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Future of Buds and Keys


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So recently as you all know, 

Back in the day:   Keys= 2.77-3 Ref
                            Buds= 27-28 Keys

Now:                     Keys= 4.55 Ref
                           Buds= 25 Keys

Future:                Keys= 20 Ref
                           Buds= 6 Keys

Is this really whats gonna happen? Or will the spike hit a point then drop back?


your future is hyperbole, right?  because no, that's not going to happen


lol buds were not 27-28 keys back when keys were 2.33 refined. Also I find your extrapolation to be rather poor using ratios established from your given data to predict the future. I'd like to know how keys doubling in price and buds only decreasing by 2-3 keys means that keys basically quadrupling in price would lead to a 19 key drop in the price in buds.


Bud price is mostly determined by their usefulness in the Unusual market. If a bud will buy you the same Unusual as 25 keys but 26 or 27 keys is considered better then that will be the price. If, however, buds start to only have the buying power of only 15-17 keys then the price will drop accordingly.


Very few people buy buds to actually wear them.


Very few people buy buds to actually wear them.


You can wear them? 


Bud price is mostly determined by their usefulness in the Unusual market. If a bud will buy you the same Unusual as 25 keys but 26 or 27 keys is considered better then that will be the price. If, however, buds start to only have the buying power of only 15-17 keys then the price will drop accordingly.


Very few people buy buds to actually wear them.

Anyone who wears buds or bills just wants to look rich. How can you get any uglier


Does anyone remember when Buds reached a peek of almost 30 keys, then crashed at like 18

They slowly went back up again


From what I've heard from older players, buds fluctuate regularly between 20 and 30 keys. I wouldn't read too much into it. . 


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