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Backpack.tf Suggestion acceptance time.


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1 hour ago, Rubobin said:

Why are some suggestions accepted within 4 hours and some aren't accepted for 3 months? 

Please explain. 

Yeah, it varies. I have had unusual suggestions accepted in an hour and I have had suggestions accepted in 4 months. I just bump the post if it takes 4 months though. The price mods do get around to it.

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I think a lot of factors play into it.


Verifying that there's no new sales

Verifying that there's no new items being created (for something like an event hat that could still be unboxable while the suggestion is pending)

Verifying that the sales are legit and there's no trade backs or faking


And then of course legitimately the fact that there's only a handful of price mods working on sometimes dozens of submissions hourly 24/7, it adds up. So could quite literally be a manpower thing at times.

I sympathize with u tho, sometimes my suggestions are so clean cut and still take a long time to be accepted. Sadly nothing you can do but wait, sorry!

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The best thing is if there is a 2 month old suggestion that you voted on but then something happens and they resuggest and that gets accepted in 2 hours and you had no time to vote again.

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