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Need Tour of Duty tips


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I always take Engi, I find it the easiest and I feel important doing it :P


Playing Engi is about being strategic, putting your buildings in the right places. The loadout i use is Rescue Ranger(last minute rescue from busters)+Short Circuit(destroy projectiles)+Jag(quick building)


The upgrades for engi should be max out dispenser range+upgrade buildings canteen, avoid upgrading weapons, upgrade sentry first. Dont get disposable sentry, dont waste money on 2 way teleporter.

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The easiest way I have seen is as you play matches ask to add high tour players that are'nt assholes (theres alot that play mvm) to your friends list.. and you'll start to eventually  get into full parties and it will make MvM life much easier..


Most people will only play with people that can do all classes, so make sure you practice using all classes needed.


Don't troll, if you are asked to change classes or loadouts by a high tour player. They probably know what they are talking about.. Yes I'm talking to you pyros :P

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A few tips: 


- The most common team make-up is Scout, Medic, Soldier, Heavy, Demo and Engie.  When you join a game, pick any of these classes.  Don't pick a class that's already taken and expect someone to switch.  


- Contrary to what Banana said, Medic and Engie are actually the most difficult, if only because there's the most pressure on those two classes to do well.  I would recommend only getting into those classes once you've completed a few tours and have seen how others do it.  


- At the start, the easiest classes are scout and soldier.  Pick one of those if possible.  


- You'll need some non-stock weapons for MvM.  If you don't have these, the chance of getting kicked is high.  They are:


Soldier:  Buff Banner

Scout: Mad Milk + Fan of War

Medic: Ubersaw + Kritzkrieg

Engie:  Rescue Ranger or Frontier Justice....RR is probably more useful.  


Demo and Heavy just use all stock weapons.  


- Listen to people with more tours than you.  But beware of the guy with 2 tours who's trying to run the show - he doesn't know wtf he's talking about it, I promise.  


- Read steam guides, they are very helpful.  


- If you get kicked, don't take it personally.  You're probably going to suck at the start and that's normal.  Some people are nicer than others.  Some will kick you, and some won't.  That's MvM for you.  

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TOURS COMPLETE MEAN NOTHING. Trust me, it doesnt. Anyone can join a game on wave 6/6 and just help out with that one wave. They aren't always pros.


I personally play a lot of demo because i have one main job: Medics. Take them out nice and easy and you are set for the day. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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I think it's kinda true.  I don't ever play mvm.  In my first mann-up mission, the people I was playing with didn't even notice that I had no tours completed until about halfway through the 4th wave.  They said I was playing like a veteran and they seemed really shocked. 

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Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic (When you're experienced you can mix these up and play around with different classes)



-Any scatter

-Mad Milk

-Fan O' War

*Collect money, slow giant scouts with mad milk, mark giants for death



-Stock/Black Box/Cow Mangler (maybe air strike?)

-Buff Banner

-Any melee

*Lay damage on clusters and giants, occasionally kill medics, pick snipers off, roam the map if something escapes



-Any primary (I'll be honest, I like the cannon)

-Sticky (maybe scottish, but sticky is easier)

-Any melee

*Kill all medics, lay damage on clusters, kill giants



-Stock or Brass Beast


-GRU or Fists of Steel

*Deal damage to giants, thin the herd



-Pretty much anything

-Wrangler or Short Circuit

-Pretty much anything except gunslinger

*Beat the sentry like a rented mule, give your team a dispenser, maybe jump in with short circuit when appropriate




-Kritzkreig (although I have fun with vaccinator)


*Heal team, revive team, pop shield, pop kritz, share canteens for uber/ever more kritz


This is just a simple overview, you can play mvm any way you like.

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It depends on which mission you do.

For Two Cities, the common team composition is Scout, Soldier, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer and Medic.

Engineers are the backbone of the team.

Medics are important but I've done tours without one. (Hell, I've run gunslinger engineer and we still got an overall A.)

For all Mecha Engine and everything that is not expert, a medic is not necessary. The common team makeup is Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engineer.


Class Roles

Scout: Primary money collector. You also provide valuable health regen and slow robots with mad milk. Use your speed to your advantage and jump (therefore, try to get these upgrades.) It's harder to hit a moving target. Once you get max resists, you will become a dodgeball, getting knocked everywhere by  damage and flying all over the map. Use your fan or upgraded sandman to mark enemies and make them easier to take out. (The health loss from the sandman doesn't really matter with all the overheal you get.) For primaries, use something to improve mobility (soda popper is amazing, I prefer baby face) or use the backscatter to help take out lone bots/medics/snipers.


Soldier: Damage and crowd control. Support the team, so equip the whip if you have it to help team members move around faster during downtime or during a push. Any banner tends to work, you do not need to upgrade it since you get them out almost instantly. Use the battalion's early on if you guys need resists, buff for damage, conch if you have an iffy medic. Genreally, just put 1 point into rocket specialist. For launchers, you want to generallly run stock/original if you want accuracy or bazooka if you want to wreck shit. Cow mangler is okay, I guess, Also, stay on tanks. When spy bots come in, the splash damage from the rockets is a massive help at protecting others.


Pyro. Never play this They are actually pretty useful on certain maps or waves. On maps such as bigrock, you can have the pyro airblast giants into pits to reset the bomb or instakill them. When you have major crits, reflecting the crits rockets will wreck and make short work of the giants. Airblasting into the grinder is an insakill and resets the bomb. Spychecking/pybro duties. Equip the scorch shot if you need to knock back other bots.


Demoman: Crowd Control/medic killer. You want to use the stock sticky or scottish for killing things. The stock is mindless spam but the scottish is amaznig for crowd control and tactical playin and has a greater output. CRIT STICKIES ARE GODLY. You are also good with your pill launcher (if equipped) and stickies for spychecking.


Demoknight: I'm not sure how this works. I had a friend who played demoknight in mvm and did good but I can't say much about it.


Heavy: Baby killer. Use the brass beast/stock or long heater or natacha. The stock and beast are great for damage. The long heater will defend you from spybots. Natachs will help against many robots if the milk isn't ready. Use your sandvich to heal the medic or other teammates. The GRU is good for movement. Fists of steel is amazing for protection. You'll usually stick to the dispenser so ammo shouldn't be a problem. Shoot down projectiles is amazing for shutting down giant soldiers. Knockback is good for moving bots into pits/grinders or keeping things back if your team needs some time.


Engineer: The backbone to the team and my personal favorite. Unlike the 2fort match where you will sit and taunt, you actually have an active role in MvM. Always try to upgrade dispenser range first so that others can stray from your soda maching a little more. Get building health. Upgrading firing speed will increase your DPS. Use the wrangler, it's amazing at keeping it alive, increases your DPS and lets you hold fire/focus on certain targets. The rescue ranger is a godsend for busters and long range healing/hauling. Upgrade your metal so tthat you don't have to look for ammo mid match. Short circuit is valuable support. I don't recommend using Eureka Effect (although it will work wonders when you have some experience.) Don't bother with resistances on engineer. You'll usually be safe from damage.


Sniper: Useless class, they only camp and never play the objective. A good sniper (keyword: GOOD) will decimate hordes. Explosive headshots will deal significant damage and take out surronding bots. Get penetration if you don't use the bodyshotina. The hitman's is supposedly the best due to the focus mechanic. Use piss to support the team, slow bots and bring giants down faster. Using the bushwanker is nice. Buff Banner + Bushwanker will help take tanks down even faster due to every mini crit becoming a full crit.  Don't bother with resistances since you'll usually be in the back.


Medic: HEIL KRITLER! A valuable but not always necessary class ever since two cities. Most scrubs think a medic is mandatory for lower missions, too, but it's not. Medic was buffed more or less specifically for the bullet hell from Two Cities. Always get the shield and use it to protect teammates, the sentry and deal minor damage. Getting healing upgrades is amazing for fast revives, fast ubers and massive overheal. AS for the medigun ask: do we need damage? Use kritzqueef. Resistance and fast revives? Vaccinator. Fast heals and revives? Quick-Fix. NEVER POCKET THE HEAVY EXCLUSIVELY< HEAL EVERYONE.  Get some resists to improve your survible but other classes should protect you. Crossbow is nice. Synergize with other classes so that you can build uber by ubersawing busters and distracted giant robots.


Spy: CHANGE OR WE'LL KICK YOU As a guy who plays MvM spy, I can tell you that a spy is amazing. With maxed out armor penetration and attack speed, you can make quick work of any giant robot. The sapper? Amazing at COMPLETELY STOPPING ROBOTS. (Like when the horde of crit heavies appears, you freeze them , stab and carry one.) With the dead ringer (only watch you should use) you will be immortal. The big earner is a valuable knife here for spamming the DR. Never use the YER. Get resists. You can also take over the scout's money collecting duties or assist in finding cash that he can't get to in time. Uber canteens are good for survivng.

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Just try not to get kicked


Reasons of being kicked includes:

Playing sniper

Playing spy

Playing pyro at the wrong time

Doubling a class

Being a fag

Being a noob



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