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Price Check - Legendary Lid: Rainbow Reverie


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I don't really know what this could comparably be priced to.

Plox halp

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somewhere around 500-800? iam not sure how much people like this effect but i put it in the lower end personally, if it stays 1/1 that might influence the price a bit as well, mountain halo is at 500 archanes web also sold for about 500-600 it is possible that it can get more if someone appreciates that effect enough, would reccomend just testing the market yourself list a bit high at 900 for example and lower the price by time, i would take 700-800 pure instantly tho

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I love that after every seasonal update we will see people asking for price checks, starting day 1. Congrats on the unbox, buddy. It's going to be fairly expensive.

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I would not actually create an asking price or accept any offers for at least a week. See what people are willing to do, and don’t get coerced into anything quick. Up to 1000 maybe?

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11 hours ago, absalonn said:

somewhere around 500-800? iam not sure how much people like this effect but i put it in the lower end personally, if it stays 1/1 that might influence the price a bit as well, mountain halo is at 500 archanes web also sold for about 500-600 it is possible that it can get more if someone appreciates that effect enough, would reccomend just testing the market yourself list a bit high at 900 for example and lower the price by time, i would take 700-800 pure instantly tho


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12 hours ago, Littlepudintater said:

No clue but if this fella adds you just block that shit 💯 https://steamcommunity.com/id/abcomputer/ 


thats some crazy stuff in his report. im glad people are giving awareness on whom they shouldnt trade it.


as for you,OP, the hat is usually a great hat and does go for high price. keep it for a few months. start ur offers perhaps 550 keys or higher. thx for asking help over here

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I just unboxed a wanderer’s wool today with this effect and also have no clue what I should sell it for. There’s a burning flames one selling for 130 keys. I have no clue what the other new effects are worth, but I assume it’s maybe worth more just because it’s new? Should I wait to sell until another one sells?


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