM - mr borat: i looked through ur bp history
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: wat
10:20 PM - mr borat: ketche sucks
10:20 PM - mr borat: why would you trade for it
10:20 PM - mr borat: and eeire
10:20 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I don't have a Ketche....
10:20 PM - mr borat: m8 u need good hat
10:20 PM - mr borat: oh
10:21 PM - mr borat: nevermind
10:21 PM - mr borat: who is that
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Never had one xD
10:21 PM - mr borat: the thread maker
10:21 PM - mr borat: original poster
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I dunno
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: I'm *gasp* Rhys13th
10:21 PM - mr borat: y u link me
10:21 PM - mr borat: ooo
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: ya get it now
10:21 PM - mr borat: thats a lot of effort
10:21 PM - mr borat: wow
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: :3
10:21 PM - mr borat: im tired my brain isnt working properly sorry
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: And it took like 5-10 mins
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: So yea
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: The reason I showed it to you
10:21 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: Is cus
10:22 PM - [CTS Sergeant] Rhys13th: if you look outside your window, Jesus and Pedro are waiting for you. They made me do this. I'm so sorry. Goodbye.

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Julia Gillard the Honest: Hello. Have you added me to pay a buy-out?

ZeGangOfManyBangs is now Offline.


He removed me after not talking for a while. :(

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Truly an amazing guy ! I was very happy to meet him (and i finally got rid of my low craft ! <3 )

Corillo~: hi
Corillo~: how can i help ?
Centered Sword: Hey, would you take 7 backpack expanders for the #91 crocodile smile?
Centered Sword: I could throw in my old crocodile smile if you want
Corillo~: thats not really enough i think
Corillo~: thats like 15 ref
Corillo~: im looking for ~20 ref
Centered Sword: It's about 17.77 ref
Centered Sword: And I'm adding a craft hat
Centered Sword: But your call
Corillo~: do you want to offer sth else ?
Corillo~: or you could try to convert them into keys
Centered Sword: I just saw your trade randomly
Centered Sword: I like the crocodile
Centered Sword: So you know, I offered
Centered Sword: I guess I could do 8 backpack expanders
Centered Sword: + my old crocodile
Corillo~: let me think about that for a minute, the market of those expenders has changed pretty extremely
Centered Sword: I'll give you that
Centered Sword: Most people say they'll rise back to 2 keys a pop
Centered Sword: I don't really trust that
Centered Sword: Oh, I checked my backpack, I could also add an extra 2 ref
Centered Sword: Oh, and a gifted saxton
Centered Sword: I don't really trade so nearly everything I own is you know, for keeps!
Corillo~: so could you tell me your whole offfer ?
Centered Sword: 8 backpack expanders
Centered Sword: Crocodile Smile
Centered Sword: 2 ref
Centered Sword: Gifted Saxton (one of those rare cool thingos)
Corillo~: ^^
Centered Sword: And hey, if it makes you feel better, I'm gonna keep it and not resell :)
Corillo~: i think that would satisfy me. You are right
Centered Sword accepted your trade request.
Centered Sword: Error off the bat
Centered Sword: I mean, I would rather not trade so much for it but
Centered Sword: I understand that backpack expanders aren't what they used to
You accepted the trade request of Centered Sword.
Corillo~: the crafters name is still on it
Corillo~: i love that on low crafts
Centered Sword: Bah, I'm probably gonna get rid of that
Corillo~: ^^
Centered Sword: Hey, you have fun out there now
Corillo~: thanks. Enjoy the necklade
Corillo~: or how its called
Centered Sword: Favorite sniper misc :)
Centered Sword: Yo
Centered Sword: Actually
Centered Sword: Accept that
You accepted the trade request of Centered Sword.

*puts up like 25 weapons, crates, etc*
Centered Sword: I might as well do this as well
Corillo~: woa
Centered Sword: That's honestly all I have left that I'd want to trade
Corillo~: thats very kind sir
Centered Sword: I quite literally have nothing left to trade away
Centered Sword: Great feeling
Centered Sword: Try it sometime!
Corillo~: i ll think about it : P
Centered Sword: Do you know what that feels like?
Centered Sword: You know, to not want a single thing to trade for
Centered Sword: Or not have anything you need to sell?
Centered Sword: You'd be surprised!
Centered Sword: (Just don't buy into the hype of god tiers and s. festive and you'll be fine)
Centered Sword: Anyway, thanks again and seeya!
Corillo~: Cya mate. Thanks a lot !
Centered Sword: No problems, thanks once more!

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

1:31 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: hi

1:31 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: hi

1:31 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: I want to buy a truly green paint

1:31 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: 2 ref

1:31 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: 2.11

1:31 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: o_O

1:32 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: o_o

Sunday, June 16, 2013

1:33 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: you know that its price 2 ref?

1:33 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: k

1:33 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: but im a jewish nigger girl.

1:33 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: so 1 scrap matters for me

1:34 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: I have no fucking scrap

1:34 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: 2 weps

1:36 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: dude you normal?? its price 2 ref. asshole and no one will buy more

1:36 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: 1:33 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: but im a jewish nigger girl.

1:33 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: so 1 scrap matters for me

1:36 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: I do not care who you are

1:37 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: Ñ‚Ñ‹ блÑÑ‚ÑŒ понимаешь что её цена 2 реф

1:37 PM - BlaCk_AnGeL: Ñука

1:37 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: :o


Never tell your password to anyone.

1:54 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: hi

1:55 PM - dickmaterson: helo

1:56 PM - dickmaterson: i want buy Earbuds - 24 keys (2 in stock)


White bill's hat - 9 keys

1:56 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: all of it?

1:56 PM - dickmaterson: yes

1:56 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: ok to save time counting let's do 2 trades

1:56 PM - dickmaterson: wait i buy key

1:57 PM - dickmaterson: ok i have 1 key

1:58 PM - dickmaterson: i can buy for 1 key earbud and bil hat

1:58 PM - dickmaterson: ?

1:58 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: what?

1:58 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: im not selling for 1 key

Sunday, June 16, 2013

1:59 PM - dickmaterson: why

1:59 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: 1:56 PM - dickmaterson: i want buy Earbuds - 24 keys (2 in stock)


White bill's hat - 9 keys

1:59 PM - dickmaterson: not 2 for 1 key?

1:59 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: wtf

1:59 PM - victor_volleyball_1996: are you retarded

1:59 PM - dickmaterson: ?


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Fobeic: heyo
Ruff Ryders #OFFLINE: hey
Ruff Ryders #OFFLINE: u were buying all the 4 left for 1 ref each?
Fobeic: oh, you only got 4 left?
Ruff Ryders #OFFLINE: 1 card has been sold
Fobeic: ah no thanks on that case
Ruff Ryders #OFFLINE: why not buy 4?
Fobeic: cause i can buy all of them 1 ref each, faster
Fobeic is now Offline.


I don't get this logic. Why does it matter that I have 4 to sell instead of 5?

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