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I'm Sorry -Venom


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I might just be wasting my time with this thread. I may not be. This is a thread for the pain i've caused a couple months ago.


I'm not going to bs you guys. I'm going to try my best to explain everything as honest as possible, and as best as I can possibly can. This thread is no where near easy for me to write, and I will contradict myself a lot. This is understandable. I realize now my mindset has been in the wrong position this entire time. This thread has my entire heart thrown into it, so I hope you guys take this seriously.


Now, you all know I have been off and on about the matter. I've thought about returning it, which I should have done as soon as I had the idea. I realize that now. The main reason I am making this thread is for everyone to understand the topic at hand. With the comments I have written onto the outpost trade, Which I can no longer read, I may have made a mistake here or there with what i'm saying here and the outpost comments. It is not an excuse, this was due to adrenaline, anger, hurt, sadness, and most importantly, fear. Please write below if you have any questions regarding this thread.


Fallen and the other members I have mistreated have been extremely helpful, and here's our conversation I had with him on 2/19/15,  the incident was roughly 3 months ago.








I realize I am considered an a jerk, a criminal, a "shark" as you may put it. Where as I still do not understand the actual meaning of sharking, I now grasp it in a rough sense. . It's doing a trade that is extremely unfair, and is extremely dishonest and causes one to lose an insane amount of money, without having prior knowledge of the actual value of the hat. Would I have done the trade if I had been in the victims position? Regardless, I know that I have been a jerk to people not only on the outpost thread, but the steam rep thread as well. I ultimately understand now that what I did wasn't "Illegal" And that I can still get away with it as I have multiple high unusual offers, and still a few solid pure offers (which I do not wish to make public.) But someone kicked me in the head today, and I understand now. What's the point of that? Even if I got a 1000 bud offer, what would I do with this? People would still trade with me sure, but to what avail? I can't trade on almost ANY TF2 server, much less any website (Aside from the lovely backpack.tf).  And don't even get me started on how no one would do cash trades with me. That's a big issue. Certainly, there will still be the few that hate me, have always hated me, and that is understandable. Hopefully however, with these next few actions, I can clear this up.  I'd like to apologize to anyone that I may have offended along the course of my actions. This includes, the victim, the victims best friend, toughsox, his wife, the staff of tf2-t, ppm, most importantly retro, snapper, sniper pro, and harsheldon. As well as anyone who may have posted comments on my steam rep report and or my outpost report. it is time to clear up the entire report, so if you are interested, follow along. This thread was marked as "Invalid", as Steam rep doesn't mark for sharking.




First picture that sniper pro posted is completely irrelevant, aside from the fact that fallen called me a friend. This is because he was referring to me being on his steam list prior to this incident, and as shown he approached me. as seen in the shown screen, he has no relationship with me, and neither I do him.




As you can see in the first image, sniper pro asks an extremely important question to this thread. "he NEVER told you how much  it's worth? did he tell you how much his items were worth? To which fallen responds with no. That is true for the first half, however not the second half. Remember, the trade conversation we had within tf2 and the second half of our steam conversation was never documented, and there is no way to recover it.  In the screenshot shown with my conversation with fallen, read how I told him how much my fruit shoot, spartan, and max was. If I was trying to hide what my items value were, why would I tell him this? If I recall in the conversation we had within the trade in TF2, I told him what the rest of my items were worth, he then responded with "Do you have any pure?" I added every key I had at the time (which was 11) and asked him if this was enough. He then responded to me "Can you add more to make it equal a bud?" That is why the sf  mack was added, as a sweet. Read above for evidence.


Third picture on the steam rep page, nothing to prove here. Sniper pro was being a moral human being and doing his best to get me banned. Same for pictures 4 and 5. Picture 6, http://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/chat-history-6-png.182640/


"Did he pressure you into selling it right away?" Ultimately I can not deny, Yes, that is what I did. I can explain this however. Every friday, I go and play tennis.  I do not know how I can prove this, it is KEY that you guys understand I am not lying about this. This one comment makes me look insanely guilty. As to why I was rushing him? I realized I was the first offer. I DID have to leave for tennis, and I almost never like playing c/os. Since I made the first offer, I simply wanted a yes or no. This is a LARGE factor as to why I was banned in the first place, and I am ultimately furious because I can not prove this.


Another point, When I told Fallen that my offer was generous. This was an EXTREME POOR CHOICE OF WORDS. I can not express how upset I am for using this choice of words. This was an EXTREME error on my part, and I can explain what I mean by this. What I meant by my offer being generous, is that my offer was the first. It was a 1:1 unpriced, unvalued hat There was risk involved. I had no clue of it's true value, I assumed hey, Sunbeams is a great effect, and this is on a new hat. I should be able to sell this for profit.


If you are concerned about why I decided to go through with the trade even though my offer was low, I can also explain this easily. It was simply, as I put it, Greed. I figured hey, Maybe I could make at the very least of a few buds of immediate profit while doing this trade, and its not like I did anything wrong, right? Wrong. I made a wrong decision. I understand that now, even though I have refused to admit it throughout these past few months, I admit I was cocky, and I was an EXTREME arrogant asshole, mainly due to fear, adrenaline, and anger as previously mentioned, I was scared of getting banned from outpost and simply did not want to admit it. 


And here, we have, the reason I am banned for positively sure.. This was incredibly stupid of me, but please keep in mind that all of this was done in adrenaline, excitement and happiness. 


http://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/venom-to-retro-1-png.182644/Yes, I did say I "sharked it" as a joke as showed in the next comments, as when I received the hat on the server I was currently on, multiple people were asking what effect and what I paid for it. Then they proceeded to call me a shark (Not sure how I will prove this.) read what I then say next."I know it is at least 25." "I just asked" This proves that I had no idea that the hat was worth 50+, and that I actually sharked him as this is no where NEAR outposts rules as sharking, or anywhere else for that matter. I did not get any offers till HOURS later, and this was during the time frame were people were adding me, convincing me as a shark, and telling me what I did wrong and how I was going to get op banned. At this point, Yes, I was scared. I did not want to flush down a years worth of my hard work and dedication down the drain. Please notice however in the first screen with retro, I was freaking out. This was soon after receiving the hat and being told it was at least 25. This, is a big deal to me guys. 10 buds may not seem a lot, but it totally was to me. Then, an hour later, retro responds, and here's where shit gets serious. A couple hours later, the conversation is seen here. http://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/venom-to-retro-2-png.182645/ I believe this was before I put the hat on outpost, keep in mind retro is two hours ahead of me, and the outpost trade was created @ dec 13, at 9:25 pm, within the two hour time frame. As seen that the trade was created before I messaged retro saying I had received the offer of the hat. After getting home from tennis, this is where I came into receiving the offers.


The other screenshots shown with Retro are me mouthing off. As seen in Screen 3, http://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/venom-to-retro-3-png.182646/This is where I told Retro I worded the conversation carefully. This, again, was a poor choice of words. I understand completely if you believe this was me trying to doctor the situation, however This is false as suprising this may be. This, at this point, was me freaking out at the fact that I could get banned from outpost, as all the people who've added me suggested. This is where I started going into denial, denying that I would not get banned after rereading, and rechecking how I talked to fallen, if any lies were spoken, and ultimately, how far this would get me. I understood that Retro was a PPM mod, and This is why I was trying to explain to him how I would not get banned, because technically, yes, after getting the hat and a few hours later getting the reports and adds, I looked at outpost rules, and honestly, I do not see any that I broke. There was no lies told to Fallen, no rules of the "20%-10% of the items value" rule broken, and yes, after rechecking fallens hours, I did see that he did not have under 300 as the outpost rules suggested. So yes, with this in mind, I honestly believed I did nothing wrong, and that I could not get in trouble.  This is where I told Retro, I'd take the ke and run, but I need to see what goes down with outpost. As seen here, I began to have my doubts. As people were clearing explaining to me, I could become banned from outpost, and I decided to hold to the hat until otherwise. Here yes I admit I am guilty in this portion. I specifically told Retro, If anything worse than an op ban happens to me, I can refund it, and everything will be fine. This here ladies and gentleman is the main reason people hate me, and you have every right to. As I say in the conversation "I am screwed". This is my decision that I made, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I did not believe an OP ban was a big deal, as this is were I started to get ads from people who were in support of me, telling me, convincing me to otherwise keep the hat, which leads to the end of our conversation.  Please understand that most of the words I spoke to retro were like I said, words of fear, as I was on the fence about what would happen to me, yes I then read out outpost's rules and regulations.


Lads and lases, if you have read this entire thread, I congratulate you. I have been working on this for hours. Again, this is not for you to feel sorry for me, for me to become trustworthy, because at the end of the day. I realize I made a mistake. I should have returned the hat immediatly after being told of it's value. Fallen, if you are reading this, I greatly apologize for my lack of response, please know this is because I was blinded with greed, and was unable to make the correct decision. Do note however, this has been always on my mind, and I have considered giving it back multiple times, were I then used my incorrect reasoning to make a decision that profit is more important than reputation.


Thank you for everyone who has supported me so far, I hope this clears up any questions, or concerns. if I had made any errors in this entire thread, please do bring up your concerns in the comments below as I'm sure I have. 


Tl;dr I made plenty of mistakes, the largest one being not returning the hat ASAP after realizing what I did. And waiting for two months to make a strong based decision, as I was heavily indecisive. I apologize to what I did to Fallen,  and I realize that if I was in his shoes i'd be heart broken and insanely pissed off.



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please know this is because I was blinded with greed, and was unable to make the correct decision.


That is a horrible choice of words, you are here trying to make this sourcerep.net site and still state greed blinds you. Someone who is going to administrate something like that should not be saying those things because it does not make me trust you any more than before.

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That is a horrible choice of words, you are here trying to make this sourcerep.net site and still state greed blinds you. Someone who is going to administrate something like that should not be saying those things because it does not make me trust you any more than before.

That is correct, thank you for your comment.

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I'll read this in the morning as i'm too tired to comprehend everything, but it does like you put a lot of time and effort into writing this and deserves to be read. Also the gyazo link isn't working for me (not sure if anyone else is having the same issue)

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Edit: The hat has been returned, and Fallen was merciful enough to even return the items he still had that I had given him. 


I feel good about myself, knowing that I am no longer a criminal in this community.


I'll be trying my best to appeal everywhere I can



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Many people, even if they received the same level of flame as you, would not have done something like that!


Kudos, karma and respect to you!

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Takes a lot to return a hat from any trade especially one like this. You got offered I know a decent amount for the Woodsman and yet you declined them and later on decided to return it. I bet Fallen is very grateful as would I if I was in his situation. You've definitely earned my respect back through this and possibly other peoples as well. Good job dudte :).

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That is a horrible choice of words, you are here trying to make this sourcerep.net site and still state greed blinds you. Someone who is going to administrate something like that should not be saying those things because it does not make me trust you any more than before.

I have realized this now. I have returned the hat, And I have opened my eyes to see past the point of greed. Understanding that my reputation far exceeds profit. I do not expect an award, respect, or an immediate unban from the places I am banned from. I understand I ultimately deserve the ban I have received, and the punishment that I have been given. Hopefully however, this will slightly change your view points on who I am, and who I now want to become. Harsheldon made me promise I'd be a productive and helpful member to the Tf2 Community, and that is what I am planning to do from here on out.



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Shark alert

Lemme explain it how I explained it to venom

On the trading side of my Mind I say "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT"

On my Caring side I'm like "I'm glad you did what was right"

He didn't do anything wrong still yet he gave the hat back

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That is a horrible choice of words, you are here trying to make this sourcerep.net site and still state greed blinds you. Someone who is going to administrate something like that should not be saying those things because it does not make me trust you any more than before.

Well, technically, since he used 'was', a past tense word, he stated he was blinded by greed in the past and unable to make the correct decision in the past but not anymore, or at least uncertain.

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Well, technically, since he used 'was', a past tense word, he stated he was blinded by greed in the past and unable to make the correct decision in the past but not anymore, or at least uncertain.


This is all what he wants us to hear. He could of just of quietly given back the unusual.

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Are long public apologies an american thing? I swear as soon as I read 2 sentences of OP I instantly knew he had to be american.


Planning on going to Oprah or smth? Are you Bill Clinton, Lance Armstrong or some senator with a bottle of Viagra?


Btw you forgot to end with "God bless America". Shame on you!

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Are long public apologies an american thing? I swear as soon as I read 2 sentences of OP I instantly knew he had to be american.


Planning on going to Oprah or smth? Are you Bill Clinton, Lance Armstrong or some senator with a bottle of Viagra?


Btw you forgot to end with "God bless America". Shame on you!

Are you perhaps Russian or are you amercian as well?

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