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Long Distance Big Earner pricing advice


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Hey guys,


I own one of the Big Earners with the 'Long-Distance Kills' strange part applied. For those who don't know, on release there was a period of a few hours where it was possible to add the strange part to the weapon before it was hotfixed.

To my understanding there were 5 or 6 others that were made during this time. I'm not sure what happened to the others, but I crafted mine and have owned it ever since.


I am interested in selling it but to my knowledge there isn't any historical pricing info, so I'm not sure where to start. I also appreciate there is an extremely small market for something that is both pretty valuable and something of a curiosity.


Does anyone have any suggestions for pricing this, or if there are any similar items which have been sold in the past?


Thanks in advance

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Lol as soon as I saw this I immediately thought of HACK THE GIBSON, and then I look down and see that HACK THE GIBSON's on the page already alskjdklaskljglkjsad


It really doesn't have a price floor nor ceiling, but it definitely is very expensive. VERY rough estimate, but maybe 50 keys? That's around where I saw Painted Pencil pushers selling at, so it seems rather reasonable for a 1:5 limited strange part glitch.

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Seems very VERY niche, but hell, there will always be a buyer for items like that, I probably have a couple people on my friends list somewhere that would be gagging for something like that, idk. 

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18 hours ago, Wendell said:

I have had you added for almost a month now about your Big Earner which you completely ignored me



Thanks for letting me know! Honestly I have ignored my friend requests and notifications on Steam for some time after years of scam attempts etc.. Apologies for that, wasn't intentional to ignore you.


Appreciate the responses as well everyone

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