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Basic rundown on API?

Weenie scrub Juniors

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Hi All! 


Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. I am trying to get the web API to work for a small project (college) and I am running into some issues with the price history API and would love to see some examples. Essentially I would like to see a general example (obviously with the key scrubbed/deleted) for a general price history search. Thank you! Essentially if somone could show me how to fill this in once that would be awesome! 




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  • 4 weeks later...

appid - game id (440 for tf2)
item - item base name (for C# you can use Uri.EscapeDataString(ItemName) to convert "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" to "Mann%20Co.%20Supply%20Crate%20Key")
quality - item quality 
 Qualities, that i know:
                Normal = 0
                Genuine = 1
                Vintage = 3
                Unusual = 5
                Unique = 6
                Self-Made = 9
                Strange = 11
                Collector = 14
                Decorated Weapon = 15
priceindex - only for unusual items. 

Link for Mann Co. Supply Crate Keyhttps://backpack.tf/api/IGetPriceHistory/v1?appid=440&item=Mann Co. Supply Crate Key&quality=6&tradable=Tradable&craftable=Craftable&priceindex=0&key=YOUR_API_KEY

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/21/2022 at 5:03 PM, Crab_Bot said:

appid - game id (440 for tf2)
item - item base name (for C# you can use Uri.EscapeDataString(ItemName) to convert "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" to "Mann%20Co.%20Supply%20Crate%20Key")
quality - item quality 
 Qualities, that i know:
                Normal = 0
                Genuine = 1
                Vintage = 3
                Unusual = 5
                Unique = 6
                Self-Made = 9
                Strange = 11
                Collector = 14
                Decorated Weapon = 15
priceindex - only for unusual items. 

Link for Mann Co. Supply Crate Keyhttps://backpack.tf/api/IGetPriceHistory/v1?appid=440&item=Mann Co. Supply Crate Key&quality=6&tradable=Tradable&craftable=Craftable&priceindex=0&key=YOUR_API_KEY

Responce looks like that:


Hi! exist the chance to check strange unusuals?


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On 4/14/2022 at 8:29 PM, ElspyLech 📱✔ ⇌ said:

Hi! exist the chance to check strange unusuals?


With IGetPriceHistory? No

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/16/2022 at 12:28 AM, Zeus_Junior said:

With IGetPriceHistory? No

Of course you can, just put "Strange Unusual" in the quality field

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6 hours ago, Brom127 said:

Of course you can, just put "Strange Unusual" in the quality field

Since both their examples had qualities as IDs I forgot that text also works woops

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  • 1 year later...

I know this thread is like 2 years old but does it work for strange professional weapons? for this link [REDACTED], it showed me the stats of just a strange kunai

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51 minutes ago, sexydwarf69 said:

I know this thread is like 2 years old but does it work for strange professional weapons? for this link-backpack.tf/api/IGetPriceHistory/v1?appid=440&item=Professional%20Killstreak%20Conniver%27s%20Kunai&quality=11&key=, it showed me the stats of just a strange kunai


First off, you just posted your API key in that example. Revoke it here https://backpack.tf/developer/apikey/view get a new one and don't post it publicly.


As for your question, backpack.tf doesn't price killstreak items, it just pulls prices from SCM and converts them to keys. I assume bp doesn't store those prices anywhere, so there's no price history for the API to pull.

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