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Voices From Below Price rn?


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hey, im wondering, whats the average price of a strange voices from below cosmetic rn, not sure where to look to find out how much it is

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I would say 2 to 3 keys for VFB. I had a cloud 9 Prancer's Pride with VFB. I was able to sell it for about 15 keys in value or to be exact 12 keys and a midnight whirlwind Results are in.

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It depends on the demand.


More popular or rare item with VFB? 

Might be able to fetch upwards of 12+ keys.


Some meh misc item for one class?

Maybe 1 key, 3 if you're lucky.


In your case, the unique version of the unshaved bear with VFB is listed at 12 keys. So if you're lucky you can probably pull 25 or more for yours since its strange but you might end up waiting for a bit.


Or you could be a nutcase and list it for 60 keys or something and hope someone's desperate enough to buy it, you'd be the only seller afterall.


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OP ignore all the advice here, spells are only going up, ITS ON A STRANGE - everyone loves stranges. This can only go to the moon but you can get a headstart by listing for 1000 keys. If anyone says that's too much you block them, ok? Ignore the haters. Multiple people are going to lowball you but you tell them to shove it. In about 2 years you'll probably get an offer with 3 digits of keys and that's when you reveal, it was all a prank! It's actually worthless! But your mind game has set you up to receive 50x it's real value AND you suckered the poor guy who sent the trade into thinking he got an AMAZING deal.

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18 hours ago, FP jh34ghu43gu said:

OP ignore all the advice here, spells are only going up, ITS ON A STRANGE - everyone loves stranges. This can only go to the moon but you can get a headstart by listing for 1000 keys. If anyone says that's too much you block them, ok? Ignore the haters. Multiple people are going to lowball you but you tell them to shove it. In about 2 years you'll probably get an offer with 3 digits of keys and that's when you reveal, it was all a prank! It's actually worthless! But your mind game has set you up to receive 50x it's real value AND you suckered the poor guy who sent the trade into thinking he got an AMAZING deal.

Lol I got a Chromatic Corruption on a Strange Apparition's Aspect for 13 keys, it was a lucky buy?

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20 hours ago, Ears4you107 said:

bruh heres the point, i got a strange vfb unshaved bear, and im not sure hot much it should go for


Guess you didn't read what I wrote, non-stranges with VFB are at 12 keys listed atm.


You could've listed for 25-30 if you were fine with sitting on it, but it looks like you sold it for fractions of that price.


Oh well.

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1 hour ago, Saylen said:


Guess you didn't read what I wrote, non-stranges with VFB are at 12 keys listed atm.


You could've listed for 25-30 if you were fine with sitting on it, but it looks like you sold it for fractions of that price.


Oh well.

Used too much word, 10 or less for these people.

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14 hours ago, FP jh34ghu43gu said:

Used too much word, 10 or less for these people.

And by that, you actually mean 10 characters (including spaces)

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14 hours ago, LSO said:

And by that, you actually mean 10 characters (including spaces)

oh HaHa, 
I sold it before I got a chance to see what he sent, and I can totally admit now im full of regret bruh 

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2 hours ago, Ears4you107 said:

and fucking great, the guy is selling it for quad times the amount i sold it to him for

I bet he saw your post and took his opportunity to lowball you. And then read the responses for a price range.


You done goofed son

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You should have mentioned what you actually owned at the beginning instead of asking for average prices of vfb cosmetics

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