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Correct response to an All Black's Haka


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Usually i'm a Rugby Union fan, but this is just too good.




For those who don't know, pretty much every All Black (New Zealand) team of any sport perform a war dance or Haka dating back from when all the oceanic islands would go to war. 


Usually teams stand back and let them finish, but this time they challenged the Haka, as they should imo.

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Dafuq is wrong with them? Like a bunch of baboons.

Is it even considered ok?


Haka is designed to intimidate, ozzys didnt take any shit.

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The entire time I was waiting for them to respond with the macarena. Instead they just looked like they were trying to start a fight by disrespecting the tradition... 

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The entire time I was waiting for them to respond with the macarena. Instead they just looked like they were trying to start a fight by disrespecting the tradition... 


You mean the tradition of meekly standing and doing nothing?


This act meant that the Australians were answering their challenge. They should all be like this.

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My school does this with their football team and I think its dumb how they mix someones culture with school. My school is 45% Asian btw

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Dafuq is wrong with them? Like a bunch of baboons.

Is it even considered ok?

go ahead and compare maori culture to apes in front of one of those rugby boys mate. your skull is obviously pretty thick but i bet they'd still squish you like an overripe melon.

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French National Rubgy Team did that before. When  All Blacks did their Haka, all the players maked a line and walked toward New Zealand's players.


Almost like the australian team....


EDIT: Just saw the baboon response. Haka was (and is) a traditional war dance, played to make ennemies fear the warriors. Oceanian culture stayed close to its tradition from the IXe century. And guess what? They didn't murdered anybody who say that earth is round and rotation around the sun.


Also, there is a lot of response to Haka. Top 5 of them

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