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Pro Ks Jag -sell separately or apply?


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I bought a pro ks jag fab for 5 keys, should i sell it as a kit on scm or  apply on my pumpkin bombs jag and then sell it on scm/scrap auction/backpack classifieds?

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Sell seperately - every time.

Generally the only time the two parts applied will be worth more than the two seperate would be when there was a bug/limited time that allowed for them to be applied (such as an air strike strangifier on a war painted air strike, long distance kills on a big earner, paint on an unpaintable item etc)

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Ahhh I have to be the Devil's Advocate here and say that your Jag would probably attract more people if it was Pro KS.


I don't think it would be the worst idea to apply it, but in 99% of other scenarios its always better to sell seperately.

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1 hour ago, DRIFTA said:

that makes it even worse lol, nobody wants a unique jag

See but this is what I was saying, it already has the pumpkin bomb spell on it.


Regular Jag's w/ Pumpkin Bombs are currently selling for 3 keys.

Professional Killstreak Jag's w/ Pumpkin Bombs are currently selling for 9 keys. (Although note that one seller at 10 keys is double spelled, so more likely the Pro is worth around 8-9 Keys if these asking prices are accurate)

Link is here Classifieds - backpack.tf


So in the end it's really up to you. The margins for the profit of your Jag really doesn't change much if you put the Killstreaker on it or not.


Personally I think at this point I would just keep the Jag as my own Halloween weapon (or sell for 3~ keys ;) ) and sell the Killstreak on its own.



EDIT:: Fire Horns is also a God-Tier Killstreaker. Regardless of what you do, make sure you don't quick sell it since that's probably the most desireable one


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