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Charged´s SFM Comms


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I didnt know than this existed so i want to say that i do comms [duh]
IF YOU WANT TO BUY A COMM THEN ADD ME IN DISCORD  Charged#7186 OR STEAM  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198442556032 

I HAVE 3K HOURS IN SFM  [and you can buy as many as you want]

-Every Model/Map/particle (only if its in SFMLab, SFM Workshop, or GMOD) [No Extra Charge]
-Unusuals / Killstreaks [No Extra Charge, and you can put as many as you like]
-Promotional images (YT Thumbnails, Trading Images, etc) [No Extra Charge]

-I can change my style to fit the client needs [No Extra Charge]
-Fetish [No Extra Charge]
-Scenebuild [No Extra Charge]

-Photoshop [No Extra Charge]

I have some reputation with the discord community, not just backpack, but others like BIg Joey Community, or Bearded Expense, TF2 Community, etc


POSTERS: 1 Key 15 Ref
[NSFW] 3 Keys
Profile Pics: 45 Ref
Discord Emotes/Stickers [20 ref per package of 5 emotes]

How its the payment?:
Well i accept almost everything, BUT NO KS FABRICATORS OR PARTS PLEASE, its a pain in the ass to try to get rid of that
I accept STEAM GAMES as payment too, KS, real low tier unusuals if you want to buy a lot of stuff from me, Hats, Skins, Warpaints,etc

You talk with me, to know exactly what you want, and then we discuss a bit, to see if we can do it better, i start to work, and when i send the first screenshot, showing advances, you pay or i will take you to the shadow realm

and i keep working, while doing this, if i consider than you should see advances, i would send you some
And when its finished, well i will send it to you





buenos dias culona.png





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