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BTM  Mrthesologamer

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I was warned and it was not explained to me why i received the warning. I did type idgaf but this is not a typed swear word i see people type things like s*** and f*** all the time and nothing is done about it so if i could receive and explanation it would be much appreciated.

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I used fuck open and blind in several suggestions/comments. This was more to make a point i.e. those are ugly as fuck. If you're using it as a FUCK you it might be called offensive, but it would be more for being rude than for using "offensive" language.

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If I remember correctly I saw this comment on a key suggestion. Key suggestions are cluttered with useless opinions, so to try and stop people from posting them and focus on the issue at hand the moderators warn those useless comments. Your comment doesn't matter. Who the hell cares if you don't give a fuck anymore? It is unnecessary and is just one more thing to scroll over when people are trying to actually have a serious discussion about the price of keys. In other suggestions moderators are a lot more lenient since those do not receive nearly as much publicity, controversy, and quantity of comments that keys do.

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