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Is this BP.tf top 3 suggester?


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It is a normal question to ask about your sales for suggestion purposes. If you don’t want to go back months of trade history that is fine.

But both of you overreacted. 

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It's probably someone just impersonating them. (If not, Jesus Christ)You can't get banned for not showing someone your trade history, dw.

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Does not seem to be an impersonator lmfao. You had a reasonable reaction tbh, if I didn't know anything about suggestions or such id have said basically the same.

Last part is really funny with the ego being shown off.


For the same reason I never give out my sales, I hate dealing with stuff like this.

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like zeus_junior said, you overreacted first and then he blew up in the end. not a big deal if u dont wanna show him. just unfriend and unblock. 


but to answer ur question its pretty normal. i've asked random people who have brought same unusual as me more recently for a screenshot of their trade and couple happily complied and other said no so i took their word for it. i think its nice if u do go that far but not needed but doesnt warrant a ban.

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luckily I'm not that aggressive for trade screenshots since it's rare for me to do that (unless it's really needed). If you don't want to find the trade, that's fine. I'm not forcing you to do that. but if you do, great!


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5 hours ago, Zeus_Junior said:

If you don’t want to go back months of trade history that is fine.

Problem. He doesn't have to. I already told him to use the detailed history so he can just get the correct date in 2 clicks, I stand by the fact that he is indeed an toxic idiot 😄

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5 hours ago, Vincentius said:

Last part is really funny with the ego being shown off.

You're the one to talk about ego, but whats wrong with fighting fire with fire? If he's toxic so be it, Ill follow suit.

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5 hours ago, crazypro1170 said:

You can't get banned for not showing someone your trade history, dw.

Yeah I don't get the ban part too, but I assume its the same reason why tons of people confuse me for a price mod, altho being a dumbass towards an actual price mod wouldn't get a ban either so I'm just at a loss

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Guess I’m a toxic idiot for not knowing you your highness. Getting called a “weird guy” must’ve got your panties all twisted.

Boo hoo I disrespected you because I don’t know how to use a site you “suggest” on. Could’ve just started the conversation with “hi I suggest prices on bp, you mind telling me what you bought your G.E crones for” instead of following up your temper tantrum with “your lack of knowledge into what suggesting is”


no shit I don’t know what suggesting is, I don’t spend my day staring at a screen and harassing randos online for a living.

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