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Rainbow Reverie Brand Loyalist & Bewitched Bugs Sneaky Blinder Price Check?


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Unboxed both a week ago, looking to sell them but not sure how much to look for. Brand Loyalist sold for $150 twice on marketplace.tf, 2 days ago for $190 on mannco.store and has 60 key buy orders. 


Really unsure about the Sneaky Blinder. Think it's most likely around the 25-30 key mark but can't find anything else about it.



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That brand loyalist looks really good, I just reviewed it on loadout.tf.  Looking at the # in existence of the brand loyalist with that effect (55) it is the most common unusual effect for that hat.  I would suspect the price for this item/effect would go down over time with more unboxes but maybe not.  But it is a nice looking all class hat so maybe the price will remain steady?!

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