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Ethereal Essence Mister Bones


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You can't make a suggestion for 400 when sellers look like this




Where is the proof of these '400 key sales'?

The fact that you are also the first hat for sale in the above screenshot is quite odd

11 minutes ago, LaughingLollipop said:

You can't make a suggestion for 400 when sellers look like this




Where is the proof of these '400 key sales'?

The fact that you are also the first hat for sale in the above screenshot is quite odd

SOld for 400 = worth 400 bro????W!!! Cant you understand hes quickselling very good deal!!?


Lets assume the dude at 250 was a quicksell, but then you lost yours for 245 and now that’s the market price. If you had waited for his to sell you might have actually gotten close to 400


Nah nah guys

im not going to sell it for 400 I’m just catch understand how’s is going for 400 or around that 

suggesters can check the sale in history


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