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Was trying to gather proof for a suggestion when....


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You can try price it by matching up the history instead?


I do that sometimes, but in this case it was a bit hard, also even if I didn't do that. His reaction was still pretty uncalled for

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always ask the previous sellers, most ppl react like him is because they think you lower their price. But he is the most unfriendly guy ive seen, normally ppl politely say no

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Funny, some guy treated me excact same way when I tried to get one sale from him. He insulted me and bp.tf. Why they even care about backpack.tf prices if they hate it lol

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Oh the kinds of hemroid-infested people you meet when you go about this community,


http://imgur.com/NmVO5v0 (for clearer image)

Heeey, I tried to buy something from that guy once. I never did, he got back to me too slow. Now I'm glad I didn't. XD

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Funny, some guy treated me excact same way when I tried to get one sale from him. He insulted me and bp.tf. Why they even care about backpack.tf prices if they hate it lol

Because they're hurt hurt five-year olds.


But, he's not entirely "wrong" Bptf is ultimately bad for unusuals as it leads to a constant devaluation due to overpay and people being stupid. And it makes trading annoying because it 'forces' people to care about a 1 scrap difference. Ultimately unusuals are too rare to accurately price as prices are highly subjective and based on averages (I.e. The more sales the more accurate prices are, and unusuals just don't get traded in a large enough volume). Plus Bptf fails to include how long an unusual takes to sell, was the offer rare/common and did the trade occur because the person wanted the other hat more, did he value the other hat more/less, did he think his hat was worth more but the new hat will be easier to sell/more stable/etc...


Tl;dr unusual price lists really don't work well.

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Because they're hurt hurt five-year olds.


But, he's not entirely "wrong" Bptf is ultimately bad for unusuals as it leads to a constant devaluation due to overpay and people being stupid. And it makes trading annoying because it 'forces' people to care about a 1 scrap difference. Ultimately unusuals are too rare to accurately price as prices are highly subjective and based on averages (I.e. The more sales the more accurate prices are, and unusuals just don't get traded in a large enough volume). Plus Bptf fails to include how long an unusual takes to sell, was the offer rare/common and did the trade occur because the person wanted the other hat more, did he value the other hat more/less, did he think his hat was worth more but the new hat will be easier to sell/more stable/etc...


Tl;dr unusual price lists really don't work well.

That's why I use outpost and recent sales to price an unusual

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you'd be amazed how often this happens, I always try to give tons of credit to people who are nice in my suggestions

There are a few reasons behind this

1. they dont understand that if they buy into a new effect, even if they pay full price, it WILL go down

2. they think that if the bp.tf price gets lowered, they lose profit, even though it's very likely that they paid under the price and want to maximize profit they wont get anyways (one guy added me he was so angry about my lowering the scorching buto to ~14, but he later sold for 13.5 pure)


best thing to do is block them (especially if you trade unusuals a lot), if lots of people do this then they'll have a limited market

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the thing with that is, they are not completely wrong.

not about being rude, but lowering an unusual price usually causes more lowballs

also, their inflated price helps making it more valuable

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Wait, back the fuck up.

The guy mentioned in the OP uses the site enough to care that I broke the trade calculator since he created a ticket about it a few days ago

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