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Price Check on an Strange Unusual


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I've been holding on for this unusual for a year or so, recently I have been thinking of selling it and I would like to know a rough estimate of what I should price it at.

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4 hours ago, jimbo2 said:

I've been holding on for this unusual for a year or so, recently I have been thinking of selling it and I would like to know a rough estimate of what I should price it at.

I also would say 40-45. I dont see a normal green energy one getting any more than 30 to 35, seeing how low tier of a hat this is. Purple energy had a failed price suggestion at 32, and similar buy orders.

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Really depends on the demand of the hat. If it was like a crones or something really meta-use then hell they would charge out the ass for something like that. Benefit to yours though, effect is good, hat is meh. But, it depends on the upsell of the owner how much you could really get...


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