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Question: What terms are there for team fortress 2 trading and what do they mean?


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Assuming it works like pretty much every other game with virtual items works, you technically don't "own" any of the items you obtain in game. They're "licensed" to you and valve can revoke that license at any time if they wish. Valve isn't responsible in any way for your items and makes no promises about them. Legally tf2 items have no real world value and Valve has no responsibility for anything done outside of the steam trade window. This means that valve could take away your items for any reason and you would have no recourse.


Practically speaking though, your items are yours and you can do what you want with them. You can trade them for cash, on other websites, etc. and Valve won't come after you. Just keep in mind there's no protection for anything you trade outside of the steam window, so if you lose items to a scam Valve won't replace them. Also keep in mind that, while you do own the items, Valve can still just shut down TF2 if they wanted to and you'd have no way to get your items/money back. Though this isn't in their best interest for multiple reasons so it is unlikely to happen like that out of the blue.

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qs - quicksell usually means >15% off the "price"

qb - buying quicksells

bunch of spell abbreviations like vfb voices from below

bunch of effect abbreviations like dbd death by disco

scm - steam community market

backpack usually refers to backpack.tf in most context

scrap to scrap.tf

mp - marketplace.tf

overpay - paying extra (usually >5%, depends on person and how much the item is) for not using pure (ref, keys, aussies depending on who you ask)

undercut - listing your item for slightly less than the current lowest seller

overcut - buying items for slightly more than the current highest seller


All I can think of right now

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5 minutes ago, FP jh34ghu43gu said:

qs - quicksell usually means >15% off the "price"

qb - buying quicksells

bunch of spell abbreviations like vfb voices from below

bunch of effect abbreviations like dbd death by disco

scm - steam community market

backpack usually refers to backpack.tf in most context

scrap to scrap.tf

mp - marketplace.tf

overpay - paying extra (usually >5%, depends on person and how much the item is) for not using pure (ref, keys, aussies depending on who you ask)

undercut - listing your item for slightly less than the current lowest seller

overcut - buying items for slightly more than the current highest seller


All I can think of right now

There’s also 1:1 meaning 1 of 1 in existence and 1:2 meaning 1 of 2 in existence etc


Also I think dbd is usually used for disco beat down not death by disco

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sharking: convincing someone that an item is worth less than how much it actually is and purchasing it from them, very poorly received by traders if one chooses to do this. mostly used on newer traders that are unaware

duped items: items that are duplicated via glitch, patched a while ago but duped items still flow around. some traders will pay less for duped items

sweets: random bonus items added in trades to "sweeten the deal"


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I'm dumb, I assumed OP meant terms as in terms and conditions lol


What I said above still holds true but, let me add something at least a bit useful to this thread:


pure - keys

mixed - an offer containing both keys and items, usually used when a meaningful amount of keys are included in the offer

dbd - disco beat down

d@d/dad - death at dusk

mg/glory - morning glory

bf/sf - burning flames/scorching flames

ToD - tour of duty ticket

fn/mw/ft/ww/bs - factory new/minimal wear/field tested/well worn/battle scared

qs misc - quick switch misc - item that's not a misc but can be worn as one through the quick switch bug

tw/gbh - time warp/green black hole

ps/es - power surge/electro static

ge/pe - green energy/purple energy

craft number - generally refers to low craft number, back in the day the first 100 of certain items crafted would have the order in which they were crafted applied to the name

HOUWR - hat of undeniable wealth and respect

hg - haunted ghosts

e.o.fire - eerie orbiting fire

upgrades - when someone trades a multiple lower value unusuals for a higher value unusual, can involve the person with lower value unusuals overpaying for the higher value unusual

downgrades - when someone is selling a higher value unusual for a bunch of lower value unusuals, can involves the person with the higher value unusual taking less in lower tier unusuals that are easier to sell

1st/2nd/3rd gen - refers to the generation of effects, check the unusual page on the TF2 wiki to see what effects those consist of


There are more I'm forgetting, and a lot of these apply to unusual trading but hopefully it helps make sense of what is being said in trade servers

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18 minutes ago, SoundDrout said:

There’s also 1:1 meaning 1 of 1 in existence and 1:2 meaning 1 of 2 in existence etc

1:1 can also mean 1 for 1 depending on the context, though 1 of 1 is the most common meaning

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1 hour ago, SoundDrout said:

Also I think dbd is usually used for disco beat down not death by disco

and this is why it's the stupid one I think people should stop using along with death at dusk

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2 hours ago, FP jh34ghu43gu said:

qs - quicksell usually means >15% off the "price"

qb - buying quicksells

bunch of spell abbreviations like vfb voices from below

bunch of effect abbreviations like dbd death by disco

scm - steam community market

backpack usually refers to backpack.tf in most context

scrap to scrap.tf

mp - marketplace.tf

overpay - paying extra (usually >5%, depends on person and how much the item is) for not using pure (ref, keys, aussies depending on who you ask)

undercut - listing your item for slightly less than the current lowest seller

overcut - buying items for slightly more than the current highest seller


All I can think of right now


anyone saying it's "buy order" needs to go to a psychologist

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20 hours ago, Nickman said:

I'm dumb, I assumed OP meant terms as in terms and conditions lol

Nah i fr thought the same, i was one of the first to read the topic and i just went "what" and closed the page lmao

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