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Craziest Thing That Has Ever Happened In School/Work?


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Was recently talking about this with a friend so I decided to open the discussion up. What's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you guys during school or work? For me, it was the time we had a combined class in the auditorium and a black bear cub wandered onto the stage (The stage is adjacent to a backlot door into the nearby woodland area/sporting fields). Sheer panic and confusion went on for about 10 minutes, screaming and stuff (high school freshmen, mind you). People kept telling someone to bring it back outside, so my buddy wrapped its mouth in a shirt (He has a fear of disease and germs, so he didn't want to take a chance on rabies) and with my and another friend's help lifted it outside. We released it in to the woods, being careful because as Mr. Bruckner said, "Be careful, there might be a mother nearby" (Gee thanks, Steve Irwin).


So thats my story, I'd like to hear you guys storys to:

Have you had any crazy stuff happen in class or at work?

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Well, I don't have nearly as riveting a story as yours, but I suppose for me it would have to be....the occasional fights I see break-out.


Recently we had a bloody fight between girls in the girls' room - or so I heard - and I was in a classroom as a fight between two girls broke out outside the room.


We've also had some kids expelled for bringing switchblades and of course a lot of people vape, smoke, have sex, and a few get pregnant.


(I personally don't condone those who're sophomore class and under to be displaying acts of affection during school hours in public view - do it discretely please!)           

                                                                       ^ Highschool

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>tfw not gb

There was a crazy prank (conducted by the great Sam Pepper) in which a student pretended to have planted a bomb in the auditorium during an assembly.



def legit

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I wouldn't say this was the craziest thing, but one thing that comes to mind is that one time when several guys snorted kool aid in chem lab.

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When I was in grade school, a bully and this autistic kid got into a fight. A teacher showed up but instead of separating them he just watched and pretended it was a wrestling match. This went on for about 10 minutes until another teacher showed up, when the autistic kid already lost a tooth and soiled his pants. 




Yes, the teacher that didn't do shit got fired



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One time my bus stalled out on the way home, and the bus driver asked my friend to try to turn the key. Somehow my friend broke the key off in the ignition, and we were stuck there for hours. The lady was furious with him, i thought it was hilarious

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 between both my highschools there was  6 bomb threats.

we only had 4 :u



One time my bus stalled out on the way home, and the bus driver asked my friend to try to turn the key. Somehow my friend broke the key off in the ignition, and we were stuck there for hours. The lady was furious with him, i thought it was hilarious

sounds like it was a trap

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This one time in middle school a mentally challenged kid almost shanked a kid and got arrested the local police department and got expelled from the district.


This other time another kid sprayed hot glue all over the art clubs murals and chalk art and they had to power wash it all away.


Also we had a car stuck in the middle of the flag pole.

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A while back some kids decided to snort Copper Sulfate as if it was crack cocaine. Morons ended up in the hospital.

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A while back some kids decided to snort Copper Sulfate as if it was crack cocaine. Morons ended up in the hospital.

That's a good thing though. They're removing themselves from the gene pool.

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if i think of something more interesting ill post it but this is all i got off the top of my head.

Kids still do this today but


we'd take Smarties and kinda widdle them into powder and inhale it to be "cool" and that shit hurts, you could only inhale for a split second before your gag reflex kicked in and you started coughing uncontrollably. So that was as far as it went for a while until some kids took the powder out the wrapper and started snorting it. Most smarter kids never did it but most did, I didn't because I like my sensory abilites they way they are. One day, this kid Parker, he'd done some dumb shit before, he was one of the kids who snorted the powder, he decided he eould snort the chalk dust off the ledge of the board since it was similar to the powder, why not. So we're watching him about to do it and I said, "You know you'll never smell again, right?" and he didn't look at me and just snorted a whole line of it. He started coughing and then smeezing alot, eventually they called an ambulance and he had to go to the hospital to evacuate the dust in his lungs. We never saw him again after that, i don't know what happened to him.


During Prom this year, some juniors got wildly drunk and they, obviously, got caught. All four of them got expelled but, only 3 of them were drinking and one guy said he had the alcohol for his date and so he got expelled aswell. Later, others were saying he didn't do anything and soon people were signing a petition to get him unexpelled. Over 200 kids signed this petition and the assistant principal had to make an annoucement saying anyone who signed it would ge inschool suspension. She gave 200 kods ISS for 3 days.


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we 'borrowed' my mate's wheelchair and started playing human bowling with it. so one guy sits in the wheelchair and is pushed towards this big tower of garbage bins and tries to knock them all over. This of course ruined the garbage bins and also broke parts of my mate's wheelchair but whatever, that's what insurances are for

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pixie stix got banned from my middle school because some fuckers were snorting them.

Also in middle school, some kid tried to grow pot in his locker. I honestly don't understand the logistics of that, or how he expected not to get caught.

On the first day of 10th grade, some kids found slow-fuse firecrackers in a chem room.


I don't know if your schools do it, but our seniors always do ridiculous "promposals" - asking girls to prom while doing something crazy like dressing up in a penguin costume or filling a hallway with full cups of water. I think one time there was a promposal disguised as a terrorist hostage situation.

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we had a new teacher in my spanish class (old one was pregnant) and on his first day a fight broke out between 2 kids and the teacher got punched hard in the face, one of the kids had part of his lip split open (i didnt get a good look, but some part of his face got split open)

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Used to work in a restaurant, grill hadn't been cleaned in a while and the back lit up in flames, had to evacuate the restaurant but the fire went out after a while. It was lit af


School was on lock down once because a drug dealer came in demanding a kid owed him money

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pixie stix got banned from my middle school because some fuckers were snorting them.

Also in middle school, some kid tried to grow pot in his locker. I honestly don't understand the logistics of that, or how he expected not to get caught.

Dafuq, this is normal??? All of this has happened in my schools.

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Craziest thing? Nothing really crazy happens in my school, but there was this one time some kid smashed another kids head into the lockers, then into the mirror until the glas was gone for it, that was pretty messed up

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