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Poker Night at the Inventory

Santa Heavy

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I did not enjoy the first game.  Extremely repetitive and way too slow to enjoy the poker.


wish I kept the items though

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I did not enjoy the first game.  Extremely repetitive and way too slow to enjoy the poker.


wish I kept the items though

You're always welcome to buy em off me.

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First game was great. Played it ~40 hours I think and got all the achievements but one. Maybe I will get it one day.

Protip: If it bores you after a while listen to music (and run it in a window and do something else on your pc).^^

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Boring as hell.

The players are too predictable in their style and game play is way to slow.

I only played a few hours until I got all the item unlocks. Did not bother to try in hard mode after that.


If I want to play a game of poker just for fun, I rather play with playmoney at pokerstars. 100-500k Sit & Go mostly, as the cheaper buy-in games are often just people gambling.

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