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Price Estimation: Strange Killstreak Huo-Long Heater + Parts.


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Hello, I was going through my recent trades and realized I've traded away a multiple part Huo-Long Heater with these parts: Spies Killed, Cloaked Spies Killed, and Burning Player kills. I fear that I've let a big ticket item slip away due to my own ineptitude. 


I'm a new trader, so it'd be nice if someone could help me out. :)

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strange huo long heaters are quite cheep (currently 10.22-10.33 ref) those parts wouldn't really add much to the huo

roughly 15+ ref each one

so they are not Big ticket items but with the bp size you have, I would consider them higher ticket

honestly your not loosing too much if you let them go for buyorder price


one thing to note:

Strange parts, paints, pro killstreak kits, warpaints and other appliable items besides name tags and description tags will loose roughly 40-95% of the appliable items value when applied 


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A normal Strange ks huo long usually costs about 30+ref, and spies kiled costs 3 keys (damn), but when attached, it costs like a fraction or 1/3 of the price it had b4. so id say its now nearing a key. cloaked spies killed on its own is just about 20+ref, but attached it wouuld bring that down alot. probs about 6-10 ref ish? about 30 ish ref for burning player kills, so id say 10-15 ref? but since its a good matching part for the huo lng, id say it would be a bit higher than that. so my best bet it would be like 1-1/2 of a key. dont take it from me though. i still suck a** at trading. wait till someone like russell or spoon gets here. lmao.


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if ya need one, here's a guide i found for best strange parts per weapon. but still selling strange parts in its entirity is better than attaching it. i recommend only attaching parts when you have a weapon you adore or a cool one, like an aussie. (except blutsauger and smg those suck). The guide: 


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how much did ya buy it for though? and how much did ya sell it for? maybe ya got scammed or smth.


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1 hour ago, Dementia Gaming said:

how much did ya buy it for though? and how much did ya sell it for? maybe ya got scammed or smth.


I actually haggled for it, got roughly 3 keys worth of items for the blizzard britches.

I gave it away to someone including a couple items totaling to what I thought was ~60 ref, but if your estimate is right, then probably around 90-115 ref or 1.5-1.91 keys. It's not a huge loss, though, because I got a Killstreak Dragon Slayer Scattergun out of it that's worth on low $2.10 and on high $3.50. That's roughly 1.4-2.3 keys. Which means I should've at least broke even. 

I do think it'll be easier to trade/sell the scattergun though, since it's a more popular primary. 

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Yeah, that's quite a bit off a loss :(
But the scattergun should be relatively easier to sell, but you can always sell it on the SCM andbuy keys off the SCM too, but i wouldnt recommend it. If ur gna sell the dragon slayer ks sg, try a starting price of 2 keys, since i just searched and the ks part lost alot of value since it was applied. try starting 2 keys then going to t least 1.5k+. but try the highest (and most resonable) price possible.


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Just now, Dementia Gaming said:

Yeah, that's quite a bit off a loss :(
But the scattergun should be relatively easier to sell, but you can always sell it on the SCM andbuy keys off the SCM too, but i wouldnt recommend it. If ur gna sell the dragon slayer ks sg, try a starting price of 2 keys, since i just searched and the ks part lost alot of value since it was applied. try starting 2 keys then going to t least 1.5k+. but try the highest (and most resonable) price possible.


AND ONE MORE THING! List ur item o backpack.tf for whatever price u want, and if you cant geta buyer soon enough either through listing or IG, try using the scrap.tf auctions. If you play the auctions right, you can get  a massive profit. just remember to ALMOST always high insta buy price on the auction, even better if none. because if its too low, people will bet lower. just psychology things ive noticed there.

Basically, Utilize diferent sites, haggle more for it, and if ya want, i can even broker for u. but stay determined dude. ❤️

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Yeah low tier items are hard to make profit on. At least it wasn't that big of a loss. Good luck though!

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