Kevin the Chicken God Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 I recently took up Pokemon Emerald for the first time in sooooo many years I'm wondering who I should focus on leveling up first, since I'm a total nub (My team's utter garbage btw) Here's the team: LvL 17 Marshtomp LvL 9 Ralts LvL 10 Taillow LvL 10 Seedot LvL 11 Lotad (with Bullet Seed) LvL 4 Marill pls help
MajorNZ Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Probs should work on getting better Pokemon, but a good thing to go with depends on the next gym.
Seminal Inhalation Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 In order by priority; Marshtomp Taillow Lotad Ralts Seedot <--- should really dump this. Marill <---- should really dump this
cranwell96 Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Give up on the team and just use marshtomp the entire game(until you get rayquaza).
Aria Heavy-Hand Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 If it were me, I'd focus on your Seedot, since Shiftry is a pretty mean sweeper in that generation. If you're EV training, training it in Sp. Atk/Speed and making sure it has Chlorophyll can really work well with a Sunny Day user. Heat Rock on that can mean a nearly unstoppable Pokemon. Gardevoir is good too. I had a Taillow myself, and it was decent once I trained it in Attack/Speed.
Kevin the Chicken God Posted March 20, 2014 Author Posted March 20, 2014 You should dump Marill yeah, havent even used him yet x.x, Azumarill or whatever isnt even good
Kevin the Chicken God Posted March 20, 2014 Author Posted March 20, 2014 Give up on the team and just use marshtomp the entire game(until you get rayquaza). I've only leveled most of them up by starting them then subbing them out for Marshtomp my first move, the only two that can actually fight by themselves are Lotad and Taillow (against bug type)
ProPain Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Also, get a Shroomish and train it, Breloom is pretty good
Seminal Inhalation Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Also, get a Shroomish and train it, Breloom is pretty good Except when you get to the flying gym.............................................................................................................................................................bitch........................................................................................
Draco Blaze Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 2 Grass Types and 2 (Technically 3) Water Types? Why? Dump Seedot and Marill. They will be useless. When you get to Mossdeep City, get a Spheal. Ice ball is OP. The 6th member of the team should be either Anorith or Bagon once you get far enough to obtain either.
Curly Brace Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 yeah, havent even used him yet x.x, Azumarill or whatever isnt even good Defense Curl + Rollout tho. High HP stat with a large movepool.
ProPain Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Except when you get to the flying gym.............................................................................................................................................................bitch........................................................................................ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighttt.... Get an Electrike and train it for that. Manetric is badass
ProPain Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Imo your team in mid-late game should be: Gardevoir Swellow Breloom Swampert Manetric Linoone or Hariyama
CheddarZX Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 actually playing emerald on an emulator right now, zigzagoon makes a kick ass HM slave if you're into that sort of thing. he can learn cut, rock smash and surf and linoone can learn strength on top of that
CheddarZX Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 BIRD JESUS ༼ 㤠◕_◕ ༽㤠PRAISE HELIX ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
swaveboard SKREECH))) Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Get a full team of Magikarps and you will breeze through every gym and beat the elite 4 within a day.
scout608 Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 iv'e been doing the game all wrong by just using my starter and the main legendary pokemon for every game, haven't I?
stohpidarsesheet Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 I'd recommend Marshtomp (all-rounder, very balanced)! Love Pokemon (ãƒã‚±ãƒ¢ãƒ³å¤§å¥½ã) Go Go Pokomon
Shpiro Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 get a peckerchu peckerchu spawn use lighting attack good job peckerchu On a serious note, use a linoone as an HM slave. Aggron has massive attack and defense with a great movepool (Thunderbolt, earthquake, aerial ace, something else), kingdra isn't too bad either. Salamance is just a complete badass and will wreck pretty much everything you see with a good enough moveset. Abra---> Alakazam, available early on so you can work on evolving it, ludicolo has some nice coverage. Of course, rayquaza later on is pretty much the best. Skarmory is tank and is good if you give him steel wing, tropius is great for hm slaving as well. After beating the elite four, beldum to metagross just destroys. -END OF NERD- have fun!
Scott Bakula Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Abra---> Alakazam, available early on so you can work on evolving it, Except that requires trading. Without the ability to trade, Gardevoir is a better choice for a special sweeper. I'm trying to remember my main Gen III team. I think it was Blaziken, Gardevoir, Linoone, Pelipper, Electrode, and Hariyama.
Liddojunior Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 I recently took up Pokemon Emerald for the first time in sooooo many years I'm wondering who I should focus on leveling up first, since I'm a total nub (My team's utter garbage btw) Here's the team: LvL 17 Marshtomp STOP TRAINING. Focus on the others. LvL 9 Ralts TRAIN THIS. CANT EMPATHIZE THAT ENOUGH LvL 10 Taillow You need a flying type till you get trapinch. (It will be flying dragon and use fire moves.) LvL 10 Seedot DROP. LvL 11 Lotad (with Bullet Seed) You need this guy. Its finally evo is really good and with it you dont need marill or seedot. But drop it later for fossil pokemon. LvL 4 Marill Drop. You have a lotad and already have marshtomp. You need to balance your types. pls help The pokemon you find later will be better to train even if they are weaker at first. Aron! Bagon! Metagross's baby form! Getting pokemon with triple evos are usually the way to go. You won't need an HM slave in emerald like in previous games. Strength surf and fly are like the only needed hms and are very useful in battle. Just capture a wailord for dive when needed.
Ersin Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 yeah, havent even used him yet x.x, Azumarill or whatever isnt even good Azumarill is a great tank :\, yet he already haas a marshstomp. So i'd say he should his marill LvL 17 Marshtomp (Starters are always good ) LvL 9 Ralts (Great sweeper, but it needs a lot of exp to level up) LvL 10 Taillow (Good for now, change this to another flying type. Flygons or salamander is good ) LvL 10 Seedot (Dump) LvL 11 Lotad (As same as Taillow) LvL 4 Marill (Good, but as I said you already have marshstomp so you should dump it)
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