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Is sending a one-sided counter offer an acceptable way to decline a trade?


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I have done the following "technique" many times and I wanted to know if this feels unfair / scammy to members of the TF2 trading community. If I receive an offer that I don't want to accept, I will create a counter offer with all of my items removed. In the text box of the trade, I'll put the reason why I declined.


For example, I received a trade offer today where the other party offered three very expensive and illiquid items for a couple of high value items on my end. My classifieds description explicitly states "Mixed is fine if spicy, but item ratios greater than 25% aren't considered.", but the other user offered me items only. My response was to create a counter offer where I removed the items on my end, but I kept their end in tact. I copy pasted the quoted message and sent the trade offer. Do y'all consider this to be acceptable.


Let me make this clear in advance. If the user would accept this one-sided offer by mistake, I'd not hesitate to return their items. The offer is not intended as a serious offer, merely a way to communicate back to the sender.


Thank you for your stances and opinions :)

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I've done this a couple of times too. In my opinion, it's better than straight up declining an offer because you're giving them the opportunity to counter with what you want (or at least close to what you want). There was this one case though where the person I was countering interpreted the counter trade as being legit and got a bit pissed about it.

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You can do whatever you want to do


It sounds like you want to waste your time by sending out offers instead of clicking decline


Wouldn't really be my first choice, but you do you

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That's going to depend on the individual you are sending the offer to. Some people might understand your reasoning, others might take it the wrong way.


When dealing with trade offers, you're probably better off just declining the trade, or sending a reasonable counter offer. If you feel the need to explain yourself, you can always comment on their profile, or a public screenshot.

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IMO it's fine if you provide a legit reason in the text box but if you send it back with nothing / add a snarky comment then it's a bit of a dick move, especially the latter.

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Heres my situation to cross compare- I had a guy lowballing me multiple times with his just awful offer of like the same hat/tidbits included for multiple of my items seperately. By the end of it I was sick of receiving his ass offers so just kept countering with exactly what you've listed. I would normally do it with general offers but hell, this guy deserved it for sure. Wouldn't understand at all. Funniest part was he could literally fulfill my asking prices with his pure etc just refused to do it.

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20 minutes ago, RockSolidWood said:

Heres my situation to cross compare- I had a guy lowballing me multiple times with his just awful offer of like the same hat/tidbits included for multiple of my items seperately. By the end of it I was sick of receiving his ass offers so just kept countering with exactly what you've listed. I would normally do it with general offers but hell, this guy deserved it for sure. Wouldn't understand at all. Funniest part was he could literally fulfill my asking prices with his pure etc just refused to do it.


there is a block option for stuff like this


I find it quite satisfying

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6 minutes ago, LaughingLollipop said:


there is a block option for stuff like this


I find it quite satisfying

I mean yeah ofc I could've blocked him. But I guess I just couldn't be bothered or something. Maybe I forgot?

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PERMANENT blocking is a bad idea.

The day might come when the blocked dude gets enough keys to make fair deals.

Then, you will have blocked a good buyer.

 I say just block for a while, then unblock. Rinse and repeat.

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